We are all heterotrophs. Even eating fruit seeds is killing the embryonic plants. I wish I was an autotroph, though.

If we're going to take an animal's life for food, we should do it with teeth and nails, and eat the stuff raw. I think Valkry may be trying to make this point, but I'm not sure. One of the reasons I'm vegetarian. I think, if we are to dictate what becomes of some other living creature, it should be done in fairness, not mass produced. And I don't want to do that. So I'm not going to eat it. Some people have no problem eating it. I don't like that. But I keep it to myself. A lot of activists would have more success if they changed the focus to be on making differences in indistry practices, not abusing people who eat meat, that is not constructive.
I like "vegetarian mince" because it's delicious and I can make burger patties and nachos with it. I haven't founf anything else as good to make nachos with. It's not a matter of pretending to eat meat, it's a matter of being able to make a nice meal with the stuff.
And to all the people reading this thread- just remember, not all vegetarians are preachy, annyoing types. Some of us do just want to keep our opinions to ourselves, and you keep yours. Claiming you love meat can be horribly upsetting, even if, for some reason, you think it's totally, knee-slappingly hilarious. And, quite often, being vegetarian svcks because you're bombarded from both ends. Vegans often think you're not doing enough and are just as bad as a meat eater, and meat eaters immediately start going on at you to start eating meat.
I had a lady at work sneer at me in utter contempt, because she claimed I'd have to take supplements when I had children, I agreed, it being the easiest option, and her reply? "Oh, yeah I wonder what all the chemicals in those would do to your baby?" This was simply because I didn't eat the pasta that had bacon in it. I sat quietly, ate a muffin, politely declined the pasta saying, "I am a vegetarian." That is all. And she felt the need to treat me with contempt over something like that. Grrr.