After you complete the survey I'd like to ask you two questions
1) Please elaborate on the above choices to explain in what situations you make use of VATS if at all
2) Why do you suppose your VATS usage has changed from FO3 to FONV if at all
As for my answers: I usually only use VATS in FONV for in-your-face fights for any shooting weapon or when I want to kill a single enemy when surrounded by many others in close/medium range fights but beyond that I hardly use it. When I'm meleeing I will usually use VATS in every fight. I use VATS waaaaay less often than I did in FO3 and my best guess as to why would be because FO3 had more indoor fights, such as tunnels and sewers, and a different sneak attack mechanic as far as how you were detetcted when using non-silenced weapons which together meant I was sneak attacking everything all the time with all kinds of weapons from melee to assault rifles. With FONV not only is it much harder to get multiple sneak attacks on multiple enemies without a silenced weapon, most of your fights are outdoors in the open making sneaking and sniping more of a challenge
which kinda stinks as I missed VATS, but don't get me wrong: FONV has destroyed any and all urge to play FO3 ever again for me. I just wish FONV had more dank and dark indoor places for me to skulk around and kill things in