rules: my actions are final and being punished means you didn't follow along correctly
have fun
uber = bad
if i notice anyone ruining the rp by screwing with the story ex: gona turn a switch to save the world and someone destroys the building [bad things happen]
you can avoid above by reading. not reading the last sentance from the lattest post and acting based on your 1 sentance worth of knowlage.
Setting: Vault 13 is trashed. The steel door being blasted open nothing left behind exept junk and the mirky smell of death and solitude that reeks in vault 13.
Rules: you can interact with the main character, create your own story that ties with the main character. lazer pistols pistols etc are allowed in the begining your allowed to make up a mele weapon that isn't in game for example: studded belt
name- nice name works

age- try and keep it pre war to current
race- anythin goes
description- the more the better
history- same as above
starting equipment- keep it casual and weapons like swords/sticks/ etc are fine but no godly weapons early in the game
My character
Name - Crii
Age -18
Race - ???
description- Black dress shirt with white and black striped tie in a half windsor. 6 feet tall average built agile, Brown eyes short silver hair.Also wears a black pre war fidora with a silver silk collar wraqed around the rim.
history- Born in the vault our hero wakes up from an unknown event. only remembring his name, he faintly remembers a girl with a gun saving his life from the radroaches who traqed him in his room. From that moment a book case falls on top of him knocking him out.
Equipment- read below.
Waking up from a dream I hastly try and free myself from the book case made from oak. Freeing my self from the clutches of that damned book case i find at my side a wooden sword. Thinking to my self how in gods name did this appear here i quickly regain my state of mind. As i walk out the dirty paper infested room i find that the rest of the vault has sercumed to the same fate. Searching the rooms for survivors i find that my head aches with pain, blurring my vision as i move to the next room. Tripping over a dead body with its left leg incapacitaed i quickly gain foot and run down the empty halls. Finding more dead bodys of children, teachers, and scientists my natural instinct kicks in and i begin searching the dead bodies. Only finding 3 stim packs and 4 bottles of clean pure water i walk into the overseer's office.
[out of character] more to come on my story get working on yours