Vehicles Are a Touchy Subject...

Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:17 am

Operation: Anchorage was all about securing one of the last supplies of crude oil from the Chinese. The Great War and the events leading up to the great war can be completely blamed on the world's addiction to oil. Gas being $7500 per gallon is not due to horrible inflation, but the scarcity of oil.

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 5:45 pm

Oops, I was referring to prices in general. Though it would be odd if inflation didn't effect oil too.
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Michelle Chau
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 9:27 pm

They were just testing vehicles yesterday:

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Baylea Isaacs
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:39 am

I do not want a vehicle....I want a mount
Explore the map with vertibird? bad idea
I hope they are just for air battles missions... :confused:
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:20 am

Hahaha if my eyes had legal rights you would be hiring a lawyer, my friend :P

But anyway who needs a vehicle? We got... iron man...

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Kim Bradley
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:18 am

I like the idea of a brahmin pulled cart that you can ride as a fast travel mechanic,if such a mechanic was implemented they could make it an interactive travel mechanic where you can get off at anytime during the trip or have to defend yourself against raiders during travel.
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Calum Campbell
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 2:50 am

If you read a bit of Fallout history you'd know that:

  • There was car in Fallout. The Highwayman. Which was fueled by energy cells. It was for fast travel only.
  • The War was fought over oil, hence oil is no longer abundant, In fact, consider it non-existent.
  • Bethesda didn't make Fallout New Vegas. Obsidian did.

That being said, I don't see any reason The Highwayman, or equivalent vehicle, shouldn't make a return for fast travel purposes. In FO3 there was a mod that added a motorcycle, which you had to make fuel for and maintain. It was for fast travel, and it definitely made me feel like fast traveling was a little less of a cheating option. I never like just fading to black and then appearing on the other side of the map. In Skyrim, modders quickly added a wagon service that you could use for fast travel. Even though it's the same mechanism, it at least feels like you're actively doing something to get from A to B instead of just not playing that part.

A car would be a good money sink too. Obtaining it, buying parts, doing repairs, getting fuel cells, etc. And it would be a cool way to have a place to store your stuff that isn't a house. Not everyone likes to have a home and would prefer to be a roving explorer. A car would be perfect for that. Like getting an old army truck and turning it into an RV and then just clicking on a spot on the map to camp out. Didn't need to be a place you've already discovered, in case you just wanna park somewhere. I would love such a thing.

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 5:50 pm

Welcome to the forums, Reddragon.

You have some really interesting ideas. I like the ideas you had about Brahmin, using them for travel. It would be neat to have a cart pulled by Brahmin to haul stuff around. It would also be fun to catch wild Brahmin for our settlements. And I do believe it is possible that we can have our own trade caravan routes.

While I am not a particular fan of being able to drive vehicles in the game, I wouldn't mind having them as a fast travel method.

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Megan Stabler
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:16 am

The fuel at those station is NOT gasoline or any actual petrol based product. It's some Fallout Universe nuclear fission based fuel as petrol based combustion engines are not the main means of transportation in the Fallout Universe. Not sure if a gas powered vehicle had been produced for hundreds of years before the war, so I doubt they are something you could find outside of a museum setting.

The actual bottom line here is that none of the game world is designed to support player drive-able vehicles and as such, the game will not include them. Keep in mind that adding numerous different systems to a game is a sure way to make it mediocre at many things rather than exceptional at a few (or good at some and horrific at a few).

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 5:34 pm

Thanks, you just made my day!

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 8:48 pm

I think it'd make a fun dlc, kind of like how skyrim made it a dlc. But not just cars, it'd be funny to ride of those red racer tricycles, or the robot pony thing ha. It wouldn't effect the game at all, but would give you something to laugh at. Fallout is all about those goofy kind of things. Even if you got a car running, after sitting 200 years it'd probably run like crap and be a death trap. "Dammit, my chryslus blew another reactor."
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:22 am

adding a card for just fast travel is just stupid, only thing it does is remove your ability to open a map and click where u go, and when u add those service like modder did on skyrim u kill all the random encounters u have on the road.

Vehicles are just a bad idea for a game not design around it, that why normally on game where u have car exploration the maps are made around it and when u have foot exploration is the same.

On Fallout 2 the car actually didnt make any impact bc u did actually "fast Travel" when u just walk, since the card only work to move from point to point on maps, and have less chance to find random encounter.

U guys need to learn a little of game design and dont complain. A car will never work on a map like Fallout 3 NV or 4 have, motorcycle maybe u can get dismount from it, but that is how far i will go if it was for me.

Normally ppl think car are the same as mounts but they arent, for a game perspective. And mounts on fallout game, when u go back to the lore, most of the animals are to "wild" to raid, and Bramin they just sit when u mount then.

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Bek Rideout
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:18 am

Maybe you didn't read the part where I said it wasn't for the sake of game mechanics, but for the sake of feeling like you were actually traveling?

Explain to me what the difference between using a car for fast travel (Fallout 2), a motorcycle (Fallout 3 mod) or a horse carriage (Skyrim mod). That's right, it's the same.

