Verona House : Bloodlines

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:25 pm

Right, I managed to noclip past the gate that didn't open. So that's fab.

Now I'm on the debt quest but I've interviewed everybody and don't know what to do now. According to the walkthrough (which I've checked to see if I've missed anything), I need to wait for an update from the West Weald Inn. However, I've waited about a week now and nothing has happened. Help!!!

If you open the console and use


(you may have to use page up and page down to scroll thro the list of varaibles)

Let me know the quest stage and the values of all NON ZERO variables. Send it to me thro a PM and I'll look into it.
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Elena Alina
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:19 pm

If you open the console and use


(you may have to use page up and page down to scroll thro the list of varaibles)

Let me know the quest stage and the values of all NON ZERO variables. Send it to me thro a PM and I'll look into it.

Thanks Dtom. Much obliged. I've Pm'd you the details and hope you can assist.

Aside from these glitches, your work is excellent! A really fresh bit of work indeedie!
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Monique Cameron
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:13 pm

dtom, you are awesome! Thank you for version 9 and the fix. I really appreciate you and your continued support!
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Nany Smith
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:23 am

dtom, you are awesome! Thank you for version 9 and the fix. I really appreciate you and your continued support!

Thanks, but now I've had to add another fix. Version 10 is out at nexus. I decided with version 7 to clean the mod up and the result has been a whole string of problems.
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A Boy called Marilyn
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:31 am

Like I read on a mod site's review a short while ago, it isn't an issue so much as to what bugs seem to crop up but how the author responds and deals with them. And I've got to say dtom, your response has been top notch, delivering patch after patch and graciously still supporting this mod long after you finished with it.

Thanks a lot for the new patch, this is one of the very best quest mods I've ever played.
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Chris Johnston
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:31 pm

Hey Tom,

Glad to see you're back. Hmm, some prayers do get answered.

I just installed V10SI. Immediately thereafter Vicenza stopped taking her meds. Her bad personality has taken over, and keeps treating me like a trespasser. I usually don't mind having a woman so close to me, but this one is really starting to upset my aura. I don't know what you did the last time to make her behave, but I think it needs to be redone.

Always remember: Those of us that matter will always appreciate you and your works. Hell, I think I've completed this quest 30 times by now, and I still enjoy it--crates and barrels not withstanding (sorry guys, inside joke).

I had a little more to say, but thought email was more appropriate.
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Dona BlackHeart
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:20 am

Hi dtom, I really would like to play your MOD: Verona House: Bloodlines.
But I expirienced two problems.

1. At the near end of quest No 1 ?Auger?s Niece", after I talked to Salvar Harding about the liberation of Mirabella, QuestStage 165.00, Oblivion instantly crashes when I start waiting, sleeping or fast travel.
Oblivion crashes when I?m just walking around after a period of 10 ? 15 minutes. (It shows the warning ?that Oblivion has detected an unexpected error and will report this to Microsoft.")
This problem shows up, when I?m leaving Salvar?s Office. So I decided to let my Char wait and after two days, I SetStage VHQ001 to 180, which gave me the second quest.

Now Oblivion works correct, waiting, sleeping and fast travel are working, no crashes.

2. But now I?m at the unused sheep pen at the east gate of Skingrad and it?s Midnight, but Valmar sixtius don?t show up. The questmarker is green, but no Valmar is visible.

These are my active MODs:

Active Mod Files:00  Oblivion.esm01  Children Of Rourken.esm02  Cybiades.esm  [Version 2.0]03  Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp  [Version 2.2.3]04  DLCShiveringIsles.esp05  KT_CustomRaceFix.esp06  Unlimited Rings 1.0.esp07  Unlimited Amulets 1.0.esp08  Reznod_Mannequin.esp09  _Ren_BeautyPack_full.esp0A  RealisticForceMedium.esp0B  Syc_LongerDaysShorterNights.esp0C  Berserkerbuch_V1.esp0D  DarNified Books.esp0E  Quest Award Leveling.esp0F  DeadlyReflex - Timed Block + Very High Damage.esp10  Oblivion Citadel Door Fix.esp11  Faction_Rank_Fix-5862.esp12  Lattamer.esp13  TFF_Clothing_Base.esp14  TFF_Races_Base.esp15  TFF_Armor_Base.esp16  UFF & ROBERT Cold Steel.esp17  UFF & ROBERT Assassin Elite Armor.esp18  UFF Armor of Gaia.esp19  UFF Gypsy Market.esp1A  1SB_ValsharessArmors.esp1B  ElMarinerosBackskiste.esp1C  The Lost Spires.esp1D  Ivellon.esp  [Version 1.8]1E  COR-Episode1 Secret of Enourk.esp1F  cybCrashFix.esp20  CybiadesDungeon.esp  [Version 2.1]21  Cybiades.esp  [Version 2.1]22  VHBloodlines 1.2.esp  [Version 1.4]

