[WIP/BETA] Vault 64 v2

Post » Fri Feb 05, 2010 1:37 am

Idk why, but this reminded me of my old venture in creating vault 80, ( i.e. Vault D.C ) which I stopped work on for a while, however I lost all reasorces for it and everything due to my main hard drive dying out on me and me having to replace it and re-install windows. However since my other hard drive has all of my games and I installed and did everything there, it is very possible I still have a copy of my .esp somewhere, so I may start it again :)
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Brittany Abner
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Post » Fri Feb 05, 2010 5:26 am

The V64FanBladeY activators in the Utilities cell are all disabled until Air Filtration starts, however in all of the other cells they are not disabled and running. Is this intentional?

There is a slight clipping issue between two static objects both called Pipe3WaySht01 in the Operations room.

I like the new air shafts for the air filtration. Although I did notice a very slight clipping in some small areas of the shaft. It is hardly noticeable, but I can still try to get pictures of it if you want.

In my current save the door to the Manufacturing area is stuck open.

I have no problem with it if you disagree, but your follower's following distance seems to be a little far. Although maybe I am wrong.

Also your follower wouldn't fight against the Brotherhood of Steel Outcasts when I attacked them. Is this intentional?

Edit: Your follower also fired upon Brahmin even though they were not hostile at the time.
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Laura-Lee Gerwing
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Post » Fri Feb 05, 2010 3:28 am

@Adrolak - If you installed the game on the second drive, then your mod would be there. Simply open the 'old' game folder on the old drive and you will find your ESP mod file.

1. Yeah, I only did the ones in the air filtration passage for now. I will get that fixed.
2. The pipes in many places have clipping, I will check the ones in the Operations room. :)
3. Its not clipping, I dont think. its more an issue of increasing the size of the fan blade to a scale of 10, it shows the flaws in the model and animation. But I can check it again.
4. hmm, okay. The 'normal' automatic doors should close after a minute.
5. Followers are difficult to control. I don't like followers breathing down my neck, so I made it follow a bit further away. I will only have a 'basic' follower in the vault unless somebody wants to or knows how to fix it. Brahmin are allies to the raiders, so they always get attacked. The outcasts are good, so the robot does not attack them, even if you do. There appears no way to me to fix that.
If the rotot stays a 'basic' follower, then my excuse will be that it never had a chance for field trials, being locked up in the vault for 200 years. I will probably be looking into how Fawkes is handled to see if I can duplicate that.
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Aman Bhattal
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Post » Fri Feb 05, 2010 11:53 am

5. Followers are difficult to control. I don't like followers breathing down my neck, so I made it follow a bit further away. I will only have a 'basic' follower in the vault unless somebody wants to or knows how to fix it. Brahmin are allies to the raiders, so they always get attacked. The outcasts are good, so the robot does not attack them, even if you do. There appears no way to me to fix that.
If the rotot stays a 'basic' follower, then my excuse will be that it never had a chance for field trials, being locked up in the vault for 200 years. I will probably be looking into how Fawkes is handled to see if I can duplicate that.

Is it possible your follower won't attack the Brotherhood of Steel Outcasts because your follower is added to the BrotherhoodOutcastAllyFaction?

Is it also possible that your follower is attacking Brahmin because you have the Aggro Radius Behavior flag checked? According to the GECK Wiki with that flag checked your follower will attack any neutral or enemy that is inside the Aggro Radius. I tested with a test follower and with only the RobotFaction and PlayerFaction attached the follower didn't attack Brahmin, however once I check the Aggro Radius Behavior flag the follower did attack Brahmin. Although maybe I am wrong.

I can always help with quests and dialogue if you want help, however as far as AI Packages and Factions go I can help but I don't know how useful I would be as I am not very knowledgeable in those fields. I doubt I would be any better at it then you would be if not worse.
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Jessica Phoenix
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Post » Fri Feb 05, 2010 5:11 am

I can probably help with the AI and factions if you'll tell me what you want to accomplish with whatever you're using them on.

[edit] Ok, I checked the turret manufacture, no problem. The radiation outside did indeed go away. The radiation in the cave portion of the entrance with the mushrooms did not and that mostly was what I was wondering about. I've been busy so I haven't had a chance to check the sorter, I'll look for that tonight. [/edit]

[edit2] Found the sorter and it works fine. I tried to get the autoflush to double up but it worked fine for me. [/edit]
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Jessica Stokes
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Post » Fri Feb 05, 2010 4:08 pm

I had already removed all but the V64 good faction, player faction and Follower faction because the others were giving me dialog problems. Good to know about the 'aggro radius', I will remove that. My plan was to eventually look at how the follower Fawkes is handled and perhaps try to imitate that.
The main reason for the robot follower is to provide some extra firepower, up to 5 filtered waters a day, and as a pack mule.

