Vehicles Are a Touchy Subject...

Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:17 am

== Vehicles Are a Touchy Subject ==

'''But if done properly..'''

The idea of vehicles being in Fallout has been an ongoing thing for a while now, Bethesda has yet to do this though, probably because the game is strongly portrayed around the concept of Post-Apocalyptia, the worlds about getting by, not about having a simple life. It's also based around the idea of exploring, scavenging, and some survival. Vehicles would almost RUIN this concept if you were to think about it. However, I believe if they added vehicles in such a way, to where, perhaps they removed the fast travel option making the game a bit more realistic. You use them to get from point A to point B, and by that time in the game, you'd have already explored those areas. And if it was in any old fallout game, you'd just fast travel, so it’s not like you'd be missing out on any unintentional discoveries.

Personally, off topic, I LOVED the way Fallout New Vegas implemented hard-core mode. I think it made the game 100x better. Hard-core mode should just be the way fallout 4 runs, it shouldn't even be an option, of course don't include ALL the harshness, mostly just for the realism part, having to eat, drink, sleep. Bethesda does such a great job at getting every element right. That's what I think makes the fallout games above any other games out there. Usually the eating, sleeping, and drinking factors don't work out that well, like in Minecraft or something. But Bethesda knows how to actually make it an improvement.

If they added vehicles to Fallout 4, they should, and probably would anyways, make them difficult to get. Make it to where you'd have to build it up. In Fallout 4 you can build your home, why not add a garage, or a lot, part of the house where you have to bring the parts, and with the proper skills, you can finally build your car, truck, 1800s Bugatti. OR MAYBE YOU CAN JUST BUILD THE ENGINE, JUST THE BACK BODY, OR THE FRONT BODY. Google search "Bugatti Type 35" You can't tell me that that's not some fallout worthy [censored].

Imagine if they added horses, NO, NOT HORSES, BRAHMIN, THAT YOU CAN OWN. You can create a little [censored] farm, I wouldn't want them to get to into a farming idea, sounds lame. Lol, but if they did added a complex farming simulator, they would do a great job at it. MORE THE REASON TO OWN BRAHMIN IN YOUR FACTION, HOME, COLONY, What if you could put ropes around them, pack them up with your equipment, and walk over to your other faction/home/colony place. Say you could walk with 4 at a time, or better yet, you could wrap the ropes around your car, drive at a casual pace, and have up to 10 brahmin with packs on their backs walking behind you. Imagine the comedy that would come out of that... You know, when people don't drive at a casual pace...

To drive the cars you need fuel, they all-ready talked about having merchants and traders deliver hauls of equipment to your faction, what if you could add a small fuel reserve, where you bought fuel, put it into a deep hole, and made a gasoline well out of it? What if you could upgrade your gasoline well, buy a ton of gasoline in one haul, and distribute it through your gas station that's a part of your colony, so when other vehicles come by, they can buy gas from you. BUSINESS MAN. HOWEVER IM NOT TOO HOT ON HAVING A LOT OF PEOPLE DRIVING. But in the trailer they did show someone else ride in a brahmin and buggy. So, it's not a BAD idea... Commonly see people riding a brahmin and buggy, rarely see people riding on a car being pulled by brahmin, and even more rarely see someone actually driving a running car. IT’S REALISTIC. THERE WOULD BE RUNNING CARS, ITS VERY UNREALISTIC TO JUST HAVE NO CARS AT ALL.

Bethesda's talking about ordering shipments and stuff, and how you can run your own colony, and how you have to fend off from attacks. With all of this they better add some sort of business element right? And I'm almost positive they're going too, but if they added vehicles, that'd be just another piece of it all. A reliable source of income is one thing fallout doesn't have, that it should have. Renting out houses and what not, you know like in Fable or something? More than just that though, a lot more.

The Vehicles would be SLOW and RESTRICTED, they wouldn't be able to go everywhere, in fact unless you managed to obtain one of the BIG HEAVY TERRAIN VEHICLES, you would barely even be able to leave the main road. And whenever there's a quest, you can use your vehicle to get to the area of the quest, but once the quest starts, there's no option of bringing your vehicle along or using it to your advantage, the terrains to rough to take it off the main road, if you do, it might get stuck, and you'd be out of luck, until you bring a brahmin to haul it out. Before you start the quest you'd have to park it somewhere and come back for it later.

