Vault Ideas

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:30 am

This is just a fun thing I've wanted to do, make up some ideas for vault experiments!

Here's one I made earlier:

Theme: Military and Westerns

The Experiment: See how a society brought up on violence in fiction and non-fiction during their free time would turn out.

Structure: The Vault is run by an elected "Overseer General" with "Sheriffs" to keep order. Citizens are known as "Privates" and certain roles like shopkeeper are referred to as "Quartermaster"

Entertainment: All the books and comics are westerns, war-stories, and books on military history and strategy, same with all the films and cartoons (making the kids grow up with "Der Fuhrers Face" should toughen them up for rebuilding the world!) The Vault has also been stocked up with war toys and model kits of tanks, guns and fighters. Music consists of old patriotic war songs like "It's a Long Way to Tipperary" and "There'll Always be an England" as well as a plethora of military marches and some Wager.

Equipment: All equipment works perfectly.


Probable Outcome: The people will leave the vault and as soon as they find a gun shop create a military state of well trained shock troops to civilise the 'frontier' and kill a few injuns and commies along the way
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sarah taylor
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:58 am

I'd recommend doing a search, there are a lot of these style of threads,however yours has got to be one of the most developed ideas I've seen.
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Latisha Fry
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:24 am

Experiment: All living spaces (the apartments) will decrease by 1/4 an inch per year. The affected rooms will go from a moderate-size room to an 8x6 room. All furnishings are easily broken.

Projected Outcome: Ideally, total failure within 200 years due to inhabitants unable to cope with the "cramped living conditions." To assist in this outcome, the vault will ONLY accept applicants who have mild-to-moderate forms of claustrophobia (it is presumed that individuals with severe claustrophobia will not apply to live in a Vault-Tech facility.)
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:47 am

I'd recommend doing a search, there are a lot of these style of threads,however yours has got to be one of the most developed ideas I've seen.

Thanks for the tip, I'm a noob here.
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Taylor Bakos
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:07 pm

Thanks for the tip, I'm a noob here.

No Problem, and as the Elder Scrolls fans say, Have a fishy-stick :foodndrink:
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Jaylene Brower
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:21 pm

Just had another idea for a Vault (I've added an extra category):

Theme: Openness/lack of secrecy

The Experiment: To see how society can cope without privacy.

Social Structure: 'Normal' Overseer election and law enforcement. Initial candidates will be picked out for their vanity, secrecy, and chattiness.

Physical Structure: One large central dormitory. Rest as usual

Equipment: CCTV cameras and microphones placed above each bed and bathroom. All inhabitants given a PiP-Boy equipped with a viewing screen for every camera in the vault. Large telescreens with randomly changing camera views placed all around the vault. No bedsheets, loo doors, or even clothing. To counterbalance hypothermia extra heating provided including heated bedsheets. Other equipment works normally.

Entertainment: As normal.

Probable Result: Initially there will be resistance to the lack of privacy but in time inhabitants will get used to openness of peoples thoughts and in turn create a fairer society due to the fact that people will be judged not only by their appearance but also by their habits and feelings. However it is also likely that paranoia will ensue as well as vanity as people will be driven to improve their bodies physically. It is also likely that bluntness in conversation will be common due to the lack of secrecy. Crime should be non-existent due to constant surveillance and any rebellious thoughts will be instantly detected, which could cause the Overseer to become megalomaniac.

When the vault is opened many people will die due to the lack of protective clothing, and for those who do find clothing will have difficulty adjusting to a post-war society due to their perceived rudeness due to their tendency to state their mind.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:09 am

Awesome Idea's. I'll jump in for the ride, I'd inquire!

Theme: Workers Vault

Experiment: Place 1995 Vault Dwellers of Socialist/Communist idealogy in the same facility with 5 millionaire tycoons from Pre-War America


Standard East Coast Layout

Standard Power Generator

Standard Security Equipment

Standard Civil Equipment/Clothing

No ballistic weaponry, robots or explosive devices.

Social Structure:

Overseer- Rotated between the five millionaire tycoons until termination of all individuals.

Technicians- Full control of Vault operating systems.

