Voice Actors Needed (see two sections down)
This project is now undergoing a complete revision and re-write, planned to use voice actors for all content, instead of splicing. The general hope is that this results in a much more story-driven companion.
The Premise of the Mod (as of 1/16/10) (for those who don't want to read the entire post)
- Adds a new Vault Dweller to the prologue, whom you can pursue a friendship with from your 10th birthday on. Should you do this, he leaves with you at the end of "Escape!" and becomes a fully-functioning companion in the Wasteland. It also acts as a story enhancement for the Vault 101 sequences -- through dialogue with Jason and related characters, you can define certain aspects of what your life was like living in an isolated Vault.
- Dialogue heavy, with several lengthy, branching conversations as the game progresses, with a personal goal of over 1000 lines of dialogue for the companion alone.
- Highly detailed, reacts to quite a few situations and locations in-game, such as your state of health, your birthday, your house, combat targets, etc.. Also makes use of several idle animations.
- Full integration into the MQ; he'll be present at key moments in the story and have his own viewpoints on the subjects involved.
- Several companion features including dynamic character development and dialogue, drug usage (Psycho, Buffout, and Med-X/Morphine), in-game haircuts, a radio to issue orders (and solve any lost-follower issues), going on full alert when you draw your weapon, gifting skill books and misc. items that "unlock" new features, among other things.
- Interaction with the game's vanilla followers, a few specific NPC's, and my own Sydney follower mod, in the style of party banter from Bioware RPG's like DA:O or KOTOR. All NPC lines will, naturally, be fully voiced through the wonders of splicing.
- Lore-friendly and sensical. This isn't a shallow NPC that you can hire within 1 line of dialogue after meeting him. Nor one who just shuts up, carries crap, fights, and dies for you without any question. He will object to the game's more heinous choices, he will argue with you about some things, he will have opinions on certain matters, and above all else, he will care about what happens to you.
Jason Matthews (Male, age 16, 19) - friendly, somewhat laid back. American accent. Has a "best guy friend" quality to it without going overboard with crack addict behavior. Masculine without trying to sound "tough" -- he's actually a bit on the sensitive side. Requires extensive work (several hundred lines), and commitment to them. As a perk, you get to acknowledge yourself as my personal savior.
Jason Matthews (Male, age 10) - quiet, shy, somewhat socially ostracized like the PC due to plot reasons. Unlike the older version, this only requires 1 scene of voicing.
Sylvester (Male, late 30's) - experienced merc, distinctly western voice, gruff-n-tough without trying to sound antagonistic - he's a pretty nice guy overall. Minor character with a decent number of lines.
Phillip Matthews (Male, middle-aged) - retired Security Chief who's plain weary of the world and how things have turned out. Requires voice acting for a few holotapes.
Screenshots: Most have been removed since they reflected dialogue and content present in the old version. Still worth a look if you like my character design.
A Request to the Those Interested in the Mod:
I am interested in collecting some feedback from the community about what they personally would like to see in such a companion mod, as well as:
- What would make a good, generic birthday present for the LW (post-Vault)? (From both a gameplay and roleplaying perspective)
- Anything about my Sydney mod that you'd like to see improved for this mod (and I will eventually get back to that and spruce her up a bit after this one)
- Suggestions for mini-quests and random little experiences and the like. I've got a few lined up so ideas aren't desperately needed, but they will still be welcome.
- If there's any instance in the game of Liam Neeson uttering a "jay" sound. Found plenty of "son"s, but no "jay"s.
The Rant:
As far as companions go, one thing that I would've liked to see done was a follower who would be there with you from the very beginning - someone who left the Vault with the PC and shared in both the story and experiences of the normal game. Not only that, but a character whose abilities would be shaped by the way that his/her life turned out, and have it turn out slightly differently depending on player actions during the prologue. So, since my Sydney Follower mod turned out to be relatively successful in terms of voice and function, I decided to try just that for my next project. At first I considered doing this to Amata or Butch, but decided against both for several reasons, both technical and content-wise. I also considered a few of the other Vault NPC's, but the only ones that seemed suitable weren't that interesting. So I ultimately decided just to create a new character altogether.
Enter Jason Matthews, a Vault Dweller around the same age as your character. The son of the Chief of Security (prior to Hannon), he keeps mostly to himself, though the LW has a chance to befriend him during his/her 10th birthday. He would then go on to become one of the LW's best (and sadly few) friends, participating in most of the Vault's events alongside him/her, such as the G.O.A.T.. During the events of "Escape!" you would encounter him near the beginning of the quest and at the end he would offer to venture out into the wastes with you.
From there, he would become just like any other companion. My style of companion, anyway.
For those that used my Sydney Follower mod, you can expect a similar treatment; lots of dialogue, each line fully-voiced (the Sydney mod hit about 249 lines before I stopped, and I intend to raise that bar in this one ). A good amount of gameplay features -- Med-X/Psycho usage, drawing weapons when you do, essential toggling, defining custom homes and rendezvous points, and a radio-esque item to order him to those locations. The ability to improve his skills via certain mini-quests and skill books. etc. etc. All of his features will be created with a minimal conflict mindset, and I can at least guarantee this mod will work fine alongside other followers and overhaul mods like CBO and Phalanx, even though it can't make use of their features. In-game haircuts will also be supported for those who'd prefer him with something like a mohawk or the sarge cut instead. The entirety of the mod is intended to be lore-friendly and sensical in its execution, with integration as seamless as I can make it.
The revised mod is expected to have over 1000 fully voiced lines once completed, complete with both full-length conversations and situational one-liners both, in order to make Jason feel like what will hopefull be the most "life like" follower for Fallout 3 to date. Admittedly I've been partially inspired by Bioware's companions, though the content won't necessarily reflect their style of dialogue -- Jason is a follower who gives you the chance to flesh out your own character's past and thoughts, not just experience his.
A romance component is planned, though it will not contain anything that could even possibly flag this mod as advlts Only. This mod will feature some strong language here and there, as well as some sixual innuendo (especially if you get him talking to characters like Nova and Susan Lancaster), but nothing that Fallout 3 is not already guilty of.
All comments, suggestions, etc. will be appreciated.