Is Vault 111 built like a submarine?

Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 6:13 pm

Look again at the post-war shot of the outside of vault 111 where we can see the dog. Notice how the lift-shaft going down to vault level actually looks like a submarine hatch. Also, note that the red wheel on the lift controls looks like the ones used to seal off different areas inside a submarine. This would certainly make sense when viewed alongside all of the other naval references in the game, such as the pictures and the flag in the player house, the proximity to Charlestown Navy Yard, and of course the revamped USS Constitution we see in the trailer.
In addition to this, if we look again at the outside of the vault door, apart from the huge number 111 in the centre, we can see 4 areas with writing on them. At the top-right of the door we see the words "PURGE VALVE", and next to this it says "DANGER! TAMPERING MAY LEAD TO LOSS OF LIFE". On the left of the door are the words "VAULT-TEC SOCIETAL PRESERVATION PROGRAMME", which even further supports the idea of cryogenics, and most importantly, near the bottom of the door it says "WARNING: PRESSURIZED - STAND 10 METRES BACK DURING INITIAL PURGE BELL, DO NOT APPROACH UNTIL ALL CLEAR".
From all of this, especially the warning message, we can safely assume that the vault contains a number of compression chambers, one of which would be the area inside the vault behind the main door, the same area we find the dead scientist. Other areas would include the main vault area and the lift-shaft. This ties in with all of the silver flexible ducting we see, similar to that used in industrial air-conditioning systems, and also the yellow pipes at surface level that appear to have some kind of pressure-valve at the end.
Taking this a step further, we can then also assume that atmospheric control plays a vital part in the success of the cryogenic process. The inside of the vault will most likely have to be maintained at very high pressure levels, similar to those found at the bottom of the sea. If this is the case, the scientist with the Pip-Boy, who's skeleton in on the floor next to the controls for the vault door, must have been killed by massive overpressure before he was able to get into the main vault. The re-pressurization would have been triggered by the last person going through the inner-door to the main area of the vault, who then sealed the door to keep them all safe from the bombs, but ended up trapping and subsequently killing the scientist.
EDIT: the red wheel on the surface is used to depressurize the lift-shaft to allow people to enter the main vault level.
Here is an update on the possible 'submarine'/cryogenics connection inside vault 111:
  • The vault is built around the concept of a submarine, and is designed to maintain extremely high pressure levels
  • There are 4 separate zones: the lift-shaft, the vault door area, the access-level, and then the vault itself
  • Each zone is maintained at progressively higher pressure levels, similar to how pressure increases with ocean depth
  • This progression would allow the integrity of the vault to be maintained, with the lowest pressure near surface level
  • The scientist we see died in zone 2 - the door area. This is where we find the Pip-Boy on our way out of the vault
  • The cryogenic pods are at base level, where the pressure would be similar to that of being on the sea-bed
  • The extreme pressure levels would stop blood from crystallizing as temperatures rapidly drop well below zero
  • Under these conditions, all cell activity would stop, effectively halting the ageing process
  • Over an extended time-frame, the slightest imperfection in any given pod would result in a breach of the outer shell
  • If this occurred, whoever was in the pod at the time would be killed instantly as their body is crushed
  • Any pods that are correctly pressurised would be capable of supporting stasis almost indefinitely
  • The only pods that remain intact for the duration are those of our protagonist, and of his family
  • Our protagonist is brought out of stasis after a system failure causes the vault to return to surface conditions

EDIT: just to clarify, there are design elements that suggest similarities, I do not literally mean that vault 111 could be used as a submarine

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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 9:04 am

Could this tie into why the guy was gasping and [censored] when he came out of the vault?

Also. Can my submarine vault be yellow?

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Cat Haines
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 10:29 pm

One guy left, from the yellow submarine... the yellow submarine...

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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 7:53 pm

This could certainly explain why he catches his breath when he reaches the surface. Notice also that the top of the lift-shaft is sealed by some kind of blast door until just before he emerges. The level of the blast door, relative to the top of the lift-shaft, corresponds with the 'gap' we can a few feet below the surface in the post-war scene of the trailer. This suggests that even inside the lift-shaft, the air pressure is different to that outside.

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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 1:17 pm

I think I just figured out what the red wheel is actually for! It attaches to a valve used to depressurize the lift-shaft, so that the vault inhabitants can then go down to the main vault level. This ties in with the yellow pipes we see around the lift area that will be used to quickly expel air during the depressurization. As I said earlier, the writing on the vault door suggests that when we access the door controls, the area immediately behind the door is also depressurized, and the door then opens so we can go through. The last area is the inside of the vault itself, which will be through a third door (similar to the sealed pressure-doors inside a submarine). This will be where we find the cryogenic pods. As I suggested earlier, once our 5 survivors have entered the main part of the vault, one of them seals the inner-door shut, trapping the scientist outside in the area between the two doors. This air pressure in this area is then rapidly increased to seal the vault door, and the scientist is killed.

If this is correct, then it also confirms my theory that no-one was actually inside the vault prior to our 5 survivors and the scientist getting in. If anyone else was already down there, the air pressure would have killed them.

