Verona House : Bloodlines

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:58 am

Name: Verona House: Bloodlines

Version: 11

ESSENTIAL UPDATE: All users should upgrade to version 11.
In particular users of versions 7 - 10.

IMPORTANT : See information about download and install to see the files you need. You do not need to download all the files.

Date of last Update: 14th June2008

Category: Quests and Adventures

Requirements: Oblivion Patch

Author(s): DTOM

Add a full quest line in which the CHAMPION is pitted against a sinister cult and their charismatic leader as you strive to gain access to the NEW and IMPROVED Verona House and Verona BAY.

To Start
Once, Champion of Cyrodiil, wait outdoors in any major city for Vicenza to find you.

Heal his pain,

Deny his reign,

End my Shame,

Free Verona House.

The gates of Oblivion have been closed, but across a wounded land their smoke still casts a long shadow. A Champion has emerged to protect the people, but victory has been bought at a terrible price. A great city is ruins and the last of the Septim line has gone.
In the corridors of the Imperial Palace, the High Council must face up to the task of ruling Cyrodiil alone. As uncertainty sweeps across a ravaged land they must seek to bring order, peace and the rule of law back to a desperate people.
And in the deep dark places of the land, an evil force, one that has remained hidden for centuries, now sense that their time has come. Their charismatic leader will urge them to abandon the shadows and emerge to seize power.

Verona House: Bloodlines is a new plug in expansion pack which adds a brand new fully populated town called Verona Bay to the North West corner of Lake Rumare.
At the heart of the town is the critically acclaimed Verona House. The house and its surroundings have been updated, extended and improved for this expansion pack.

However, when the adventure begins you will now find the house firmly locked. Only when you have solved the riddle of a mysterious prophecy and saved Cyrodiil once again will you be able to call Verona House your home.

Some of the features of this expansion pack include.

Bloodlines Quests

A massive eleven part quest line which sees the Champion pitted against an evil cult and its powerful master as you try to unlock Verona House. Featuring a detailed plotline, with voiced dialogue you can expect fighting, stealing, gambling, horse chases, battles, fist fights, mysteries, puzzles, disguises, and companions.
The mod includes seven brand new multi level dungeons and a huge cast of characters, buildings and villains. There are also unique armor, clothes and weapons. BLOODLINES is a rich, complex story which sets genuine puzzles which you are expected to solve and offers few easy answers. This is a role-players adventure, which as well as dynamic action also seeks to stretch your character and to challenge you.


Three optional extra spin off adventures. As well as the eleven essential quests you can also take part in extra bonus adventures.


Verona bay is now a fully functional town which boast upwards of 40 NPCs who live and work and chat as you would expect in a busy settlement. The town has been redesigned and extended as part of this expansion pack. It includes a chapel, graveyard, Merchants, Hotel and bar, Guards, citizens, thieves, fences, assassins and a new town square. Ive also added a waterfall to pretty the place up.

As well as all the old friends including the rudest bar keep in Tamriel, look out for a load of new additions to the Verona cast
Town Drunk
A death obsessed dark elf
A skinny dipper
An artist


Now for new and old users alike the house has been updated renovated and improved.

The house features include
Functional kitchen and wine cellar (with NPC drink sorter and shopping facility)
Guest rooms
Library (updated to include Si books)
A two-storey Grand Hall and Display Room (renovated and redesigned)
Lobby (Renovated, to include unique BLOODLINE paintings and tapestries)
Private office, lounge, and bedroom (Completely redesigned and now includes entrance to training facilities and armory.)
Alchemy Lab (Redesigned to include SI ingredients. Now features potion and ingredients sorting)
Mages Suite including enchantment, spell making and healing altars.
Exotic Basemant Garden
Stables (renovated and improved. Now features player owned horse)
Alchemy Garden
Armory (Brand new design, with NPC weapons and srmor sorting. Custom weapon and shield shaped storage)
Training Room (now features goblins and spar facilities operated by an NPC)
Archery Training Range (NEW: Play four different training modes)

The house boasts a wide range of storage much of which has been updated to include SI items.
In addition to the previous releases, much appreciated Alchemical Sorter, new sorting facilities have been added for clothes, armor, weapons, potions, magical items and jewelry.


