WillieSea, this is what I see in cg02TargetPractice01.nif. How do you want these objects positioned on them and approximately what size?
I would actually like to keep the mesh the way it is, so the 'knock back' animation plays. That is important to keep. The 'welded on bucket' can be removed from the round target area. And the target area (the round plate) needs to be changed into the animal. In my image above, you see that I tilted the mesh on it side so the animal would need to be placed on the plate. Or the plate 'changed' into the animal. As for size, the same size at the plate would be good, or a bit bigger to account for tail and ears.
Normally I could probably do that in Nifskope but I think the 'animal' actually needs to be part of the animated 'strip' in the mesh, or it will not animate and move with the target as it moves.
Example: http://www.invision.tesalliance.org/forums/uploads/1289422201/gallery_85_19_31890.jpg
You don't have to tilt the mesh, I will do that in the GECK editor.
wow, that's amazing. did you create the custom models and textures for all that yourself?
Actually the only custom models I am using is the bowling ball and pins that were made by Ghogiel. Almost everything else is just a retexture of vanilla objects. Its amazing what a new texture will do to old objects.
The room pieces I edited in Nifskope to remove the 'water pipes' from the ceiling.