Could you please clearout your download files.
Sorry but I do not get it, what files do I need to download how to patch them all.
Please put everything in one big file, your seven files are confusing me.
Your files SI and VAN are huge, what's inside them, Two times the same content.
ESM and ESP files make mods SI or VAN not the content.
The content should be standard not different.
It is better to upload just one base file and one patch then more of them.
You can use OMOD scripts to make the OMOD install SI ore VAN ESM or ESP files.
Firstly thanks for the comment. However,
1. The SI and Van versions are DIFFERENT. The SI versions contain scripts that refer to SI item unavailable in the Vanilla version. Running these scripts on a Vanilla version of the game can cause CTD's. There are also differences due to SI items being used in the SI version.
2. The Si and Vanilla files are huge because among other things this mod adds huge amounts of custom armors, clothing and items. These require both NIf mesh files and textures which use large amounts of space. In addition the vast majority of the mod which is about twice as large as the nights of the nine in new material is voice acted adding another huge download for the voice files. Since several SI items are used in the SI version it is slightly larger in size.
3. Until a definative final version is confirmed OMOD is not the solution. Also not everyone uses OMOD. I know I don't, since i prefer to see where files are being put.
So you see there needs to be both a Van and an SI version. Both contain huge content, HOWEVER as the description makes clear you only require one of these.
In addition you require a version 11 patch to upgrade the esp. Again 1 for the Si version and 1 for the van.
A new user therefore only needs to download 2 files.A user with SI installed should download
Bloodlines Full SI V8
Bloodlines V11 Si OnlyA User without SI should download
Bloodlines Full VanV8
Bloodlines V10 Patch
The other three files are all optional
Bloodlines Guide This contains a 100 + page guide detailin the ques run through a a few of the Easter eggs hidden in the mod. It is a complete spoiler and should not be downloaded if you don't like that sort of thing.
Bloodline UL PatchesThis contains a number of patches to apply to Unique Lanscape mods to make it and Verona House Compatible. If you don't use UL mods you don't need this. If you do the download them.
Bloodlines Transition ShackThis mod is a follow up to a free house I designed back in the day. It had many hundreds of users and for this mod to worjk they had to move out of the free house. The shack was produced to give them a free place to go while doing the 10-20 hours of questing needed to finish the game.
I hope that clears things up for you.
With any luck I'll upload a final version 12 after the new year and tidy up both my own website and the nexus download.
Sorry if I confused you.