They wouldn't be too slow, they'd go at a decent speed, and be a realistic alternative to fast travel. I think they should add vehicles in such a way to where they are simply that, the realistic alternative to fast travel. They shouldn't be how they are in Grand theft auto, where you can just [censored] run everyone over, and floor it down the highway at 200mph carelessly. Fallout is a slow tactical game, and that's EXACTLY what they should make the vehicles out to be.

In your lot you should be able to add parts and exchange parts on your vehicle. I wouldn't want them to add anything like the Need for Speed customizing system, no, you should be able to change the armor, the tires, the paint, and maybe some mounted guns, but maybe not. That’s it, really. ...WELL, maybe a little more, until it actually got to the point where they started developing this [censored], we won't know. But if that one in a million came up and Bethesda came across this post and liked everything I had to say, they'd figure out how to do it perfectly. I know that.

ANOTHER IDEA, CATCHING WILD BRAHMIN, HOW ELSE WOULD YOU GET THEM OF COURSE? What if you run out of gas? Or maybe you just want to bring your car somewhere without having to use up the gas? A slow alternative would be lassoing a brahmin and tying him to your car. In which you could ride like a horse and buggy. They showed something like this in the Fallout 4 Trailer, of course not a car, just a carriage, or to have a brahim haul your car out of a sticky situation, like I mentioned earlier.

This is my idea for vehicles in Fallout 4, maybe I could have worded things better, I don't know. It's difficult for me to explain exactly how I imagine this working out in words, I'm more of a visual thinker. But anyways. Hope this concept stirs into something. Maybe just a mod at least. I think it’s a nice concept. Thanks for reading, and have a nice day :smile:

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:52 am

I can't even read that [censored] with the way you typed it

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Kate Schofield
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:39 am

Power armor is a vehicle now. So vehicles are in the game as power armor. You can also fly in a vertibird, though I've no idea whether you can control that or not.

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Betsy Humpledink
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:44 am

Yeah a mod most likely, Beth has already confirmed no drivable vehicles, motivating with not wanting such a gameplay element dictating how they designed the world.

I always imagen it will be kinda like a updated take on the wagon system from Skyrim, but instead of loading screens you'll transport from point A to B in real time.
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Jonathan Windmon
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:45 am

Vehicles in Fallout don't run on gasoline but NUCLEAR energy, and also oil is really and I mean really rare so you won't find it anywhere.

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jessica robson
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 9:22 pm

And thats was before the war, you can spot gas prices from before the war in one clip where the player passes through that abandoned gas station.
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Brooke Turner
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 8:23 pm

I fixed some of the [censored] typos, are you [censored] happy now?

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Anthony Rand
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 2:52 am

I suspect he was more referring to the lack of spacing and wall of text vibe the post gives.
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Misty lt
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 5:29 pm

I thought before Fallout 4's reveal that vehicles would be the major new feature to set it apart from other Bethesda games.

I was wrong, I think its supposed to be settlement building and improved combat this time. Someone did get cars working on the New Vegas engine however, and even though its janky as hell its still fully functional cars. Maybe someone will make a better mod if the new engine is permitting.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:29 am

Post is to large for spaces.

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 9:32 pm

While it makes sense that [i[someone[/i] in the FO universe would figure out how to make a car/motorcycle/street sweeper run again, I don't like the idea of actually having the driving of said vehicles as part of the gameplay, beyond being a fast travel system.
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Josephine Gowing
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:43 am

So many years in waiting, I wish they would have added all that they could.
A lot of people say, "Oh, it's just a video game, its not supposed to be realistic" And that's true to a point, but ALL video games are references off of reality. When games start to become realisitic, they just send off this awesome [censored] vibe, or at least for me it does. And I don't mean graphics at all, just realism. I love it when games start getting more realistic. And for them to just COMPLETELY DROP the idea of vehicles svckS. They should have them, just in the proper format. And if anyone could do that, it'd be Bethesda.

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Pat RiMsey
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:03 am

Then narrow it down to the bare essentials that pertain to the topic at hand. The topic title said it was about vehicles, but then you went out on an unrelated tangent about hardcoe mode and Brahmin Farming. It's difficult the follow your train of thought and your post wasn't well constructed or organized. Personally I think your ideas on the various uses for Brahmin were very unique and interesting, to the point where they warrant their own topic. Instead of trying to smush all your ideas and opinions into one post they would probably all be better received if you posted them separately.
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Elizabeth Falvey
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:51 am

Bethesda is my favourite developer for a reason. The games they make feel less like a game in a traditional sense and more like a simulated world that I live my characters life in. Ill probably be referring to "My time in Fallout 4" as "My time in The Commonwealth" more often than not.

