Sadly I had just purchased 4 sets of 20 lunch boxes and just finished opening all of them less than 12 hours before the vault froze and will not load anymore..... I set the date on my tablet (the device I was playing it on) back by over a week, it allowed me to load it a few times, but not anymore.
I had the same issue. Still can't fix it.
Tried without cloud and with cloud.
Tried uninstalling and reinstalling the game.
Tried running the game on the tablet and the mobile phone.
Deleted the sav file and loaded the cloud again.
I think this may be tied into Pipin.
I trained up her skills to max on all special.
sent her out with +95% health pet cat.
She went out and I shut down the game.
The vault loads for a bit then the loading fan seems to run backwards for a few ticks then the game freezes.
Same problem on my Samsung Galaxy S6 with Android 5.1.1.
Tried clearing chache and even data and then loading up my save again using the Cloud. Sent an e-mail and got the same bull**** auto-reply. (Cheap customer service)
I really hope this gets resolved. I've put alot of time and, more importantly, money into this game...
Graphics freeze when loading vault.
47 people, 17 rooms, 2 explorers out (Sarah Lyons and Piper (Levels 57 and 27)).
One time I was able to collect electricity before the freeze, but the load screen was still visible and the lightning bolt animation froze after a few frames (the entire sound effect played smoothly).
Ambient sound is still playing, and seems to loop smoothly. When adjusting the volume on the device by pressing the button several times quickly, the volume bar pops up and moves one click, disappears, waits several seconds, then repeats for each key press.
Galaxy S6 Edge+
Android 5.1.1
Fallout Shelter clean install from Play Store - cleared cache.
Tried while connected to Wifi, with Wifi off, and in Airplane Mode.
Tried with cloud save checked and unchecked.