The radiation in the tunnel is supposed to be there, forever. The stream of water is irradiated and is keeping the mushrooms growing as it trickles down the passage.
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Brian Newman
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Post » Fri Feb 05, 2010 2:35 am

I'm sorry, lately I have failed to get motivated to play Fallout 3. I keep getting easily distracted by things such as my mod, sports and other video games. Do you mind if I don't test the next Beta or two? Until maybe I start getting the urge to play Fallout 3 again?

The only issue I have been able to find in the last few days of testing is that the Solar Scorcher doesn't start to collect ammo for me until I drop it and pick it up after getting it out of the Overseer's Safe, even if I equip it.
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Mrs Pooh
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Post » Fri Feb 05, 2010 2:00 pm

No problem since I will not have a beta this weekend. Besides, your not obligated to Beta Test everytime, only when you feel you want to. :)

I have added power generators to the manufactuing area. Its pitch back until you turn the generators on. If you blow up the generators, the area will start loosing power to the point where the lights turn off and the manufacturing stops.

I have also been working on a number of reported bug fixes.
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Post » Fri Feb 05, 2010 8:12 am

If you push the Test #1 Invaders button too many times You get a message. GetGameDaysPassed 60:14 or somehting like that. I waited a minute and I could press again, but only once.

But the invader system works apart from this flawlessly.
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Ludivine Poussineau
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Post » Fri Feb 05, 2010 1:20 am

Anything with the word 'Test' in its description can be ignored for bug reports. These objects will be removed from the mod before its released.

That activator is used to send invaders down the tunnel entrance to see how they behave in the vault. When you are in sneak mode, it instead tells you how many game days have passed. This is important to know because the 'normal' invasion chance happens on the passing of game days.
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Dawn Porter
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Post » Fri Feb 05, 2010 1:11 am

I have finally worked out some 'bugs' that have been difficult.

1. Restroom door was silent on open and close.
2. Portable Fusion generators could be blown up.
3. Using my 5.1 speakers caused a lot of sounds in-game to not play anymore. Finally switched back to 2 speaker mode.
4. Idle packages on maintanence androids in manufacturing 'refused' to be used. I finally deleted them all and put in fresh ones. The Androids now use the markers.
5. Maintenence area generators caused me some issues. But they are good now, if you blow them up, power drops in the area until even the lights go out (if you blow them all up).
6. Could not get the fire explosion on the Incendary Grenades. This has been finally fixed.
This grenade does heavy damage and WILL knock everything caught in the blast to the ground. So, don't stand too close to it when it goes off.
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Max Van Morrison
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Post » Fri Feb 05, 2010 7:16 am

On the area near the vault door with the jackhammers and stuff, if you blow the generator there the lights don't go out and you can still use the switch.
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Pat RiMsey
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Post » Fri Feb 05, 2010 10:42 am

Also, are the invaders static or do they move with your level? Because I can kill the enclave in 3 shots with my hunting rifle. With a small guns skill of 14.
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Post » Fri Feb 05, 2010 10:59 am

Does anybody have any ideas for what ingredients should go into making the incendary grenades?
Frag Grenades for sure on a 1 for 1 basis.

I was thinking about flamer fuel, where 1 would help create 5 grenades?
Or perhaps a mini-nuke, where 1 would help create 25 grenades?

On the area near the vault door with the jackhammers and stuff, if you blow the generator there the lights don't go out and you can still use the switch.

Your answer from 'above'.
2. Portable Fusion generators could be blown up.

This has been fixed.

Also, are the invaders static or do they move with your level? Because I can kill the enclave in 3 shots with my hunting rifle. With a small guns skill of 14.

No, they are not. The enclave are level 4, the raiders level 1 and the slavers are level 3.
I was thinking about making some of them leveled to the player. Not all of them since that would be very difficult if suddenly 10 enclave soldiers came down the hallway at level 30. You would not last long. :)
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Post » Fri Feb 05, 2010 3:55 pm

The ammo boxes on the simulation are capable of supporting two types of ammo. The first time I did the simulation I chose EC ammo, and now 5mm, and I got both. Only first time though.

The rocks near the water spurt blood when you shoot them. Very creepy. The rocks are also not entirely solid.

I don't have a picture of the blood spurts sorry.

I would swap the requirements for the flamer fuel. 5 flamer fuel for 1 grenade. You can buy flamer fuel with 60 at a time.

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gary lee
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Post » Fri Feb 05, 2010 8:20 am

The ammo boxes on the simulation are capable of supporting two types of ammo. The first time I did the simulation I chose EC ammo, and now 5mm, and I got both. Only first time though.

Are you sure it was 'empty' after you stopped the simulation, and before you started another simulation with a different ammo?
It does not 'clear out' any ammo in the box that you had 'earned' previously.

The rocks near the water spurt blood when you shoot them. Very creepy. The rocks are also not entirely solid.