Citizens- Full control of Inhabited Vault area and quarters

Security- Full control of Atrium/Store/Overseer Office Corridor

Special Equipment:

Equal reserves of Communist/Capitalist propaganda posters/videos.

Expected Outcome:

Total loss of control between Vault Dwellers and Overseer. Expected civil war due to idealogical split ( Very akin to Vault 15 )
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Fam Mughal
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:10 am

Theme: Idealogical conflict and cooperation

The Experiment: To see what happens when five vaults that are placed very near to each other, and are slated to open at the same time, react to each other. The catches? Each vault has a different building material or resource necesarry in the creation of a new city. as well, each Vault is taught different values. One vault is Communist. The second Capitalist. One is Anarchist, The fourth, Maoist. The final is Fascist, and is the security vault, loaded with weapons and security robots.

Social Structure: Each vault is run by the social structure of the Political ideology.

Physical Structure: Each one has a physical structure that would reflect the main ideals of that particular Ideology.

Equipment: the Communist vault has all sorts of manufacturing tools. The Fascist Vault has tons of security and weapons. The Capitalist vault has huge quantities of money and technology. The Maoist Vault has extremely large food, water, and living facilities. The Anarchist Vault has a balanced amount of all above. All of the aforementioned vaults, save the Anarchist, are lacking in equipment that the others have.

Entertainment: Constant Propaganda proclaiming their ideology as the greatest, and the others as evil scum. Constant bias movies and education. The Anarchist vault has access to detailed books explaining ancient governmental systems.

Probable Result: Each vault will go on believing it has the greatest Ideology, and that all others are evil. However, there is expected cooperation between the Maoist and Communist vaults, which are more closely placed together. The Fascist vault may initiate a war with the Capitalist, Maoist, and Communist vault. The Anarchist vault may build its own society, and thus, it is a wild card. Expected outcomes may be that the Communist and Maoist vaults will oust the others with food and manufacturing power, but the Capitalist and Anarchist vaults, purposely placeed the furtherst away from the others, may have a healthy communication with the outisde world. The Fascist vault may have a civil war, or try to attack the other vaults.

At the end, when one or two vaults are left standing of the three Extreme left and right vaults, they are expected to form a society in the area they are living in. The valley is isolated, yet fertile, in the Rockies. Stone is plentiful, while Metal and other materials are not.
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Jesus Duran
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:42 am

Theme: Idealogical conflict and cooperation

The Experiment: To see what happens when five vaults that are placed very near to each other, and are slated to open at the same time, react to each other. The catches? Each vault has a different building material or resource necesarry in the creation of a new city. as well, each Vault is taught different values. One vault is Communist. The second Capitalist. One is Anarchist, The fourth, Maoist. The final is Fascist, and is the security vault, loaded with weapons and security robots.

Social Structure: Each vault is run by the social structure of the Political ideology.

Physical Structure: Each one has a physical structure that would reflect the main ideals of that particular Ideology.

Equipment: the Communist vault has all sorts of manufacturing tools. The Fascist Vault has tons of security and weapons. The Capitalist vault has huge quantities of money and technology. The Maoist Vault has extremely large food, water, and living facilities. The Anarchist Vault has a balanced amount of all above. All of the aforementioned vaults, save the Anarchist, are lacking in equipment that the others have.

Entertainment: Constant Propaganda proclaiming their ideology as the greatest, and the others as evil scum. Constant bias movies and education. The Anarchist vault has access to detailed books explaining ancient governmental systems.

Probable Result: Each vault will go on believing it has the greatest Ideology, and that all others are evil. However, there is expected cooperation between the Maoist and Communist vaults, which are more closely placed together. The Fascist vault may initiate a war with the Capitalist, Maoist, and Communist vault. The Anarchist vault may build its own society, and thus, it is a wild card. Expected outcomes may be that the Communist and Maoist vaults will oust the others with food and manufacturing power, but the Capitalist and Anarchist vaults, purposely placeed the furtherst away from the others, may have a healthy communication with the outisde world. The Fascist vault may have a civil war, or try to attack the other vaults.

At the end, when one or two vaults are left standing of the three Extreme left and right vaults, they are expected to form a society in the area they are living in. The valley is isolated, yet fertile, in the Rockies. Stone is plentiful, while Metal and other materials are not.

