Vehicles and the purchasing systetm....gone?

Post » Mon Jan 03, 2011 4:30 pm

actually, when it comes to multiplayer, popularity does mean quality. plus, other than the stuf from sp, it really seems like a half assed multiplayer, the vehicles lag like a bich, theres at least one hacker per game, and half the time you are just spraying at your oponent, that doesnt sound very fun to me

No. Let's say that popularity is the amount of people who play or are aware of the game. Popularity means that the the game was well advertised - thus it is well-known and popular. Your assumption is based on the implication that a game will be more well-known if the game is of good quality. A game can be popular and of bad quality - the two are not mutually exclusive. Thus, because the contrapositive of the implication that your argument is based on is not true (if a game is not of good quality it is not popular), your argument that if a game is popular, it is of good quality, is not logically sound.


Popularity doesn't equal quality. You can sell a **** game to a lot of people and it doesn't magically make it better.
thats bull. a quality multiplayer experience for me, is having a whole lot of people each with their own unique style. when i play search and destroy on CoD, i truely feel like im fighting an intelligent, probably better than me, badass, and that im going to have to be quick and smart, play on his terms, and then silently take him out with a surpressed weapon. you cant get that feeling from an unpopular multiplayer game, especially crysis. you just cant, crysis sp was great at letting me do this. the mp, its just people running around, occasionally diving to prone to take out enemies from a distance, or spraying and fragging at close range.
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Stacy Hope
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Post » Mon Jan 03, 2011 3:38 pm

So u are saying Cod has a good multiplayer? Modern Warfare 2 or Black Ops?

WELL THEN PLEASE GO back to cod and leave Crysis alone-
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Meghan Terry
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Post » Tue Jan 04, 2011 6:07 am

Crysis multiplayer has a high learning curve and I guess these haters just failed at it. They describe the game as just spraying enemies, which is absolute ****. Heck, I play with multiple different styles within the same match. I'd:

- Play as a sniper and pick off enemies as well as spot them with my binoculars.
- Get in a tank and play either defensively by guarding important areas or offensively by actively looking for and attacking enemies. There is also the repair torch that will allow me to boost the life of my tank as well as the life of my team mates' tanks.
- Give support by using the radar scanner and alerting team mates of threats.
- Capturing crucial buildings. I could go in with guns blazing or act like a ninja and take people out stealthily.
- Defending buildings, either by guarding the inside and killing intruders or staying guard outside and killing them before they enter. Maybe a combination of both. I can also set traps with claymores.

and more. Crysis multiplayer is not just spraying at enemies. Anyone saying this instantly has any credit he had GONE. Again, just because you svck at the game and don't know how to play, does not mean the game svcks.
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stephanie eastwood
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Post » Tue Jan 04, 2011 6:14 am

im only saying this because, as much as i dislike it now, i really loved crysis multiplayer, but it just wasnt enough. and i want crytek to make it more memorable, i want to have those awesome moments where im just like "damn, that was such an awesome kill" and i practically jump out of my chair because i cant believe my luck. im not trying to say mean things about the mp, im only saying it because there needs to be measures to make it better. if we all just sat around saying how much we loved it, then we wouldnt get anything new, there wouldnt be any of the cool new weapons we see now, or the more complex, revamped storyline and rich new environment, and certainly we wouldnt have what looks like one of the greatest games of 2011, and the rest of the decade, which is crysis 2. but wutever, im not gonna argue anymore, its just making people angry, and thats not what i wanted to do, im sorry if i offended you, but just think about what ive said, please?
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Dominic Vaughan
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Post » Tue Jan 04, 2011 3:58 am

Crysis 1 MP was mediocre, at the very, very best. In all honesty, it was actually terrible. Everything about it was terrible (with the exception of the nanosuit which, as I said before, is a courtesy of the SP).

I don't quite see how some people can still play that game, but I feel sorry for whoever is.

Wow wow wow, why all the hate there freindo?
Crysis appeals to a very narrow spectrum of gamers, those who love it for the graphics, for the freedom, for the challange, and those who love for the game engine to mod. Now me, personally, I love it for all of the above, but let's talk multiplayer shall we?

