MAJOR update that contains both good news and bad news, depending on your levels of patience and excitement for this mod to be released.
I've experienced one of those moments where I just woke up one day and thought; I'm doing it all wrong. That and I think going back to Fallout 3 after DA:O kind've left me wanting in a few areas.
I'm scrapping what I've currently done and starting anew. The difference though is that I'll actually be finding someone to voice Jason instead of using pre-existing voice files. In order to ensure that I minimize the time I've squandered, I'll put my old work towards converting a vanilla NPC into a companion, depending on which one of that voice-type I find to be the most likeable.
The reason I'm doing this is because, while I was writing player responses to work around my improvised voice splices, I realized that I really wasn't really running with the idea to its fullest. This would've been the chance to not only give more perspective to the concepts of living in a Vault and being exposed to a hostile environment after being so used to a sterile one, but also to allow the player to fully express his/her views on the matter. The vanilla game doesn't really let you do this; you can never really convey how it feels to leave your life behind -- the closest you get is whining to Dr.Li/Three Dog/whoever about how much you miss your Dad.
I wrote up a test conversation, in which Jason confides how uncomfortable it feels to contemplate how vast both the sky and the world truly after being so used to the confined limits of the Vault, and then let it evolve to the point where you as the player could express just how your character felt upon leaving the vault (freedom, horror, awe, etc.) and compare it to how he felt. After finishing it and going through it a few times, I realized that I liked this far more than I did any attempts at conversation I made with splices. It gave a chance for expressing how both the player and his/her companion actually felt about their sudden turn in life, and accomplished a lot more bonding than any exchange between the player and Dad ever did.
Another (related) issue was that, since Jason is a character with you from the beginning, he would have to be elevated to main character status in story-terms, with an even more active role than NPC's like Dad, Lyons, Moira, and Dr. Li since he sticks with you most of the game. There needs to be enough content so that he stays "fresh" over the course of an entire play through. I realized that if I really wanted to convey that feeling, I couldn't just stick with 500 or so spliced voiceovers (which is what I estimate the project would've eventually evened out to, not counting anything of Linda's). I imagine many would've been satisfied with even 200, but frankly, I do mod for myself first-and-foremost, and I doubt I would've been satisfied with myself if I followed through with my current plan, where I'd be deliberately limiting myself just to avoid the hassle of getting a voice actor.
So for the new version, all of the game play features will remain intact --- virtually everything I've mentioned on the main list, plus more. For those holding out for a romance element, this means that I actually WILL be able to put one in without making it sound overly stilted.
For dialogue, I don't want to make any promises about how much I'll deliver. My PERSONAL goal will be over 1000 lines, with in-depth conversations and scenario-related one-liners both, but I don't know what's within my limits at this point. I guess this would make me even more crazy than before, but it's something I want to see through to the end. I'm not going to set a release date though, because given what I've seen with several modding projects, that's just begging for disaster.
I DO know that, finding voice actors aside (got Jason's sister, Linda, covered assuming Greenwarden is still interesting in participating), progress will be MUCH faster since I won't be wasting so much time trying to make the content fit around the voice, rather than the voice around the content. Also, the mod will no longer require Operation:Anchorage, though I am considering adding dialogue to accomodate the DLC's.
As for the old project, I'm going to tie up a few loose ends in the programming, and then I'll send a copy to anyone that wants to play around with it. Nothing too glorious -- it dumps him just inside the entrance to Vault 101, and then he tags along with you from there. His overall backstory has not been implemented, nor really discussed, and anything I've done for the Vault 101 content will not show up. Just send me a PM if you're interested. Note that, since I'm still without my desktop, I can't check if it actually WORKS yet, so I probably won't be able to send it until probably a week. I'm not going to put it up on Nexus since A ) I'd hate to have this project's name besmirched by a discarded version, and B ) I won't be supporting this version and don't want to have to deal with anyone who complains about it.
Also, naturally, will be looking for voice actors for Jason, both as a 10-year-old and a 19-year-old. Much sooner for the 10-year-old than the 19-year-old, since I'll be covering the Vault content FIRST, and then the companion dialogue second, unlike before where I was working backward so I could put off the voicing issues for as long as possible. I might need more for NPC's once I reach the quest component, but those 2 are the ones I'm most concerned about now.
The child version should sound a bit shy and reserved. He's pretty much in the same boat as the PC (ostracized to an extent) for story reasons.
The advlt version should be friendly and rather laid-back, yet can express a wide range of tones from anger to jealousy to honest-to-God sympathy. Should have that "fun best guy friend" quality to it without sounding like an over-the-top crack addict. Frankly, it'd be easier if it sounded remotely similar to the original one I'd used, so if you sound anything remotely like Craig Sechler (or at least his voices for Pronto, Timebomb, and Alex Dargon -- not as gruff as Harkness and Sgt. Montgomery or as high pitched as Sticky or Butch), that'll probably be the easiest for me to transition into. Also, you DO have to be comfortable with the idea of doing several hundred lines of dialogue.

Edit: Yeesh, I just now realized how much of a rant I wrote.

I've gotta stop doing that.