After playing through the Virtual World from dr.Braun,i wander if i did miss something ore maybe some of my "Speech or other"wasnt high enough to accomplish the "quest"
Because when i made the little Kid cry my Karma went down and i thought-iam gonne try to get out of here"so 1 old lady told me to go to the abanded house to use PC.There was no PC there,BUT i did notice that 5 objects in the livingroom made each a diffent sound,so i tryd different combinations,but without any result.
Later when i was standing at the playground i heard "Betsy(dr.Braun)"wistle,and i realized that it where the same tune sounds from the stuf made in the living room in the abonded i went back chek it and YES it was possible to play exact the same sound/tune as of Besty was wisphering,BUT nothing happend,NOW that CANT BE coincidence.................right
So did i miss something/did i played it wrong/or maby some of my SPECIAL stuff wasnt high enough
ps,i did finish the quest/get out meet PAPA etc,but i still cant believe there`s NOTHING to that Tune Betsy was whispering