Vendor list issue?

Post » Sat Aug 06, 2011 3:07 pm

Brotherhood vendor Torres, her loot selection never changes. I could have sworn her vendor list gets updated when you join the bos. As it stands she never gets any energy weapons nor does she sell any power armor. Only mods I have that touch weapons are Project nevada and eve and the raven modding version of the community bugfix. (I am going to run fnv edit and see if I can double check that)

Is that brotherhood a known issue with some mod or patch? Its murder trying to get t-51b power armor when the only available set is in the deathclaw area and brotherhood safehouse.

I completed dealing with Conteras by convincing him to work with Keller, are there any mods that change the end quest rewards? Seems odd that he neither gets the expanded gear or discount. Considering the deal as described by the ranger, I don't understand that outcome. (I could see him not giving you a discount, but no expanded vendor list?)
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Kat Ives
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