You're absolutely right. Very little point to this discussion of malfunctioning robots needing human rights. Bleeding hearts everywhere
You're absolutely right. Very little point to this discussion of malfunctioning robots needing human rights. Bleeding hearts everywhere
Basing real world beliefs and ideals on a sci-fi movie LOLOLOLOL
slave and destroy all toasters
Dude..It's a video game with mutants and ghouls and your talking "real world beliefs?" Why anyone waste time arguing with you is beyond me.
I would be willing to bet you've never watched Blade Runner. You haven't played Fallout 1 and 2. I'm sure you know nothing of Van Buren. You just want to come here, over and over with "slave all toaster"......nice.
I wasn't the one talking about empathy for a video game character.......
The conversation didn't start with "how do you feel about Harkness as a person vs robot"... It was talking about PC or Shaun being a synth, in which some were opposed because they would feel weird playing as a synth. It had nothing to do with the feelings people had about Harkness until it was specifically brought up to draw out emotions from people about synths identifying as human. Really it's just a matter of opinion that obviously parties feel strongly about. And a position either way shouldn't define how you think they act/feel in real life. You think we have people for and against what constitutes as life right now? Haha imagine the debates about synths in real life if that ever becomes a thing. People can't agree on when life begins in terms of abortion. You'll never get everyone to agree with identifying a man made machine as a human. Sorry but that's not how opinions work
We arent debating abortion. The "Replicated Man" quest in FO3 is based on the same morality found in Blade Runner. This quest is called the Replicated Man because of Blade Runner. In the movie, the point is made it isnt just skin and bones that makes one human. From my previous post:
It is very apparent in the movie Blade Runner and the novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, there is a moral dilemma. What does it mean to be human? Biologically, the Replicants are almost identical to humans. The only way the police can tell if someone is synthetic is obtaining a bone marrow sample. They revere life. They show emotion that isn't just "programmed to act" or a learned "trick". Roy and Pris convey genuine love for each other. A genuine concern for one another. Roy has strong feelings of empathy and respect for Deckard which is ironic because they are not believed to be empathetic. Empathy was an indicator of someone's "humanity". There are plenty of people in history who can be said to have no empathy, so are they not human? Philip dike wrote "The purpose of this story as I saw it was that in his job of hunting and killing these replicants, Deckard becomes progressively dehumanized. At the same time, the replicants are being perceived as becoming more human. Finally, Deckard must question what he is doing, and really what is the essential difference between him and them? And, to take it one step further, who is he if there is no real difference?"
Yeah I'm not gonna read any of that. I thought we were done with this?
Except the Enclave was wrong and portrayed in FO 2 as being dark evil. Hypocrites, too, seeing how Horrigan was a full fledged Mutant. Why not show empathy towards a toaster? A computer? A ZAX? a Protectron? A Sentry Bot? A gun turret? How about a Mr Gutsy? Maybe they are all human, too eh? If Harkness actually had empathy towards others, he wouldn't have ran away and had his memory wiped, he would have stayed and started a revolution. It had no empathy. Not that it matters, because it is a robot, programmed. It is not a human. As Lost Pony said, maybe you guys should show some empathy towards those raiders, and I expect both you and the op are going to have a pacifist playthrough, and help all robots, ghouls, super mutants, raiders, etc reach new levels of humanity.
WOW the threat about this post have gone to a weird side lol.
Bravo! Except for very few grammatical errors, your post was wonderful to read.
I just hope there is more to the Vault than just an over sized ice box.
Since you have never played FO2, I just wanted you to see one more piece of info in favor of my argument. In the SF BOS bunker is a medical computer called ACE(Artificial Conscious Entity). The following is his dialogue:
ACE: "I am ACE, an Artificial Conscious Entity. I am more than machine but not as highly developed as a true artificial intelligence.
I just hope they give us a choice with whom we can side. I am not even expecting a decent main story, since the genius mind behind Fallout's 3 and Skyrim's writing is still their lead writer, but let us at-least choose.
The Enclave was not the entirety of the US Government. They were a faction within it. Some call it a shadow government, maybe they were a particular group of lobbyists or a faction within a political party. Who knows, but they were not in control of everything within the government. By 2077 they had some powerful members of government within their group, including the President, but they were not in control of the entire government. This is evident in the fact they didn't know where Mariposa was. It took them 160 years roughly to find it, and that was a military base conducting experiment for the US Government, which if the Enclave knew and controlled everything with the government, they would have known the basic information of where it was.
The Enclave also has a somewhat difficult time finding vaults, as it appears they have only ever contacted V13 and V8, which again if they were the full fledged government they would know the location of every single vault, and would know doubt have use to recover either the people or tech from them.
I agree, they weren't the entire government, it was a very elite group. The reason it took 160 years isn't because they didn't know were it was. They waited for the mainland background radiation to decease to acceptable levels. That is why advanced power armor was made, to deal with the remaining radiation. I think initially they knew the locations of the vaults but something happened with Poseidon Communication and over time most of the vaults locations were lost. Why did they need to know the vault locations anyway? They were experiments. As long as the data was collected, who cared. That was their initial plans for the vaults, until it all changed.
No, it specifically says in FO2 that they had to find it, and they were working on different plans for mainland conquest until they found it and decided to go with killing everyone with a modified FEV. The background radiation was gone a long time ago. Even the survivor from FONV Honest Hearts logs how the radiation dropped off, and he was able to leave the caves and walk around. If the background radiation was that horrible, we wouldn't have had a FO1, a game where there is one location in the game where you need to pop rad x, and that is because of the direct hit on West Tek and the combination with FEV.
Poseidon communication was not what was used to connect the Vaults together.
Not all of the Vaults were experiments, and not all experiments were evil vile death traps like many of the Vaults we have seen in FO3 and FONV. As far as why they would want Vaults, for Pre-War tech, for prime normals(increasing size of Enclave civilian population). The Vaults were and always will be possible locations of riches. Auto docs, possible pristine weapons, potential sources of clean water, electricity, they had hydro gardens for growing food, and who knows what else, depending on the experiment.