Vehicles Are a Touchy Subject...

Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:03 am


At the risk of repeating myself: I'm talking about fast travel. There will be no encounters during fast travel so you don't have to "dismount" to fight, nor will it be animated, you just cut the scene and show up at your destination. At least there were no random encounters during fast travel in Fallout 3, but there was in Fallout 2 (unlike what you're saying you actually got stopped for random encounters and The Highwayman was parked at the edge of the screen).

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 10:52 pm

Are all the brahmin hitched to the back of the car? Yes....ALRIGHT FLOOR IT! MOOOOOOOOOO *splat* :D
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bonita mathews
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 11:28 pm

This is no more realistic than a car mysteriously appearing out of thin air so that you can fast travel.
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leigh stewart
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:32 am

Well, it is a bit more realistic. I mean, you walk to your car, use it as a fast-travel activator, wander on foot around your destination on foot and then have to walk back to your car in order to activate it again in order to fast-travel.

It would be closer to the vanilla carriage drivers in Skyrim than to just "I want to fast travel" and *puff* there's your car.

In fact, if such a hypothetical car were to come with a built in navigation system, then it could do the same job of taking you to major settlements which you hadn't already encountered on foot.

It wouldn't be a big deal, having such a vehicle, but it would be a nice call back to the Highwayman in Fallout 2, for those who want such a thing - and would work in almost the same way. Or a bit like a Morrowind silt-strider, except there'd just be one and it would stay at the last place you travelled to using it.

Not my cup of tea, but not a bad idea.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 2:51 am

They could then re-name the Lone Wanderer "The Tourist"
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 10:13 pm

this is my point, when u get something like that, the same way Skyrim did, doesnt add anything to the game, is just the same as opening the map and clicking.

And on Falllout 2 u decrees the amount on random encounter while on the car.

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Dawn Porter
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 8:34 pm

As long as the Van is modded back into the game is all I care about...Need my mobile base again lol...

But no, the game doesn't need actual moving vehicles.

It's kind of odd to say it though, maybe a hypocritical statement....Horses seem to fit Skyrim better, but for FO moving vehicles just seem out of place....

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 10:20 pm

It wouldn't have to. With the new settlement system I don't see why you wouldn't be able to scrap parts to build a car from the bottom up. Then it would simply be parked outside your crib and could be activated for fast travel and storage. It would be more fun to me than building a house. Decking it out with homemade rims, paint jobs, etc.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:38 am

But it doesn't take anything away, either, in terms of gameplay. And it does add something in terms of look and feel, for those who happen to like such a vehicle. It could also add cargo carrying capacity as a reward for the effort needed to rebuild it, and allow fast-travelling while encumbered for those characters with low endurance.

As you note, the carriage drivers in Skyrim added next to nothing, except at the very start of a game (and arguably what they added at the start was an excuse to skip the on-foot travel between cities, which for some people would be A Bad Thing :nono: :)). And yet, did Bethesda really waste their time implementing the carriage drivers?

I guess some people would say they did, but I felt the Skyrim carriages just added a small, enjoyable detail to the world - as would the ability, with some effort, to rebuild a wrecked old car using scavenged parts and then use it.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:28 am

Might as well play GTA V, Far Cry, or Mad Max, instead of putting all this fluff about cars rolling around the wasteland into the game.
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Shianne Donato
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 8:49 pm

Fast travel is one thing, but animate fast travel is other, i agreed with u a fast travel "mechanic" will work like Skyrim one do, but most ppl dont want that, they want to actually ride a car.

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Kirsty Collins
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 11:40 pm

Eh, by that reasoning you might as well play Call of Duty, Far Cry or Stalker instead of wasting time on Fallout 4's gun-play. Just because someone else has done it first, and maybe better, doesn't necessarily mean it shouldn't be included.

Having said that, I do agree that if Bethesda were to make it a feature of the game then either it would have to be done as a minor fast-travel feature like Phoss suggested, just for the look of the thing, or the game would have to have been designed with drivable vehicles in mind from the start as a major feature. And I agree that there's possibly an unresolvable conflict between the scale and pacing of a gameworld accommodating on-foot exploration and one that feels right with faster vehicular travel.

When you're talking about mods, I don't see a problem. Drivable vehicles would certainly fit the look and feel of the Fallout 4 universe, and so long as either they're not too fast for trundling around city sections, or they're too unwieldy except for tearing across the open stretches of the map, then I reckon a lot of people would find them fun :)

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kirsty williams
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:51 am

Well, if you think vehicles should be seen rolling about in Fallout then I disagree with you. I think it's a very stupid idea that removes personality and 1st person opportunities within the game.

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 8:13 pm

So you think there should be no drivable vehicle mods, even for the people who'd enjoy them? That if another software house was allowed by Bethesda to develop a Fallout game under license, or if Zenimax Online developed a Fallout MMO, drivable vehicles should be banned?

If you mean that drivable vehicles wouldn't fit well in a Bethesda Softworks Fallout game, that is designed (like Fallout 3 and all the single-player elder scrolls games) for primarily on-foot exploration... well, as you'll see from my last post I rather agree.

But the idea of drivable vehicles in a Fallout setting is stupid? That I don't agree with at all. The implementation of such an idea would need it to be figured in from the start, for it to be done to a professional standard, and that might need a different style of game to the ones Bethesda does.