Verona House is a big place and needs a big staff to go with it. Once you complete the Bloodlines quest you will be able to recruit staff to you new house. Of course the staff will not work for free and you will need a steady income to support you lifestyle. The staff all play a part in the expansion adventure and will seem like old friends. Each will offer special services, including a choice of three full share companions.

A Steward: Keep track of all your in game commitments to the Fighters guild, mages guild, dark brotherhood and the thieves guild. In addition he will relay messages from old friends and villagers. Sorts clutter, clothes and jewels. Offers adventurers pack.

A Trainer: Use the legendary training facilities or indulge in a bit of one on one sparring.
Security Guard: Full share companion.

An Armorer:, Can repair and sort weapons, ammo and armor. A full share companion
An Alchemist. Will offer advice on ingredients

A Mage: Sorts magical equipment and is a Full Share Companion. (destructive magic master)

A Librarian: Will advice on skill books, and sells library updates.

A cook/housekeeper Will sort wine, do the shopping and offers 2 unique dishes.


Download and Install
Download Instructions
There are many files, but you don't need to down load all of them
I've uploaded a great deal of optional files.
Option A
All in one
These are intended for those with fast broadband who are new to the mod.
Choose either the
OMOD Version3 and add the latest ESP Patch
Bloodlines SI All in One V5 (NO PATCH NEEDED)
Bloodlines Van All in one V5 (NO PATCH NEEDED)

Split File Version
These are intended for those with slower connections or who wish to repair a small part of the files
You will need the
& SOUNDV2 Files

Then select either the Vanilla or SI Versions of the ESP to download

(You must select only one of these.
The ESPs are mutually exclusive and cannot work together
The SI Version contains a few additional meshes and textures.)

** You must disable any previous versions of Verona House

** You should then create a clean save, without Verona House installed,
Preferably in another locations such the Imperial City.

The Transition Esp is intended for current residents of Verona House.

It creates a temporary shack near Verona House. This is to provide storage during the transition between mods.


The Bloodlines Guide file has a complete DETAILED walkthrough of the whole questline.

The UL Lost coast Patch
The UL Lush Woodland patch
by Vorians contains patches to fix issues between UL and Bloodlines.
(See Issues for details)


The SoundKaValaPatch is a set of replacement MP3's for the noisy KaVala voice files. It is only needed by users of V1 of the Sound Pack.


1. Extract each in turn to a temporary location and check the file structures.
2. Each folder has been designed to be dropped straight into you oblivion folder. Copy or move them to that location
3.When prompted select overwrite.
4.Copy the relevant esp's to the data folder
5.Start Oblivion and select VHBloodlines 1.2 in the Data tab.
6. Prepare fot the fight of your life.



1. Start Oblivion Launcher, click Data Files, uncheck the .esp file(s).
2. Delete the files/folders associated with the mod.



Current users of the Version One sound pack need only download the KaValaPatch.

New users do not need the KalaPatch

OMOD users should download the latest version of the ESP

Currently version 5 and overwrite the ESP


1. There is a CONFLICT with Toaster's Companion Share and Recruit mods. This conflict prevents important BLOODLINES dialogue from being displayed. I have tried a fix in Version 5, but will report this as a conflict until I get feedback that it is resolved.

2. There is a conflict with Servants of the Dawn which prevents BLOODLINES from starting as expected. SOTD alters the players champion status, which is a prerequisite for this mods beginning.

WORK AROUND: Open console and type Setstage VHQ000 10 then go to Verona Bay and talk to an NPC Called Salvo Harding.

Vorians offers some advice regarding load order for those using Unique Landscapes and Bloodlines which I've edited from the full post on the TESource forum

Some load order advice for Verona House: Bloodlines and the Unique Landscapes mods...

