1. would it be possible to have the automatic repair function of the storage system be togglable.
2. would it be possible to have a leftovers locker that would hold everything else, and finally could a retrieve button that would give you all your gear from your last deposit be incorporated.
3. im thinking that maybe you might consider making the map abit bigger.
4. i realize this mod isnt made for hyper-realism or anything but how about having a recharge time on the teleporter and make it so that you cant teleport when enemies are nearby just like fast travel so that it cant be abused.
5, this is just a personal thing but since this technology is pretty new maybe having a small chance of weird things happening when you teleport could be incorporated.
1. Thats not possible with the functionality of vanilla scripts. I am not even sure if FOSE could do that.
2. Yes, I could move everything you have left to a locker. Everything. But there really would not be a way to exclude 'non-vanilla' gear since I would need to make those mods dependant on this mod. And there are way to many other mods to make that even feasible. I figure the few 'remaining' items you can store manually. My intent was to reduce the bulk of the objects you find automatically so you can wade through what is left much better.
I don't know if you noticed, but you can 'exclude' removing any vanilla ammo type from completely being removed. For example, if you select the 10mm ammo type, when you store your ammo, you will retain 500 rounds of 10mm ammo and the rest will be stored.
3. I made it as big as the room would allow. There will not be too many locations on the map. I will be working on more of the locations today.
4. That is a good idea. Perhaps in a setting. I had also thought about a setting to force you to use Fusion cells. Perhaps 2 teleports per cell. I would have to look into the 'when enemies near' but that is not realistic. That is only a 'game' type of thing. Any real technology is not going to stop you from using it when an enemy is near. Its not really any more abusive than somebody using Power Armor and a Gatling Laser gun to take out a group of raiders.
5. Interesting idea. That sounds like a whole new mod itself!

I will ponder this idea and see how difficult it would be to incorporate something like that. Perhaps based on your science skill.
I do have one question though, how do the skill-training terminals work? Are they simply like skill books, where you read them to increase your skill?
A terminal screen comes up. If you qualify for further training, you will get a line that reads something like "Barter Training Course". Selecting the line will give you 5 points training in the skill. If you are already at your 'settings selected' max value, then you will only be able to log off. The default max training you can get is when your skill is below 25. All the settings available are 25, 50, 75, 100 and 250. (Which is only useful in conjunction with mods that take advantage of skills over 100.)