Using the conflict detector that comes with OBMM indicates a number of conflicts, not only with UL mods, but mods like Lost Spires. If you could direct me to where in the tree I should look for a conflich that might affect Auger's Dialog menu, I believe I can get to the bottom of the problem.
In your estimation, whicm commonly used mods, outside of toaster's, would be most likely to cause the dialog to disappear?
Edited to add: The more I think of it, I think the incompatability exists with Kumiko Manor Mod - while you are not explicitly told that Toasters or CM Partner is a requirement, there is a stage about 1/10th the way through the Kumiko Crypt quest where you are provided "companion partner rings" (lower level of the crypt before you jump into another dimension - used to keep you from losing your companion forever). I am wondering if the author incorporated Toaster code into his main esp. I will test it this evening.
Edited to add: Deactivating Kumiko Manor causes a crash to desktop when I try to load a save game. That is interesting behavior, that makes me wonder if there is indeed a conflict. I saw a post about there being no conflict with Kumiko, but he also said he was running an older version, most likely a version without the NPC companion.
I just saw DTOM's goodbye post about how he is no longer supporting this excellent mod. VH:B and Lost Spires do not only represent a great deal of intelligence but also creativity. Why are there always people out there who try to tear down the truly talented? Its a real shame.