Cars would be something hard to balance, I think. The engine stuff I dont think is the real issue, since modders have been able to hack together a really rough version of it, and with development resources you can do almost anything. What I think it would do though is make the map feel a lot smaller. Cars move a lot faster than horses, and there's also the issue of them not going over rough terrain very well meaning that they might be limited to a set of roads. To cross New Vegas's landscape in a car makes it feel even smaller. Although Fallout 4 is shaping up to be much bigger, it is also looking to have a lot more dense of a map rather than the expanses of flat desert in the Mojave. There's also the question of what we've seen of the ruined city of Boston. Going through those streets choked with debris inside your giant falloutverse car wouldn't really work, or make for compelling gameplay. There could be ways around it, but Bethesda does a lot of work on their games that never makes it into the final product. I would imagine they've programmed together something like a car to test around the world to see if its feasible. After all, its possible with mods.

Using it for fast travel might be okay, but then you would have people complaining that they can't drive the car. Then that feeds back into the problem of a lot of The Commonwealth shaping up to be just like the Capital Wasteland with its massive ruins and terrible roads. If there was to be a Fallout game to include driveable cars, it seems that New Vegas has the right terrain for it, although not the right size. Maybe if the next game were to have suitable terrain it would work.

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lacy lake
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:36 am

paragraphs are difficult. :lol:
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jessica Villacis
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 6:21 pm

The arugment of moving equipment is silly. Vehicles are not needed for that as has been shown by the what? 3950 years or recorded histroy?

Gamewise I want Fallout. Not RAGE.

No need to fear 99% of all enemies cuz I'm in a vehicle. Giant rad scorpion? SPLAT! Deathclaw? RAMMING SPEED! Super mutant behmoth? I'll stick a mini nuke launcher on the roof.

Then there's issues of the map as has been said, you'd need a lot of empty space for it to be worth while else you can end up spending more time getting in and out than playing. If there's a large amount of empty space then people can't play on foot as it will take them hours to get any where.

So I don't see them feeling like Fallout. A small boat works such as the Duchess Gambit or a more sea faring boat might work well along the coast and the islands.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:42 am

Reading that gave me glaucoma
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 6:58 pm

im with u, it will be cool if they do something like Skyrim for Fast travel but no actually game play, having a vehicle mean they need to add stuff that can counter u while u driving it, if not it will become the most OP mechanic on the game, and that will make Fallout become a game like Mad Max or Rage.

About the fast travel i think the Vertibird become something like it now bc with u flying on it now

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Alexis Estrada
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 7:31 pm

If you want a vague idea of what OP is probably asking for (the whole vehicle thing, and all) just play Mad Max. That game is a lot of fun, but I'd really, really, really hate to see Fallout become anything like it. Every time I hear someone begging for vehicles in Fallout, I cringe. It's not a vehicle-centric game.
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:59 am

yeah i agreed with u, making vehicles part of Fallout will kill the whole "exploration" and cool random encounter we have. Vehicles arent horse like Skyrim

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Robert Jr
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:25 am

I read somewhere the gas prices in Fallout 4 are actually coolant prices for nuclear cars. Fallout Tactics has gas prices with it being set at about $7500 per gallon for regular gas.

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kelly thomson
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:23 am

The outrageous prices were also due to horrible inflation. Here is an article that gives you an idea of how bad it was.
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Lawrence Armijo
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:42 am

It's kind of like preparing for an epic, month-long hike through the wilderness. You may never even return from this trip alive.. And then.. somebody asks for a dirtbike so they can get to the trailheads, hike the trail, and then get home "just a little faster".
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Jah Allen
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 6:07 pm

Adding a car option to an open world game like FO3 or FONV would require so many reworks from the ground up, you'd have to design the entire game around cars from day 1 or limit the car's use to what it was in fallout 2. Neither option sounds remotely like a good idea for a modern fallout game in my opinion. I'm quite happy with my car in Mad Max, but I just can't see a way of putting a car into a modern fallout without ruining the game.
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Da Missz
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:45 am

EXACTLY! Different games do different things. Fallout doesn't do this unless Bethesda wants to start wasting most of their game design modelled on vehicle centric games. It would have to start from the ground up, and I really don't like the sound of even trying it. Not for a game like Fallout, anyway.
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