That's a good idea, you know what, I think for laughs the War/Western Vault of mine should be placed near a totally pacifistic vault. You know just to see what happens :)

In fact I can imagine a vault blaring only pacifistic messages all day (makes sense if the war to end all wars has just occurred?), but unlike the War/Western Vault it's loaded with guns and armaments... but also 10 convicted psychopaths in the population of 2000, and they don't know who. ;)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:24 pm

Vault 22: 999 blind people and one man with only one eye that can see. The Vault was not given an overseer and nothing is in braille.

Vault 25. The worst known death row inmates of the time leading up to the great war. They were all given fake executions and secretly taken to Vault 25. The vault was also populated with some of the most well known anti-war peaceful pacifists in the nation.

Vault 26: No colour at all in the Vault. All books,pictures,video, all in Black and White. The walls,floor and ceiling, all the same shade of grey. All food was a grey nutritional paste which they had a 50 year supply. No plants or animals. Even the Vault suits were a unique grey colour. All paint and art supplies, you guessed it grey. The only colour in the Vault would have been the colour of peoples eyes/hair. The Vault was designed to stay closed for 50 years.

Vault 24. A vault big enough to house 3000 people for 20 years. The vault was given a number of weapons. For all intensive purposes it was a normal Vault. People from all walks of society. All forms of ID were taken from them. Any personal family photos taken as well. Ten days after the bombs fell a gas was released throughout the entire vault. This gas erased everyone memories permanently (amnesia gas). Everyone lost their memories of who they are, why and where they are. They even forgot there was even a great war.

All the vital functions of the vault are run by computers and robots that do not respond to the vault dwellers. They just do as they are programmed.
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Laura Wilson
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:14 am

50 people, one deathclaw, no weapons, I kick back and watch through a camera :P
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KRistina Karlsson
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:12 am

Theme: Environmental Issues and Adaptation to It

The Experiment: Observe the failure and/or success of the population to adapt to unpredictable, serious issues on a continuous manner. In both psychological and physical terms.

Structure: It is an averaged sized vault with a government nearly identical to that of Pre-War America, as it is not the government or the vault's size that is being tested. It is populated by 1,000 people.

Entertainment: The same it would be in a constant vault.

The Catch: The structure of the vault is created to, in an at least seemingly random manner, shut down completely and randomly. Possibly occurring ten times per day, in some of the worst case scenarios. The length of these shut-downs also vary. In these problems, only one or two rooms, again at random, will continue running properly. Any other room will fail to produce anything requiring power. This vault will also likely be forced to remain shut for forty to seventy years, instead of twenty, to see effects toward a population trapped in such a vault for generations.

Probable Outcome: A large number will likely gain mental disorders or emotional issues from the constant stress and fear of the vault shutting down to an almost absolute entirety for unknown periods of time. A more varying number will likely die, or will minimally suffer serious physical issues, from being victim of being locked into one of the rooms losing all power-if unable to find a form of escape. This could vary from illness to the eventual cold, if the shut down lasts for a long enough duration of time, to accidents occurring at some point of the shut down based on its conditions. Such as a large amount of darkness, even with a pip boy, in certain parts of the vault. Paranoia, mistrust, and even conspiracy might surface in a worst case scenario based on which rooms seem to continue being powered the most often, and many would likely become desperate to the point of violence of some extent. Doing most anything to find and escape into the safe location of the vault. Another possibility is that, at some point, the vault dwellers will decide that the risks of the outdoors in a post-apocalyptic world is more tolerable than the risks of their malfunctioning vault, and will at some point attempt to leave before the time they are supposed to.
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Cool Man Sam
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:56 pm

You know, when you think about it, the Vault-Tec experiment was probably created in a similar manner to how we are doing this now (except without the knowledge that it's real), just to see how cruel people can be.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:05 pm

Theme: Idealogical conflict and cooperation

The Experiment: To see what happens when five vaults that are placed very near to each other, and are slated to open at the same time, react to each other. The catches? Each vault has a different building material or resource necesarry in the creation of a new city. as well, each Vault is taught different values. One vault is Communist. The second Capitalist. One is Anarchist, The fourth, Maoist. The final is Fascist, and is the security vault, loaded with weapons and security robots.

Great Idea
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