I really would like to play this MOD, ?cause I like the story behind it.
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Nany Smith
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:51 am

I am not sure wether you'd support my problem Dtom but I'm gonna give it a shot anyway

I've never ever Completed Oblivion farthest I've ever gone was the Bruma Attack lol new mods, crippling crashes ect have prevented me from going on thus far.....your Mod was not an exception and I couldn't bear to go through that bland questline over again to play something interesting (VH) i decided to use the Queststage Command were i could just go to man with the Imperial Certificate (sorry I forgot his name)..And indeed it work he spoke to me and gave me the quest to meet the man with the missing yes I did go to chorrol and meet the guy..unfortunatly he had no Dialog options..Just blank..I figured this was so because..well Im not the champion of cyrodill...,,Anyhelp would be much appreciated Dtom or otherwise thanks in advance.
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Rude Gurl
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:08 pm

I am not sure wether you'd support my problem Dtom but I'm gonna give it a shot anyway

I've never ever Completed Oblivion farthest I've ever gone was the Bruma Attack lol new mods, crippling crashes ect have prevented me from going on thus far.....your Mod was not an exception and I couldn't bear to go through that bland questline over again to play something interesting (VH) i decided to use the Queststage Command were i could just go to man with the Imperial Certificate (sorry I forgot his name)..And indeed it work he spoke to me and gave me the quest to meet the man with the missing yes I did go to chorrol and meet the guy..unfortunatly he had no Dialog options..Just blank..I figured this was so because..well Im not the champion of cyrodill...,,Anyhelp would be much appreciated Dtom or otherwise thanks in advance.

If you go and find Main Quest complete mod you can play Dtom mod with no problem. Im sure its on Nexus because I use it with his mod and it has work for me. If you go and see Chancellor Ocato you will get the champion armor as well.
I would start a new came, not sure what it would do with a old save. Hope this helps, I got tried of doing the main quest over and over again myself.
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u gone see
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:08 am

Hi dtom, I really would like to play your MOD: Verona House: Bloodlines.
But I expirienced two problems.

1. At the near end of quest No 1 ?Auger?s Niece", after I talked to Salvar Harding about the liberation of Mirabella, QuestStage 165.00, Oblivion instantly crashes when I start waiting, sleeping or fast travel.
Oblivion crashes when I?m just walking around after a period of 10 ? 15 minutes. (It shows the warning ?that Oblivion has detected an unexpected error and will report this to Microsoft.")

Hello STT,

This sounds very much like Version 8 problem. Ensure that you installed the lastest patch (Version 10). I and others were having the same problem before adding the update.

Hope this was helpful.
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Scotties Hottie
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:12 pm

I'm not sure if dtom is still around here, but perhaps some experiend mod users can help me out anyway. I have an issue with some stuff members, they do not react like supposed in the description on page one:

"A Steward: Keep track of all your in game commitments to the Fighters guild, mages guild, dark brotherhood and the thieves guild. In addition he will relay messages from old friends and villagers. Sorts clutter, clothes and jewels. Offers adventurers pack".

I have hired him and he is running around inside the house, but he does nothing what he should do from this description. May be that I have not realized that he is 'anonymousely' doing the first part, but I also see no option for "Sorts clutter, clothes and jewels" (he has only three options in my game, one of them is 'taxes'). There are similar sort options for Narissa or Ossuna for example and they are working perfect there, but my Steward is not interested at all...