The multiplayer feature of Crysis was very odd, it appeal at first to everyone because of the shiney graphics and neat guns/helicopters/tanks etc. But when the actually play it, they may get frustrated, all the shine wears off and what they are left with is an extreamly hard game with a small yet very dedicated community, and boy is that community good at what they do. It took me a lot of time to get any good at it, and I can understand how many will just quite and say it's "terrible". Please, don't offend those who dare to love the game.
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Alberto Aguilera
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Post » Tue Jan 04, 2011 2:59 am

Crysis 1 MP was mediocre, at the very, very best. In all honesty, it was actually terrible. Everything about it was terrible (with the exception of the nanosuit which, as I said before, is a courtesy of the SP).

I don't quite see how some people can still play that game, but I feel sorry for whoever is.

Wow wow wow, why all the hate there freindo?
Crysis appeals to a very narrow spectrum of gamers, those who love it for the graphics, for the freedom, for the challange, and those who love for the game engine to mod. Now me, personally, I love it for all of the above, but let's talk multiplayer shall we?

The multiplayer feature of Crysis was very odd, it appeal at first to everyone because of the shiney graphics and neat guns/helicopters/tanks etc. But when the actually play it, they may get frustrated, all the shine wears off and what they are left with is an extreamly hard game with a small yet very dedicated community, and boy is that community good at what they do. It took me a lot of time to get any good at it, and I can understand how many will just quite and say it's "terrible". Please, don't offend those who dare to love the game.

I agree with this post above ^^
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Post » Mon Jan 03, 2011 10:34 pm

You may choose to put it that way. Sure, OK, it appeals to a very narrow spectrum of gamers then. And I never offended anyone, by the way. Some of you people just chose to believe I did, because you felt affected by what I said. Sure, you may have strong feelings about the first game's multiplayer. I can understand that, but fact of the matter is, if I say the game is terrible, it doesn't mean that I'm offending you.

Why have some of you reached such a conclusion?
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Nana Samboy
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Post » Mon Jan 03, 2011 6:23 pm

You may choose to put it that way. Sure, OK, it appeals to a very narrow spectrum of gamers then. And I never offended anyone, by the way. Some of you people just chose to believe I did, because you felt affected by what I said. Sure, you may have strong feelings about the first game's multiplayer. I can understand that, but fact of the matter is, if I say the game is terrible, it doesn't mean that I'm offending you.

Why have some of you reached such a conclusion?

I wont quote you because I am that lazy, but you said something like "I feel sorry for those who still play the game" in your first post on this thread. I belive many people can interpet that into offensive behavior.
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Post » Tue Jan 04, 2011 2:26 am

Crysis 1 MP was mediocre, at the very, very best. In all honesty, it was actually terrible. Everything about it was terrible (with the exception of the nanosuit which, as I said before, is a courtesy of the SP).

I don't quite see how some people can still play that game, but I feel sorry for whoever is.

Wow wow wow, why all the hate there freindo?
Crysis appeals to a very narrow spectrum of gamers, those who love it for the graphics, for the freedom, for the challange, and those who love for the game engine to mod. Now me, personally, I love it for all of the above, but let's talk multiplayer shall we?

The multiplayer feature of Crysis was very odd, it appeal at first to everyone because of the shiney graphics and neat guns/helicopters/tanks etc. But when the actually play it, they may get frustrated, all the shine wears off and what they are left with is an extreamly hard game with a small yet very dedicated community, and boy is that community good at what they do. It took me a lot of time to get any good at it, and I can understand how many will just quite and say it's "terrible". Please, don't offend those who dare to love the game.
you have some really valid points there. but sadly a game that only appeals to a small dedicated audiance isnt good for buisness, especially when your product is one of the most high tech games on the market. many are sad because their game has been uprooted and redesigned the game from the ground up. but i garentee you.. its for the best. even if crysis 2 hadnt been released on consoles, im sure they would have completely redonne everything, simply because they didnt ant to make the same, high graphic, yet unsuccessful game. they realized that they needed to stay in buisness. nuff said
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Janeth Valenzuela Castelo
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Post » Mon Jan 03, 2011 4:58 pm

Indeed, crysis 2 was never going to be like crysis 1. Developing such a graphically heavy engine just costs too damn much, so they always would have had to go to consoles to help keep things in the black.
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Dragonz Dancer
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Post » Mon Jan 03, 2011 6:40 pm

Besides free for all is it 6 on 6 in every game type?
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Post » Mon Jan 03, 2011 6:33 pm

that's the max, ya. Mods will hopefully see to that and maybe even just port maps over from crysis wars if people want to play with bigger teams :)
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Ilona Neumann
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Post » Tue Jan 04, 2011 4:31 am

Crysis 1 MP was mediocre, at the very, very best. In all honesty, it was actually terrible. Everything about it was terrible (with the exception of the nanosuit which, as I said before, is a courtesy of the SP).