I am not really sure 'what' these objects are. I think they are supposed to be 'brain sponges' so that is why I put them there, where the water streams down. They are vanilla objects so I have no plans to fix them at this time.
Are you sure you were not shooting a 'piece' of the dead enclave soldier laying there? :lmao: It could be that its blood because they are not rocks, but that 'Brain Sponge' I talked about. So, it would be a life form like a plant.

Since its a 'small grenade', I was thinking more along the lines of a portion of the flamer fuel is used for each grenade. And some spent radioactive material from the vaults power plant. Along with the Fragment Grenade, this combined would make a deadly blast. I have it set to that only 2 can be made per hour. That seemed about right. I also included 1 scrap metal for each 10 created.
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Emmanuel Morales
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Post » Fri Feb 05, 2010 12:40 pm

I thought that too,about the enclave soldier, so I tested it with no enemies near. They still bleed. :confused:

About the ammo. Could be. I actually only found the box after my 40th kill :gun: Just a question, could you add flamer fuel? :flamethrower: I love to use the flamer, but I quickly run out of ammo with this. Also would be a nice source for the Incendiary 'Nades :nuke:

How are they made?
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Post » Fri Feb 05, 2010 11:48 am

1. They must bleed because they are 'Brain Sponges' then. There is one under the Rivet City sign, where the water drips down. You can shoot it and you will probably see the same 'blood' come out of it. :)

2. I could only add so many ammo types to the list. The screen would only hold so many, so the flamer fuel got axed. I guess I could add more menus to allow more types. :shrug:

3. The Incendary Grenades are made by going into the manufacturing wing. You then access the terminal there and if you have the correct items, you can select the grenades to be made. It will then calculate how many hours have passed since you used the terminal last, and create the appropriate number of Incendary Grenades. The 556mm DU ammo is created the same way. Same with the portable turrets. The robot companion will be created in much the same way. But the robot will require a lot more stuff to build. :)
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Post » Fri Feb 05, 2010 1:28 pm

Adding Flamer Fuel would be appreciated :nod: Maybe Missiles?

A quick qeustion, I never actually understood what the DU ammo did.

Also, Does the XP Combat Shotgun only fire one projectile or is the spread so low?

Also, how did you do the kill count? I'm stumped on how I would need to do something like this.
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Post » Fri Feb 05, 2010 12:32 am

If I add flamer fuel, then I would add all of the ammo that is missing from the list.

The DU ammo is for the special assualt rifle in the overseers office. It only uses DU ammo. You should try it out, you can knock your enemies flying backwards from you.

The XP Shotgun has a smaller spread (0.5-4 vs 3-5) and more 'pellets' (9 vs 12). It also has a better critical chance and does more damage (55 vs 75) but considering some weapons do over 100 damage, I thought that it was okay. It is also a bit heavier and more durable.

The kill count is controlled by the scripts. It is a global variable so the creatures, terminals or scripts can use it. When one of the zombies is killed, its OnDeath script adds 1 to the kill count. When you leave the Arena, the kill count is compared to the high score kill count and updates are done if necessary. The terminal then displays what your kill count was, and the high kill count score. All of them use the one global variable for the kill count, and the one global variable for the high score kill count.
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Sista Sila
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Post » Fri Feb 05, 2010 2:08 pm

Cool. Will there be any chance that you could make a manu in the terminal that would allow you to control the maximum enemies at a time and such? I'm used to MMM with increased increased spawns and 8 at a time isn't exactly scary :) Good target practice though :nothanks:

Thanks for letting me know how it works. It's very interesting.

Never found that one :facepalm: Will look for it :lol:

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Jade Barnes-Mackey
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Post » Fri Feb 05, 2010 3:45 am

The current maximum zombie count is 16 at one time. I limited it to this to keep decent frame-rates in game. I suppose I 'could' let the player set it.
How does 8, 12, 16, 20, 24 sound?
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Danial Zachery
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Post » Fri Feb 05, 2010 10:31 am

Sounds good. Hopefully enough to warrant my use of a missile launcher :evil:

Another question, (I'm not boring you, am I?) could it be possible then that the time between spawns is configurable? Would be sweet.

I must also note that I love the Walk, Don't Walk light :tops:
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Vicki Gunn
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Post » Fri Feb 05, 2010 12:35 am

I also added '30' to the list above for Max Zombies to spawn.

The spawn timer will not change. It is meant to start out slow and get faster and faster. The minimum time between spawns eventually gets down to 2.5 seconds. The 'bell' noise will also be gone.

I like the streetlight as well. It is my own creation. :)
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Lizbeth Ruiz
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Post » Fri Feb 05, 2010 3:06 pm

Even better! :flamethrower: Thanks for listening to my requests.

I understand. I didn't know that the time between each spwan got smaller. Just thought it was my imagination :lol:

Another question, how many different coffee cups are there? I'm collecting them :trophy:

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