1. What exactly is homosixual about precisioned aiming?
2. Not really, I don't like it that much but I am also not a FPS gamer, I don't have good reflexes, at all. So when a feral ghoul charges towards me I need the extra help with aiming because of their frantic speed and animations.
1.I lolled
2.Shotguns can be used in that situations as they have much spread.
You're allowed to not like it, but other people are allowed to like it.
I agree that V.A.T.S is pretty much a set of training wheels, but other people will disagree with me on that, and it's fine.
Um, this seems like a fine place to insert a good old fashioned "that's *your* opinion" statement. Others like to use it, sometimes or even often. Just because you don't like something, doesn't mean squat whether someone else will or not. Let them try it and decide for themselves what they think about it. If it turns out they don't like to use it, then they won't. But if it turns out they do like to use it sometimes, then good for them too. I don't use it all that much except for situations where you're suddenly mobbed by multiple tough enemies at close range, or for throwing explosives. It's great in both of those circumstances, in my opinion.
Exactly i was just telling you my opinion on it

(like a boss)