The fact is, there will be fast travel. Magically teleporting from point A to point B without having transportation indicates that you walked the whole way. In that case, you're highly likely to encounter some enemies on the way, but that never happens. Now, if you were driving at 300 mph across the wasteland, I'd say that's it's less likely that someone will attack you along the way.

I'm not talking about "mounts" here, or actually driving something, just a different fast travel option. One that could, potentially, be combined with a type of dwelling.

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Karine laverre
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 5:50 pm

I don't think it would work well, at least not in fallout 4. Vehicles go much faster than walking (obviously) and the world is scaled around walking. That means that the world would feel very tiny if you could just drive the whole thing in a few minutes. I prefer the way bethesda does their games (hiking simulator). Also you have to have a lot of dead space to make the vehicle worth while, if not you would just be stopping every few feet to kill raiders and discover locations.

Also vehicular combat would need to be balanced, and the game balanced around that. Kinda ruins the danger of powered armored foes and deathclaws if you can just run them over to ragdoll them, and then park on top of their head.

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 5:27 pm

This mental image made me lol, absolutely sick...

But I don't want vehicles in Fallout. Games that have vehicles have different sections that are balanced differently depending on whether it's an on-foot area or a vehicular area. Everything from Halo to GTA to Witcher 3 is like this. To take GTA as an example, try walking across the city. It's just not that interesting the way Fallout is interesting at that scale. So to introduce vehicles, they'd have to screw with the scale and balance massively, and that would inevitably take away the joy of wandering around the wasteland on foot. I completely believe that there just is not a way to do this right.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:40 am

Vehicles would be cool...But it depends on how well they operate with the terrain and whatnot.

A vertibird that takes me around places, once you get it, is a nice alternative to fast travel, but it's not really a vehicle, it's a transport node.

I dream of a Fallout game where I can drive around in the old Highwayman, but not over bumpy terrain and getting stuck on debris to the point where I would RATHER walk than deal with the hassle of transversing the wastelands slings and stones and getting caught on every little thing.

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Aaron Clark
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:21 am

don't really need two mad max's out this year

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Dominic Vaughan
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:33 am

Well to be fair, Mad Max has been one of many key inspirations to the series, on top of the original Wasteland game and the cult film A Boy and his Dog.

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Sarah Knight
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 6:39 pm

allowing to fast travel be animate mean, u kill all the randon encounter u have from point A to B, and that was the main issue about the stupid mod on Skyrim.

On fallout 2 using the card mean u avoid the random encounter plus the whole idea that u move between zone inside a full region no just one part of it.

Isnt the same and the difference between and horde or a motorcycle when u implement it correctly is that u can get dismount with combat while u cant when u are inside a car.

Look a game like Witcher 3 where u can get dismount when u get attack while mounting, but at the same time make combat irrelevant since u can just kill pretty much everything while mount.

Making a vehicle on a game like Fallout or ES been relevant mean u will kill most of the exploration bc ppl tent to exploits those mechanics is more u will probably kill combat too, bc ppl will choose to run over other that actually dismount and fight.

A good example of this is what easy was to exploit combat on Skyrim will mounting.

and i know the game is inspire on Mad Max but Fallout isnt a car combat game like Mad Max or Rage are, and i will hate to see it become something like that, bc if u play Mad Max game u will notice the main thing the maps have is open space to just drive around.

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Monique Cameron
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:31 am

I see no reason, from a setting standpoint, why they can't be done. I think that some Mad Max style vehicles could work well in the fallout universe.
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 7:46 pm

then it wont be Fallout anymore.

u never will have both u give up something for something when it come down to gameplay or Mechanics, like Mad Max combat is super simple compare to Fallout, or the exploration part or the map as a hole, for cars to work u need open areas u cant have just dungeon style zone, bc that is make for foot exploration.

U just dont need to go that far and look a game like GTA that is make so u spend more time raiding car that on foot, on the other way around Fallout or ES game, even Witcher game is make so u spend more time exploring on foot, discovering secret entry and stuff like that.

im not been a [censored] about cars, i just trying to show why is the reason, i work making games and sometimes u cant have a lot of different mechanics bc u end giving up something, so on game as big as Fallout or ES, u want to try to focus more on stuff relevant for the gameplay, in this case is foot exploration and foot combat, on game like Mad Max where the lore and style is around moding cars for combat u focus on that. When u make a combo of both u end with something like Rage that isnt strong on any front.

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Petr Jordy Zugar
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:26 am

I don't know the roads look like [censored] in the east coast, you think you can ride a car over rubble? A motorcycle would probably be more reasonable. You know what the wasteland needs? Some giddyup buttercups.

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Russell Davies
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 8:53 pm

hahahahaha that's true. Roads right now, pre apocalypse are terrible. I couldn't imagine driving after 200 years of unmaintained roads. We go a winter and the roads have potholes like they've been hit with mortars for weeks

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Arnold Wet
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:06 am

Or I'm so hoping I can mod something like this in, probably a bit lower and chunkier, less sit-up-and-beg, with a tracked trailer behind for cargo. Go slow over rubble, up to sprint speed on the clear-ish flat-ish bits.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:56 am

Keep in mind that they also had runaway inflation, but yeah, running out of oil is what caused the Great War

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