» Sun Mar 22, 2009 10:22 pm
[quote]free2game, their lead platform will always be PC. They're showing console because it's only fair that they receive the same treatment. We all will at the end of the day.
Also, you're taking this game like it's made for 360, let me rephrase this; The game their making isn't a console port, it uses LiveCreate. If you want more information, check out Crytek's official website.
Since they have more responsibilities now, they have to be fair to all platforms. But even so, the LiveCreate feature allows them to create a game that makes the most of the platforms hardware.[/quote]What makes you think that the PC is the lead platform? If you look at every multiplatform FPS that's come out over the years, the 360 is always the lead platform. The lowest common denominator determines how far you can push things, that's the xbox 360. It's limited to what it can do. Even if the graphics are better, the controls still look like they're totally designed around console which means they're going to feel like precise than the first game, the hitboxes are going to be bigger, and things that couldn't fit on a controller will be taken out, even if they still work on a keyboard. That's just how every multiplat FPS has been. It's pretty logical to assume that.