Load all UL mods after BLOODLINES,
except for Lush Woodlands and the Lost Coast,
which should load BEFORE BLOODLINES.

Following are the compatibility problems I am aware:

Chorrol Hinterland - BLOODLINES adds a house with a vegetable garden within the walls of Chorrol. The land textures (path to house, soil for vegetables) will be lost if VHB is loaded before CH. No other issues. But if VHB loads AFTER CH, there will be land tears.

Imperial Isle - VHB adds a house to the Waterfront wall (beside the pirate ship), II adds a tree to this spot, which now sticks out of the walls. No other issues.

Lush Woodlands - VHB adds a town right on the eastern edge of LW. If LW loads last, there will be land tears and loss of land textures to the western edge of town. If VHB loads last, I believe there will be no land tears. VHB also changes a number of other cells throughout LW, I believe there should be no conflict, but it's possible some LW objects (trees, rocks) may be floating, if VHB changes landheight in this area. Also land textures from LW may be lost in some cells, but I doubt it would be noticable.

Lost Coast - VHB adds a ruin at the northern end of LC, up on the slope, LC adds a burned out village at the bottom of the slope. If LC loads last, parts of the VHB ruin will be floating, and there will be slight land tears just north of the ruin. If VHB loads last, there will be large land tears through the burned out village, loss of land textures to the village, and half the village will be deep beneath the landheight. Since the VHB location is quest related, I recommend having VHB load last to ensure access to the ruin.

Other UL mods also share cells with VHB, but I saw no obvious conflicts (with the ULs loaded last).

I plan to make a compatibility fix (an additional ESP) to fix the land for the Lost Coast and VHB.

Many thanks to him for his efforts and to McCoy for reporting some new issues with Share and Recruit.

Known Issues or Bugs

1. At the end of Auger Neice (first quest) Harding sometimes fails to leave for Skingrad. If you return to his house and speak again this usually bumps him into action. It's an OB AI issue.

2. In the Hiring Section at the end Ossuna sometimes gets 'trapped' at way on the way to the house. If you go find her and follow her she will make it to the house.

Version 1: release (4th Jan 08)

Version 2: Fixed esp's for issue with Brocken door to Berinus Manor. (ESP only)

Version 3: Fixed the following issues

Summermist Manor Door issue
Altars of Spellmaking and Enchantment script issue
Moved Well in skingrad (see ISSUES)
Fixed Tomb quest script so enemy appears when you don't Choose Surok.
Fixed Marimar book upgrade issue for SI Version.
Fixed Abandoned Mine Script to prevent failure of quest update if you fail to trigger condition

Version 4: Fixed the following Issues

Fixes conflict with Origins of the Mages Guild. Can now be loaded in any order.
Fixes conflict with Apachii Goddess Store.(Load Apachii after Bloodlines)
Fixes 'Rent' payment loop.
Restores lost containers to SI version.

Version 5: Fixes the Following Issues
adds missing NB Cuirass meshes,textures and icon
Fixes 'shopping' script to recognise you have money
Fixes SI Alchemy sorter 'constant' loop.
Fixes Essential status of companion horses. They can now die and will respawn at
IC Stables
Fixes Zam Hackblett essential status.
Fixes Vicenza 'must lock up' gaffe.
Fixes Harold not showing topics once taxes show up. (UNTESTED)
Add reworked KaValaVoices
Adds 2 all-in-one versions of the mod

Version 6

Fixes Longren Skeleton Issue.

Version 7

+ Cleans mod, removing a number of compatibility issues.
+ Fixes issue with NPC attacking Shadowmere.
+ Fixes issue with Spectators in Fight Club. Now moved to safer distance to avoid, seating issue and improve some FPS issues
+ Fixes issue with Diamas occasionally showing no topic.