I think of drivable vehicles in the same way I think of settlement building. They've never been in a Fallout game before, and they're not to everyone's taste. I personally hope that settlement building is utterly optional and disposable, because I wouldn't get any enjoyment from it at all. But if other people find it fun, then where's the harm? I'd enjoy having a drivable vehicle, so long as it was done well enough, and perhaps other people would as well. So where would be the harm, so long as it's entirely optional?

And, as Bethesda haven't put drivable vehicles in FO4 (and aren't going to), then any drivable vehicle mod would be entirely optional :)

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:23 am

Drivable vehicles wouldn't be for everybody and there's an argument for the vehicle to he a fast travel alternative ( either animated or static). Another thing to add is we've already seen in two different trailers that the PC gets access to a vertibird, what we don't know is to what degree it could even replace fast travel and even act similar to dragon riding in Skyrim ( call the vertibird via smoke and circle an area while firing from it's side) or it's only accessible during certain quests.
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:54 am

Issue I see with it just being for fast travel is that you don't use it when you first find the location, feels a bit werid for me that way, wouldn't have an issue if it was for an option. I guess it could also make carry weight rather pointless as you could just keep going back and forth easily to the vehicle.

Issue with driveable vehciles in fallout is it wouldn't feel like fallout. No need to fear 99% of all critters. IT's also going to mean the worlds mroe spread out so walking isn't an option and there's not much to see :/

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Toby Green
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:16 am

Exactly! And I think others in this thread have expressed that the inclusion of vehicles does not follow Fallout lore.

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remi lasisi
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:30 am

I just don't get why they couldn't have simple dune buggies and vehicles that you'd "expect" to find people build piecemeal with parts taken from all the vehicles scattered around the world and things.

I mean Fallout 2 had vehicles, it's not like vehicles don't "exist" in the world or anything.

They could always make them have a cost to maintain, have vehicles take wear and tear as you use them, requiring you to repair them, not to mention get things like oil, etc that you'd need to keep it running.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:14 am

It ruins the fun of looking closely at anything around you and interacting with it.

Driving games are designed differently, and when you introduce vehicles done in a way that they are supposed to be done, severe compromises would have to be made in game development.

Yet you still see people creeping into the forums asking for a "quick and dirty approach" to introducing vehicles... which kinda svcks.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 2:40 am

The thing is (for me at least) They already do this perfectly fine with TES games in regards to keeping the world design while still having mounts to allow you to have faster travel.

I understand that yes it would still take work, it's just something I think would "fit" in the world if done right without having to "drastically" alter the world design itself. I mean you don't "need" a mad max style world (IE largely barren world with little to nothing to find between camps or outpost).

I mean in fallout 3/NV, what would have really had to be changed? Obviously you couldn't allow vehicles inside structures and such. Then a few levels they'd have to account for that (IE the subway part in fallout 3).

For games sake (and playability) you could have the vehicles function like mounts in TES in terms of "Summoning," just have a thing on your pip boy to call in your vehicle so you don't have to back-track to use it where you left it last time or anything. That right there solves most of your design troubles in terms of the linear levels and going through areas like the subway where you couldn't take a vehicle.

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Andrew Perry
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:54 am

Compromises in design or, at least, different design :)

For instance, Fallout 1 & 2 had (if I remember correctly) a much less open-world design, with a number of discrete locations around which you could wander separated by large expanses of wasteland which you (essentially) fast-travelled across - in Fallout 2 using a vehicle, I gather.

The modern equivalent would be having large, empty areas of map across which it would make sense to drive, with more densely packed 'quest areas' which it would make more sense to explore on foot.

But while such a game might be Fallout, it certainly couldn't be in the same style as Bethsda's Fallout.

Obviously we know Bethesda haven't got drivable vehicles in the game, and I doubt they'll ever have them in any future game (but I may be proved wrong, who knows? :)), but I think there are ways that mods, while obviously not being up to professional standard, could work well enough and be fun enough to be worthwhile.

There'd be two possible approaches, I think.

  1. A fast vehicle. This wouldn't be manoeuvrable enough to get through very dense built-up areas, but for late-game would be an alternative to fast-travel in that it could get you quickly from one area of the map to another - especially welcome if you don't much like fast-travel but have trekked across and explored the same terrain quite enough already.
  2. A slow vehicle with extra carry capacity. This would go at a sprint (at most) over smooth ground, and more slowly over rough. The extra carry capacity and the benefit of faster movement (without action-point cost) would be balanced by the cost of obtaining and maintaining the thing. Mostly it would be useful for packrats who just want to clear out every location they come across, but without constantly going back and forth from vault to trader to home to vault, or for people who'd like to roleplay a travelling merchant adventurer. This would probably need some armour, but only useful against weaker melee enemies. A raider with a rifle should still be dangerous, and force you to retreat or get out and fight.

Of course, a fast, armed and armoured vehicle would be fun, but that would be strictly in 'overpowered for the laughs' territory :)

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des lynam
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 6:57 pm

Is it just me, or did one of those SPECIAL videos look to show HCM will be part of the game? I think it was the Endurance video showing Vault Boy eating and drinking to keep his endurance up.

As for vehicles in the game: I prefer they stay out of the game. If I want to go driving in a post-apocalyptic-like setting, I still own Borderlands.

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Charleigh Anderson
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:11 am

Vehicles work good for sandbox games like Phantom Pain, Mad Max, or GTA V. I don't see how fast moving vehicles would work in a detailed oriented game like Fallout where the gaming world itself is the main appeal.

When you factor in loading times for each area, zipping past discoveries and detailed easter eggs scattered about, fast travel, vertibird and the Iron Man suit are good enough.

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