I don't quite see how some people can still play that game, but I feel sorry for whoever is.

Wow wow wow, why all the hate there freindo?
Crysis appeals to a very narrow spectrum of gamers, those who love it for the graphics, for the freedom, for the challange, and those who love for the game engine to mod. Now me, personally, I love it for all of the above, but let's talk multiplayer shall we?

The multiplayer feature of Crysis was very odd, it appeal at first to everyone because of the shiney graphics and neat guns/helicopters/tanks etc. But when the actually play it, they may get frustrated, all the shine wears off and what they are left with is an extreamly hard game with a small yet very dedicated community, and boy is that community good at what they do. It took me a lot of time to get any good at it, and I can understand how many will just quite and say it's "terrible". Please, don't offend those who dare to love the game.
you have some really valid points there. but sadly a game that only appeals to a small dedicated audiance isnt good for buisness, especially when your product is one of the most high tech games on the market. many are sad because their game has been uprooted and redesigned the game from the ground up. but i garentee you.. its for the best. even if crysis 2 hadnt been released on consoles, im sure they would have completely redonne everything, simply because they didnt ant to make the same, high graphic, yet unsuccessful game. they realized that they needed to stay in buisness. nuff said

Every single one of Crytek's games have been multi-million sellers. Crysis sold more than three million copies. I'd say that's pretty damn successful. You act as though they're on the verge of closing down.
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Joe Bonney
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Post » Mon Jan 03, 2011 6:57 pm

Crysis 1 MP was mediocre, at the very, very best. In all honesty, it was actually terrible. Everything about it was terrible (with the exception of the nanosuit which, as I said before, is a courtesy of the SP).

I don't quite see how some people can still play that game, but I feel sorry for whoever is.

Wow wow wow, why all the hate there freindo?
Crysis appeals to a very narrow spectrum of gamers, those who love it for the graphics, for the freedom, for the challange, and those who love for the game engine to mod. Now me, personally, I love it for all of the above, but let's talk multiplayer shall we?

The multiplayer feature of Crysis was very odd, it appeal at first to everyone because of the shiney graphics and neat guns/helicopters/tanks etc. But when the actually play it, they may get frustrated, all the shine wears off and what they are left with is an extreamly hard game with a small yet very dedicated community, and boy is that community good at what they do. It took me a lot of time to get any good at it, and I can understand how many will just quite and say it's "terrible". Please, don't offend those who dare to love the game.
you have some really valid points there. but sadly a game that only appeals to a small dedicated audiance isnt good for buisness, especially when your product is one of the most high tech games on the market. many are sad because their game has been uprooted and redesigned the game from the ground up. but i garentee you.. its for the best. even if crysis 2 hadnt been released on consoles, im sure they would have completely redonne everything, simply because they didnt ant to make the same, high graphic, yet unsuccessful game. they realized that they needed to stay in buisness. nuff said

I did not debate the business success of Crysis, only the game itself.

However, since you do talk about Crytek's financial state, you are wrong. As it has been stated on this very thread, Crytek sold millions of Crysis copies, that i know for sure, and i assume a similar level of success came from Far Cry. Be sure that Crytek is still very much profitable, as a fact, they bought and founded several new studios in the past few years, that is not a sign of bankruptcy.

And to close up, just FYI, Crysis 2 will best the original on PC, the whole goal of The Cryengine 3 is optimization, while they did that, they also improved the graphic quality of the game, given the immense freedom to do so with todays hardware. Just watch some SB3 videos and see what I'm talking about, 3D, more lightning features, deformation, color grading, more freedom to use more complex shaders etc.
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