Version 8
+ Fixes issue raised by opening Lady Anluv's tomb prior to the start of the Retreat quest. Now tomb will not open until then.
+ Fixes rare issue where NPC has all Ka Vala's ingredient and quest updates wrongly.

Version 9 (17 April)
+ Fixes bad reference causing CTD during first quest. CTD added in versions 7/8. Upgrade to version 9 recommended. Save game compatable

Version 10
+ Fixes yet another issue caused by the clean up for version 7. this one prevented the Burden of Debt quest script from running as expected.

Version 11
+ Fixes issue where players visiting Athen's house or the tomb prior to third quest start where triggering false quest stage bump. This fix is not retrospective and you will need to start quest again for this fix to work. If you have had no issues with third quest there is no need to restart the mod.
+ Fixes issue where Marimar had no upgrade topics for female PC's.
+ Fixes issue with Harold having missing topics for female pc's and possible fix for tax issue. For this one to work. Sack Harold and then rehire him.
+ Fixes issue where Vicenza treats PC as if he is trespassing in Verona House.
+ Fixed issues with Vicenza's shopping script. Many many thanks to Delwynndwn for his help on this one.


Without the astonishing work of these people BLOODLINES would not have happened.

Night Brethren Armor by Dimitri Mazieres (Hashaahin Armor)
Night Brethren Swords by Dimitri Mazieres (Hashaahin Armor)
Vampire Bane by Dimitri Mazieres (Hashaahin Armor)
Gowns by Asesina G (Ggowns)
Cloaks by Tegeal (Extra Robe Pack v3a)
Dice by mmmpld (Dice)
Wine racks by Xiamara
Books by MrDarkSim
Weapon Display Resource by Metz
Weapon Display Resource by Loth
MG Tapestries and Rugs by Franc Kaos
Vulnas Armor by Nicoroshi (Dreadweave)
VanGraff Armor by Sintaker (Pure Steel)
VanGraff's Sheild by Jerros and EuGENIUS
Potion Container meshes and textures by DoofDillas
Original training Script by Academician_Nwahs
Original Alchemy Script by Tristan

Story, Scripts, retextures, male voices and mod by Dtom (Tom Dawson)

Principal Play Testing by Phily Girl; LtQuietStorm Nowensone
With DragonForce451 Last Ayleid at The Beta Test Guild, NeoBob, merkabahflight and Yagamoth

Female Voices by Izzy Howdel, Sarajade and Phily Girl

Many thanks to Bethesda for both the GAME and the CS.
I am indebted to the folks at the TES forum for their support and help.

Thanks to Vorians for the UL Patches
Thanks to Cbankson for the reworked KaVala voices
Thanks to The Qwoaf for the OMOD version
Thanks to for the a one-stop-shop resource for authors and players.
Thanks to LHammonds for the Readme Generator this file was based on.
Thanks to ElminsterEU for tips on using TESEdit.
Thanks to Delwynndwn for help with Vicenza Script.

This Mod is dedicated to Maria Verona, Catherine, Cherie, Ron and Jay

Tools Used
DDS Converter -
NIFSkope -
TES4Gecko -
TES Construction Set -
Readme Generator -


Do not repost this mod to any other site without my permission.

I am extremely unlikely to say no to any request, but I do like to know where the mod is being posted, so I can service the mod.
If I do not respond within 1 month, feel free to do whatever you like with this mod.

Please feel free to use the original textures and meshes produced for this mod, but hey let me have some credit.

If you find any site charging for this mod contact me.
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Dona BlackHeart
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:38 am

Good to see you!

+ Fixes issue with NPC attacking Shadowmere.

