Mutated horses would be cool, but I think they are extinct
Mutated horses would be cool, but I think they are extinct
I know many of those who want vehicles are thinking of all the car chases in the recent Mad Max movie but the Mad Max and FO franchises have very little in common with each other apart from both having a post-apocalyptic setting. There is a number of gameplay reasons why vehicles don't fit the FO world very well.
- Vehicles make the world too small. The game world is already scaled down a lot, being able to drive from one end of the map to another in under a minute would completely destroy the illusion of a vast wasteland.
- As was already mentioned, vehicles make the game a lot simpler. Driving over any smaller creatures and speeding away from larger ones (like a deathclaw) completely removes any danger from combat. I don't know how vertibirds function in game but I suspect flying in them will be scripted and only as part of certain quests. In other words you won't be able to park a vertibird outside your house and fly in it to wherever you want, whenever you want.
- Vehicles are not suited for exploration. They are good for getting from point A to point B but not exploring what's inbetween, you're driving too fast and you're only looking at the road ahead. Given how important exploration is in Fallout (FO3 onwards at least) it should be obvious why vehicles are a bad idea. Also, since vehicles need a road to travel on, you couldn't explore areas of complete wilderness.
I wouldn't be against mounts in principle, but horses seem to be extinct, brahmin are too slow and other creatures that are large enough, like deathclaws, don't seem to be very trainable
I'm all for including bicycles. As long as it gets a Mad Max treatment, of course.
Why do you say that? I thought the concept was handled great in Far Cry 4 with the gyrocopter.
I'd prefer to think they wouldn't show it in the showcase, and just spring it on us. They certainly didn't reveal all the gameplay surprises!
That vertibird really suprised me. How smooth it was flying over the landscape and at such speed makes me really think they've upgraded the engine a fair bit. I wonder what the conditions to getting the vertibird are, and if I can land it at my home town. If there is the engine for vertibirds, then land vehicles aren't that far off. Everything in that E3 video seemed so smooth, so much smoother than the stutterfest that gamebyro/creation usually is, maybe that will allow for a actual playable experience with land vehicles. Im sure a lot of us have tried out the XRE Cars mod for New Vegas, and its completely messed up because the engine just can't handle it.
The jetpacks use AP, and from the gameplay we saw of it in use from the Microsoft conference, it drains AP fairly fast.
I doubt you could even get a full minute of use from it.
which again lets me assume that stuff like this is stg you can construct, and multiple kinds of
AP is silly in general, but AP is now also tied to sprinting.
Basically AP is endurance, which it basically was before. Its a good way to make you have to think about what you are doing so you can just sprint/use VATS/use jetpacks all at once all the time.
AP is Action Points and Action Points can dictate that it cost Energy to use a Jet Pack and that Energy can be converted into Action Points.
If the jetpack is used in combat, ie death from above style, why shouldn't AP be used?
I implore you people to just think for a moment. Instead of assuming that PA will be a literal bullet-deflector, maing you invincible, and that Vertibirds will take the fun out of exploration or 'making it too easy', I challenge you to try and think why you might be getting ahead of yourself!
Firstly, we have no idea how often or even when we can use PA. Do we need a certain perk? A certain quest has to be completed? Do we need certain items to make it function? Can we use it for an unlimited amount of time? Will the charge deplete over time?
How about Vertibirds? Will we be able to access them from early on, rendering walking and the need for a challenge completely moot? Will they be able for us during free roam? Will they be a quest-only feature? A one-time only feature?
See what I'm saying, people? We have absolutely no idea how and when we can use these items. They might not even be available until halfway through the game, and even then, they might be only available if you side with a certain faction. Just don't get ahead of yourselves guys, I'm sure it'll all work out in the end.
So knowing how to do actions in an efficient manner over a period of time, such as knowing how to move your legs in such a way as to maximize your energy use so you can move faster longer...... aka sprinting longer with more AP.
I didn't word that as best as I could, but I was directing my comments at those who were worried about the PA being too overpowered, meaning you'll be able to breeze on through quests and enemy strongholds. Same with the Vertibirds to anybody who were complaining it'd make exploration pointless and too easy to navigate the Wasteland.
That is where a mini nuke would come in handy. You drop in the man hole cover and who knows it might make the man hole large enough for you to get through.
You can very clearly see the fatman in the gameplay trailer.