Translated Versions: - Version 1.0.3
It's the small fishing village with the funny name!
As I was poking around in the CS, scouting locations for something to fill a hole, I took notice of a dock next to Fort Variela. I wondered if perhaps it was the footprint of something Bethesda simply left out. So I went looking for lore maps to see if anything at all was indicated there. One such map exists, and was marked with the word "Vergayun" right about where the dock is. As it turns out, an old discussion in the lore forum had taken notice of this before and concluded the name was actually added by an overzealous fan of Redguard when they extended the map for it to cover part of Cyrodiil. Well, lore correct or not, the name stuck.
Imagine my surprise when checking my load order also turned up nothing touching the two cells I wanted to use. With a name, and the site being clear, the fishing village of Vergayun is born. It consists of an inn, a farmhouse, 2 small houses on the shore, and a larger building which is being used as a warehouse. The dock area has also been cleaned up a bit to remove the broken junk that was laying around.
The inhabitants earn their living by fishing for slaughterfish, trapping mudcrabs, and harvesting clams. These are then turned into a delicious clam chowder, mudcrab stew, and slaughterfish surprise. Nobody is really sure exactly what the surprise is, and the innkeeper isn't talking!
Copy the ESP and BSA files to your Data folder, then activate. That's it.
If you have RAEVWD or some other mod which provides LOD, run TES4LODGen to update it to include Vergayun's buildings.
Delete Vergayun.esp and Vergayun.bsa. Easy, no?
If you generated LOD, rerun TES4LODGen to remove the changes to the area.
This mod is a tight squeeze in between the river and UL:Dark Forest, but should pose no problems.
If you are running New Roads & Bridges Revised, load this mod after it. The combination of the two will provide a short trail up to the main road, and the view of the Great Niben Bridge will complement the village nicely.
Licensing and Legal
Redistribution is strictly forbidden without prior consent. This means do not upload it anywhere unless you have obtained permission from myself (Arthmoor).
Non-English translation versions may be uploaded without permission on the following conditions:
1. All mod files contained in this archive are retained with their current names.
2. No alterations are made to the contents of the plugins or master file other than those necessary to translate the English text.
3. No alterations or additions are made to the meshes and textures other than those necessary to translate English text.
4. This readme is included, in ENGLISH, exactly as it is written in the version it was downloaded with.
Mr Silka for his cog ship.
Mikal33 for providing the mudcrab stew and clam chowder meshes, textures, and inventory icons. Also for the inn's sign.
Pacific Morrowind for providing the slaughterfish surprise mesh and texture.
All you other modders out there who left this nice cool spot alone for me