"A Librarian: Will advice on skill books, and sells library updates".

First: How does I get him to sell the library updates? No option for that...

Second: maybe it is a (smaller) bug, maybe it is a wanted 'feature'. When I ask him to sort my skill books, I will see the books added to the book shelfs, but also I still have them in my inventory (I place them in a chest then...). In opposite, when my armor or my enchanted items are sorted, they will be taken away from my inventory. Are the books meant to stay in my inventory?

Has anyone out there been able to get the Steward and the Librarian got to work as they are described to do? Don't understand me wrong, I really like that mod and I use it extensively (needs my two days RL time to move in... :celebration: ) and I will stay there until my Oblivion time is over. I'm just wondering if I miss something beautiful that may work for everyone but me...
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Agnieszka Bak
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:19 am

Hello STT,

This sounds very much like Version 8 problem. Ensure that you installed the lastest patch (Version 10). I and others were having the same problem before adding the update.

Hope this was helpful.

Hi, QuietStorm10475. THX for your answer, but i?ve already installed patch 10 for SI.
Thanks anyway.
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Sunny Under
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:17 pm

Has anyone out there been able to get the Steward and the Librarian got to work as they are described to do? Don't understand me wrong, I really like that mod and I use it extensively (needs my two days RL time to move in... :celebration: ) and I will stay there until my Oblivion time is over. I'm just wondering if I miss something beautiful that may work for everyone but me...

Hello Chanur,

Yes, my staff appears to be performing their tasks as promised with a few exceptions. Before upgrading to Version 10, I use to get a message telling me that Vicenza had purchased the weekly groceries, and 50 Septims would be removed from my inventory. However, that function has failed to operate. Also, periodically, Vicenza treats my character as a trespasser. The skill books do not leave my inventory either. I think this is true for everyone (I'm not sure I want this fixed). Just assume that the Librarian already has copies of the skill books, but won't put them on the shelves until he verifies that you have found/purchased them elsewhere.

If your Librarian does not have an option that reads, "Sell me an upgrade," and/or the Steward has no Sort or Messages options, then something is indeed missing. If I were in your place, I would re-download and re-install the esp file. If something is missing it was either lost in the download or installation process. This is something relatively simple to do, and is unlikely to adversely effect your game. Backup everything first anyway.

Hopefully, that will work. If not, other possible solutions get more complicated. For example, adjusting load order or opening the esp in the Constrution Set (dtom's area). I usually tell myself to treat such problems with a K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple Stupid).

Good Luck,

Btw, for me, the most critical sorters were Potions, Ingredients, and Ossuna's functions. Unfortunately, there's no scroll sorter, and you can't get the library's bookcases without buying upgrades from the Librarian.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:57 am


Hello Chanur,

Yes, my staff appears to be performing their tasks as promised with a few exceptions. Before upgrading to Version 10, I use to get a message telling me that Vicenza had purchased the weekly groceries, and 50 Septims would be removed from my inventory. However, that function has failed to operate. Also, periodically, Vicenza treats my character as a trespasser. The skill books do not leave my inventory either. I think this is true for everyone (I'm not sure I want this fixed). Just assume that the Librarian already has copies of the skill books, but won't put them on the shelves until he verifies that you have found/purchased them elsewhere.

If your Librarian does not have an option that reads, "Sell me an upgrade," and/or the Steward has no Sort or Messages options, then something is indeed missing. If I were in your place, I would re-download and re-install the esp file. If something is missing it was either lost in the download or installation process. This is something relatively simple to do, and is unlikely to adversely effect your game. Backup everything first anyway.

Hopefully, that will work. If not, other possible solutions get more complicated. For example, adjusting load order or opening the esp in the Constrution Set (dtom's area). I usually tell myself to treat such problems with a K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple Stupid).

Good Luck,

Btw, for me, the most critical sorters were Potions, Ingredients, and Ossuna's functions. Unfortunately, there's no scroll sorter, and you can't get the library's bookcases without buying upgrades from the Librarian.


thanks a lot for your help. The problems I've mentioned do I have since I use this mod, I think I started with V2...

