ok situatoin is, ive created my own vault, quest, etc using the vault 74 tutorial as a guideline the only problem i have is when trying to link the CaveDoor01 to the wastleland, i do everything the TUT says but when i get to the bit where the cursor turns to a red cross, i go to select the door but the cursor wont turn whiite when on the door but it will turn white on every other door.
ive tried changing the navmesh so they door is inluded in it but that didnt work, ive tried changing the roombound and that hasnt worked, neither did putting a portal on the door, ive put different doors in its place and no luck at all.
any help would be greatly appreciated.
and if this has been posted elsewhere dont hate, the search function on these forums is terrible
The GECK can be kind of finicky when it comes to door teleports. I personally do not use the "select reference in window" function, but rather I use the pulldown lists below it. Make sure both your doors are uniquely named---i.e. MyWastelandEntryDoorREF, etc.--- and make sure both are checked as persistant references. Then use the pulldowns to select the appropiate door. Once the first door is selected, you will probably find the other door already identified and all you need to do is confirm it. And pull your orange teleport marker to an appropiate loctation rather than "stuck" in the door....when you finalize your navamesh, the marker needs to be a bit away from the door (it marks the spot you will be teleported to).
The placement of navamesh, roombounds and portals have no effect on teleport markers at all. They affect companions/npc's, and lag among other things.
Hope this helps...Good Luck and welcome to the GECK! :brokencomputer: :foodndrink: