Far too many people consider you to be their servants, they demand constant attention and see you as a creator of their mod. If it doesn't meet their tastes they attack, they badger via constant e-mails, PM's and posts, and they slowly wear down your resolve.
But, what really annoys me, is that the wider community finds this acceptable.
It is a very unfortunate truth about life that the haters will always make more noise than the kind people. Verona House is incredible, there is not doubt. But for haters it really doesn't matter how good your mod is; they will hate and whine and complain no matter what.
For the record, I don't find the type of attacks and badgering you've experienced acceptable. But I didn't even know about much of it, and I am wondering what I can do to stop it?but I find no answer because I've learned you can't change haters and the more you try to the louder and more hateful they get.
I made a major mod for a first person shooter a while back and some people loved it and some people hated it. We had over 250,000 downloads...that's not too bad I guess, but regardless, I made it for me and was not interested in numbers or listening to whiners. But I realize it's wearing to hearing people whine continually. But I just chose to let it not bother me. It is always dangerous to look to the "masses" or the "community" or whatever for validation of any kind. The "masses" are fools, I'm sorry to say. Therefore, I made my mod for myself and the 5% of people out there who are sincere and do appreciate my work.
What I did when I got hate mail or whatever, I just imagined I was visiting the mental asylum, and you have to understand that angry letters are how all the crazy fruitloops show affection.

But seriously, they are the ones with the problem, not you. Think of all the great people history, most of them had way more criticizers or naysayers than supporters. I think of Edison, the Wright brothers, Copernicus, and so many others.
Buddah is right that there are TONS of people out there who use and love your mod but they never post for better or for worse. To me that's ok. In the end, as modders, we all need no expectations. We should simply mod the best we know how and mod for the joy challenge of it. Please just know that there are countless numbers of people like myself that love your mod and do personally understand what dedication and sacrifice it takes to make a mod like this.
I do feel compelled to say that maybe you're letting the masses get to you more than they should. Maybe you should stop all support and hand that over to people on the forums. But to stop modding simply because life is full of evil, ignorant, and dumb people...that is very unfortunate. Just remember that although the crazies try to tell you the world is flat, you know the truth and what they say just doesn't matter. But that's just my opinion of course, and I mean my comments in the most respectful manner.
Anyway, dtom, thanks for all your hard work, from one modder to another. And afterall, it's just a game, right?