At the moment I have installed V9, so I'll go and look for V10, although I don't think it will help in my case. At least I know now that the options for Harold and the librarian are working for someone else and therefore it makes sence to search for solution. I guess, that one or more of my other mods are coming in here, so I'll try to go back mod by mod until I have a vanilla version of Oblivion again. And if even then I will not see the missing options, ok, then I may have to live with it...

Paradoxically the most critical sorters that you are mentioning are working absolutely perfect for me and even Vicenca is very kind and does all what she should without any protest. Only my male workers are on partially strike, may be they don't like to work for my female character??? :celebration:
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Lil Miss
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:39 pm


thanks a lot for your help. The problems I've mentioned do I have since I use this mod, I think I started with V2...

At the moment I have installed V9, so I'll go and look for V10, although I don't think it will help in my case. At least I know now that the options for Harold and the librarian are working for someone else and therefore it makes sence to search for solution. I guess, that one or more of my other mods are coming in here, so I'll try to go back mod by mod until I have a vanilla version of Oblivion again. And if even then I will not see the missing options, ok, then I may have to live with it...

Paradoxically the most critical sorters that you are mentioning are working absolutely perfect for me and even Vicenca is very kind and does all what she should without any protest. Only my male workers are on partially strike, may be they don't like to work for my female character??? :celebration:

Sounds like a plan, Chanur. I would definitely try the update first.

MEN! We can be so shallow, but you ladies bring us under control sooner or later. :)
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Shirley BEltran
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:45 am

Hi Chanur,

Sorry to hear your having problems, and sorry it took so long to reply. I'm very busy at work and find it tough to make time for the mod at the moment.

I'm afraid its a good news bad news situation with Harold. the good news was that the taxes issue was solved. The bad news is it only worked if you revert to a save before you talk to him about taxes.

the Marimar issue is more problematic as I have no clue what is up there. Once hired he should offer upgrades, sort skills and let you use a skill book locator reference book.

Try this , open the console and type

SQV VHCMarimar

This will show a whole bunch of variables relating to Marimar.
You may need to use Page up and Page down keys to see them all.
Let me know the values of all non zero variables and the stage.

I am due to look at this as soon as I can
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Steve Bates
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:19 pm

Hi Chanur,

Sorry to hear your having problems, and sorry it took so long to reply. I'm very busy at work and find it tough to make time for the mod at the moment.

I'm afraid its a good news bad news situation with Harold. the good news was that the taxes issue was solved. The bad news is it only worked if you revert to a save before you talk to him about taxes.

the Marimar issue is more problematic as I have no clue what is up there. Once hired he should offer upgrades, sort skills and let you use a skill book locator reference book.

Try this , open the console and type

SQV VHCMarimar

This will show a whole bunch of variables relating to Marimar.
You may need to use Page up and Page down keys to see them all.
Let me know the values of all non zero variables and the stage.

I am due to look at this as soon as I can

Hi dtom,

many thanks that you will have a look into this. I tried anything the last days, I deinstalled any of my mods and even made a new, virgin install of Oblivion, but nothing has changed. Interesting to me is, although it makes no sense, that I play a female character and my female NPC are working perfectly and QuietStorm10475, who is playing a male character, has no trouble with the male NPC but mentioned the 'female' sorters as most critical part...

Anyway, here are the only variables from Manimarco that are not zero:
Hired = 1
Reset = 1
Running? Yes
CurrentStage: 20
Priority 100

and that is what he offers:
Can you advise me on skill books?
Can you sort my skill books?
You are fired!

And the same for Harold:
Hired = 1
ReHire = 1
Pay = 100
DoOnce = 2
Paytime = 30
NextPayDay = 230.0000
Startday = 140.0000
discovergo = 2
Day2Pay = 22.0000

He offers:
You are fired!

I hope, it will help you a bit for your investigations. If not - no problem, I use this mod very intensively and because my female NPC seem to like me I have a lot of fun there, even if my male stuff will go on with their partially 'strike'. Must be hard for them to be commanded by a women... :celebration:
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Bethany Watkin
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:05 pm

Hi dtom,

many thanks that you will have a look into this. I tried anything the last days, I deinstalled any of my mods and even made a new, virgin install of Oblivion, but nothing has changed. Interesting to me is, although it makes no sense, that I play a female character and my female NPC are working perfectly and QuietStorm10475, who is playing a male character, has no trouble with the male NPC but mentioned the 'female' sorters as most critical part...