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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 7:47 am

When you see yellow pipes or valves, that means pressurized air. All gases in the US have a color identification. Oxygen is green and so on. You need the vault to be pressurized because of the cold temperatures. High pressure prevents the formation of ice at very cold temperatures. This is something I've been saying since day one of the trailer.

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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 7:21 pm

This ties in very nicely with the above theory then, and it also pretty much rules out anything involving 'lots of survivors' going down into the vault. The high pressure would prevent our survivor's from being turned into ice-cubes during cryostasis, and the pre-requisite to depressurize before entry means there was only one trip down, which was immediately after the blast.

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Caroline flitcroft
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 9:21 am

Pink Submarine > Yellow Submarine.

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Izzy Coleman
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 9:38 am

Just figured out that the security guard makes it into the vault as well. So that leaves us with the protagonist and their family, 2 of the civilians we see above the vault, the scientist and finally the security guard. This makes a total of 7 people.

EDIT: the security guard is required for plot purposes.

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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 9:03 pm

What, you mean for a 10mm pistol?

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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 3:01 pm

Positive pressure inside ensures nothing gets in, even if there's a small leak.

You don't need a lot of pressure to do this.
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Gemma Flanagan
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 4:38 pm

The high pressure would of course ensure that nothing breaches the vault, but there is another far more important reason.

Extreme high-pressure stops water from expanding as it freezes, and every cell in the human body is around 70% water.

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An Lor
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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 12:13 am

Let's just say that the scientist, the security guard, and even the 2 civilians each have their own part to play in what happens inside the vault.

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Ann Church
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 11:59 am

It's certainly a good theory.

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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 10:14 pm

Thank you. I've been working on this since the trailer was first shown, and I think I've even managed to figure out how they get out of the vault and a lot of what comes after.

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Justin Bywater
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 6:13 pm

When i read the title i was like Huh, but looking at your theory it does make sense. Why else would there be a lift and then a separate vault door, instead of just the standard cave and vault door like in FO3 and all other games. I like the idee about the scientist too, could be he got stuck there during the closing of the vault and either died of asphyxiation, hunger or thirst, or even by suicide using the 10mm gun.

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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 7:38 am

In the town, where I was born, blown to hell, as far as I can see...

But I carried on my life, in the land, blown to smithereens.

So we walked under the sun, met a dog, happy as can be.

Now we fight against the waves, of enemies in our T-51b...

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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 8:17 am

This theory really makes a lot of sense...

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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 11:21 pm

How does this theory make sence? Vault tec - builder of underground fallout bunkers - would all of a sudden build a submarine underground? I assumed that vault 111's experiment was something like preservation or cryogenics considering your character has survived 200 years. Maybe it was pressurised as an assurance no radiation, bacteria, mutagens or the like got in and contaminated their pre-war preserved humans..
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Natalie Harvey
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 8:52 pm

I think he/she (the OP) would only like to point out that Vault 111 is built like a submarine, not entirely a real submarine, and he coupled it with the theory that our character is cryogenised...

So, yes, he/she only pointed out that the Vault 111 is pressurised like a submarine in order to support human cryogenesis...

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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 11:58 pm

As someone who used to work in freezers, I can concur that there is certainly a certain amount of pressurization in those things...

Also, F--- you, Sam's Club, my middle finger raised.

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Laura Tempel
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 3:41 pm

Well you are near a coastline. They may have figured the apocalypse would cause that area to flood which is why the vault entrance is designed unlike the others that we see.

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Jon O
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 6:16 pm

If I recall, according to Fallout 2, the vaults were designed as a means to study various elements and challenges posed by space travel, as before the war, it was the Enclave's intention to colonise another planet, studying such things as radiation exposure, demographic imbalance and isolation for prolonged periods, given that space travel would take thousands of years to get to the next star system. For Vault 111, I guess was to test how cryostasis will last over a prolonged period - both the subjects and the equipment (you don't want to get to the 50 year mark and start to suffer critical system failures), and how it effects different demographics (men, women, infants, let's pretend Mrs Neighbourino was in the pudding club). This form of cryostasis would be compared in direct comparison to Vault 112's stasis experiment where the cost benefit anolysis of 111's infrastructure intensive form of stasis, compares to the more self contained virtual reality units that stimulate the mind but the body weakens (I imagine, given a pod's presence in Anchorage, that these pods were in fairly common existance but the long term effects were relatively unknown and unstudied).

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James Baldwin
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 11:39 pm

And Van Buren's Boulder Dome is exactly what you described here. Dr Presper and Coleridge were both to be from the pre war years, placed in cold storage at Boulder Dome and awoke many years later, joined the NCR then betrayed them. Both have pipboys in the game.

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Judy Lynch
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 8:52 pm

The deep diving submersibles are pressurized, I believe......but military submarines are not. The pressure on the inside is pretty much normal, outside is quite a bit higher at the ususal operating depths. For an amusing discussion of that, watch the scene in "Down Periscope" when the retired Diesel boat guy explains it to the newbies. lol

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