Hey Cerebron,
i have EXACTLY the same problem like you!!!
Today i received an update for the game and since I got it the game freezes completely when im pressing RB (V.A.T.S.)
Equal which weapon I use, or in which location i am.... it FREEZES.
I hope that this will be fixed SOON, because playing FallOut without the V.A.T.S.... is like having six without a women
@Cerebron... some nice guys in a xbox360-board told me to clenup the cache an that helped me :thumbsup:
Go to:
Console-Settings ---> memory ---> press "Y" ---> cleanup cache
That will delete the "bad" update and you can use your VATS again.
If you have an older Dashboard update:
Console-Settings ---> memory ---> press "Y" ---> X, X, LB, RB, X, X