Anyway, here are the only variables from Manimarco that are not zero:
Hired = 1
Reset = 1
Running? Yes
CurrentStage: 20
Priority 100

and that is what he offers:
Can you advise me on skill books?
Can you sort my skill books?
You are fired!
And the same for Harold:
Hired = 1
ReHire = 1
Pay = 100
DoOnce = 2
Paytime = 30
NextPayDay = 230.0000
Startday = 140.0000
discovergo = 2
Day2Pay = 22.0000

He offers:
You are fired!

I hope, it will help you a bit for your investigations. If not - no problem, I use this mod very intensively and because my female NPC seem to like me I have a lot of fun there, even if my male stuff will go on with their partially 'strike'. Must be hard for them to be commanded by a women... :celebration:

No problem, I'll look at this over the weekend.
As for commanding women, I;ve always found those the best kind.
Mind you, I am in therapy.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:32 pm

Okay I've found the Marimar Issue. It's another one of the v6 to v7 clean up issues. I'll get an update together, but it may take a week or so, due to work issues.

For thosee who have the CS and want the fix now.

Open Cs and make Vhbloodlines 1.2 active.

Open Quests from menu/characters/Quests.

Open the quest called VHCMarimar.
Select topics.

Locate the topic called VHCUpgrades.

For the first response,

Located the conditions at bottom of the window.

One of these is

GetIssix etc.

DELETE THIS, but leave the other four conditions.

Save the mod after closing the quest window and enjoy.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:05 am

Hi dtom,

I made the changes with the CS (the first time I used it...) and it works perfect. Marimar don't longer 'hates' me :foodndrink:
Now Harold is alone on 'strike', may his issue be similar to Marimars?

Anyway, many, many thanks for the time you have invested to help me in this case. I'll go back to 'my' Verona house now and
have a look on what Marimar has sold to me... ;)
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Rachel Briere
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:56 am

Hi dtom,

I made the changes with the CS (the first time I used it...) and it works perfect. Marimar don't longer 'hates' me :foodndrink:
Now Harold is alone on 'strike', may his issue be similar to Marimars?

Anyway, many, many thanks for the time you have invested to help me in this case. I'll go back to 'my' Verona house now and
have a look on what Marimar has sold to me... ;)

As I've said the 'Taxes' issue is the one affecting Harold. This was fixed in version 4, but can only be applied retrospectively.
I'll look at a way of scripting a fix but I can't guarantee this.
Just to be sure, did you decide to enfoce or waive the town taxes.
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yessenia hermosillo
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:36 am

I decided, not to collect the taxes. BTW, in my game I have started the Verona Quest with V6 , but having the problem from this Version, I later updated to V8 (meanwhile I'm running V9). So if the issue with Harold has been fixed in V4, it should have worked in any of my used versions, but unfortunately I have never seen any other option from Harold as the one mentioned above...

Edit: although I started the quest with V6, at the time I've got the house and Harold as Steward V8 was running.
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My blood
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:23 pm

I just want to say that this is a FANTASTIC mod. I am completely immersed in the storyline. There are so many new buildings added seamlessly into the landscape, some great accents on the new characters and I feel I'm getting an excuse to tour the whole of Cyrodil once more. It's got me right back into the game again. What has really impressed me is all the work that has gone on into the background of the characters and the storyline. A big thanks to dtom for a great bit of modding which must have taken a lot of time.

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:55 pm

Hi - anyone completed this part of Bloodline? I've asked around in Bravil about the accountant and everyone has only one answer "... you're not the first to ask, but I don't know who he is".
I've tried the other cities but no one has this topic. According to the Walkthrough he lives in an IC Villa - anyone willing to give a clue or two to point me in the right direction?

Thanks in advance,
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Wayne W
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:29 am

From where you meet the accountant march south and you should see his villa near the borderline (but still inside Cyrondiil). In your compass you should also see a red marker pointing to the direction (if you have activated this quest).
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