@ TheRealWolfman: Now that is a kick ass character sheet my friend.
@ Yttrium: Hey there. This should be interesting.
@ Ms. Skirt et al: Children? Interesting. . .and call me SentinetSurfer, Sent, Surfer, Surf, or Ishmael. Just not Mr. Surfer. Makes me sound too old, or like that peanut guy that wears a top hat and a monocle.

@ TickTock: Hope my bio is okay. I'd suggest that you allow everyone in the vault to interact to some degree so we all have the chance to speak to one another. You might also want to add some spacing to your bio. Its a bit of a text wall.
On Topic:
Amanda is my character. The second character is her eventual partner (and roommate) in the vault - Robert - he gets a slightly truncated bio. I will write both, but mainly Amanda. They are each other’s long term love interest so things don’t get weird between me and other RP'ers. They will Ying/Yang each other, as is my style.
Name: Amanda Hoernbeck
Age: 23
Occupation: Waitress
Abilities / Skills: Intelligent. Resourceful. Well read but not formally educated. Creative.
Personality: Selfish. Calculating / Manipulative. Anxious. Immature.
Reason chosen for Vault Experiment: Bottom of the control group based on the statics gathered from the 2076 U.S. census (height, weight, level of education, race, socioeconomic status). Amanda thinks she won the Vault Lottery and got a space in the Vault free of charge.
Physical Appearance: Caucasian. 5’6. Curly black hair. Big nose. Green eyes. 140lbs.
Habits: Nail biter. Drinker. Smoker. Likes reading fiction, dancing, and composing poetry.
Number in Vault 114: 1,985
Amanda Hoernbeck’s mother was an English professor at CUNY (this is a NYC vault, right?) . Her father was in the army but he died of new plague when she was two and she has no memory of him. Amanda was raised by her mother until her mother died of briast cancer when she was a teenager. Orphaned, Amanda dropped out of high school and took up waitressing to make ends meet.
Amanda likes to write poetry in her spare time, but she never lets anyone read what she writes. She spends her weekends at nightclubs dancing – her other passion. She knows that she should be doing more with her life, but due to poverty and laziness, she has given up on pursuing higher education and a more steady job. She’s worked as a waitress for the Snow White Diner for the past three years and has no plans for the future.
Amanda was very close to her mother. She still wears a locket with her picture in it. She’s flirty and superficial when it comes to men. Her previous boyfriend dumped her, which devastated her for several months. She is currently single and she lives in a studio apartment with her cat, which she adores, a calico named Scruff.
To her friends, Amanda can come off as whiney and superficial. She is actually quite deep, but conceals that fact from those around her because she tends to associate with shallow people. She dreams to one day own a dog, a house on the beach, and to become a famous poet.
Name: Robert Johnson
Age: 27
Occupation: Janitor
Skills: Strong. Good at tinkering and mechanics. Rudimentary knowledge of robotics - enough to repair them and keep them running.
Personality: Friendly. Extremely self deprecating. Good natured.
Physical Appearance: African American. 5'10. 220lbs. Looks like a cuddly bear. Hairy. Has a scratchy voice. Thick legs and arms. Mustache.
Habits: Likes to sing (to himself) as he cleans. Enjoys music - jazz especially.
Reason chosen for Vault Experiment: Bottom of the control group based on the statics gathered from the 2076 U.S. census (height, weight, level of education, race, socioeconomic status). Robert thinks he won the vault lottery and got a space free of charge.
Rank in Vault: 1,984 (one above Amanda)
Robert Johnson is a janitor who helps keeps the NYC subway system clean. He also keeps the metro protectrons up and running. His wife, Nikki, was killed during a botched robbery when he was 23. He has three sisters and four brothers and is very close with them and his mother.
Robert is known as a friendly outgoing guy, who can be a bit slow or "thick" at times. He is slightly embarrassed by his lowly profession. On his free time, he frequents jazz clubs. He had wanted to play the saxophone since childhood, but his family was too poor to provide him with one or with lessons.
Around women, Robert is shy. His skin is ashy and he routinely has bad body odor so he considers himself unattractive. He distains drinking and chem use because his father was an alcoholic who abandoned Robert and his family when he was a child.