Thank you very much for this and for all the hard work and dedication you have shown. :thumbsup:
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:44 am

Thanks, bro!
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Dj Matty P
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:55 am

thank you dtom,

having reached the final stage of this mod (I am at the point where I have to visit Mirandahal), I need to state that I consider it among the best quest mods available for the game today

oh, you also get a mansion somewhere in the process!!! :frog:

thank you :foodndrink:
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:37 pm

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Jason Rice
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:49 am

Thanks dtom for the quality work on this mod. My current character has not completed the Main Quest yet but I enjoy travelling through your village! Looking forward to updating the mod and one day being able to start this quest I have heard much about. I appreciate all the hard work and long hours that went into creating your mod and thanks for sharing it with the community! Cheers!
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CSar L
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:57 am

Glad to see this update. Thank you for your time and hard work DTOM.
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Kristina Campbell
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:08 am

Open Letter to the Community

Firstly, I'd like to clarify something from the outset. My decision to stop supporting my mod and to cease developing this mod has nothing to do with ElminsterEU and Dev_Akm trying to bring down my work as part of some dark FCOM conspiracy.

I have great respect for both ElminsterEU and Dev_Akm. Indeed I have been working with ElminsterEU's to help to improve Verona House: Bloodlines for its final version 7 release.
I believe I have a track record of working with many modders, including Talking Toaster, Display Name, Apachii and indeed Giskard to ensure where possible my mod does not conflict with their works.

I did object to ElminsterEu's method of informing me of a problem , and he kindly edited his post to remove any potentially damaging comments, for which I thanked him then, and thank him again here.

I am well aware of an ongoing dispute elsewhere and I do not wish for me, my work, or my friends in the community to be drawn into futile battle between two personalities who do not see eye to eye, and I distance myself entirely from that battle.

I do not wish this thread to be hijacked by either side of that dispute. If it is then I'm sure the moderators will close this thread or I will ask for it to be closed.

Instead I wish to try to convey why I have become disillusioned by the modding community at large, and have decided at this time to hang up my Construction Set. My reasoning may not find resonance with all of you, or indeed any of you. But they are heartfelt.

I want to start with the an idea. We are a community.

We are in many ways a virtual town, with an industry.

We make mods.

Some work in basemants, some in offices. Many work in teams, and others alone. We make mods. Some large, some small. All are free.

Of course that industry cannot thrive without an audience. The mod users. They make up the rest of our community. We are not separate beings. We are a whole community and we need each other. Without talented modders, there would be no community, and without mod users, there would be no point to those mod being released.

It is a delicate balance. Mod makers try to provide content that will be appreciated by the mod users. Mod users want safe enjoyable content that enhances their experience. There is an element of symbiosis in this relationship. We need each other.

I need the help of the users to improve my mod. I also need the support of those mod users. This can only comes through feedback. But, remember this. Who am I making the mod better for. Me? Or is it the mod users.

For many this feedback comes in the form of a change in the reported downloads at a host site. Click and it goes up. 1000, 2000, etc. These form the silent majority of this virtual town of ours. Those that download, and use the content without comment.

Buddah, whose quiet wisdom has often been of great solace to me has pointed out that this is the only feedback that really matters. A mods true success is measured by the downloads it receives. I agree with him to an extent. However, it is not enough.

I also want some validation.

I disagree with Buddah when he says the a 10/10 ? Great Mod comment is as useless as a 4/10 Rubbish comment. Every single form of praise is welcome and needed. Perhaps it's vanity on my part, but there you have it.

But, while on the subject of Buddah, I wish to express my utter dismay at some of the personal comments made against him and his moderation at Nexus. I whole heartedly support his decision to exclude comments and ratings, even if this adversely effected my mod.

Your where correct Buddah.

I'm not sure if my support means anything to you, but you have nonetheless.

Of course the real validation comes from those who express their appreciation in fuller form. I have been moved by some of the testimonials provided.

However, not everyone , likes my work. Like myself it is flawed. And of course, they are free to express that dislike, and I am free to take umbrage at their sentiments.

I have over the last few days been accused of being a Egotist. GUILTY AS CHARGED.

Of course I have a huge ego. You do not wake up and think, I'm going to spend 1500 hours creating a mod to be a sequel to the main quest without having a huge ego.
Imagine, if you will me, alone and a relative newcomer, locked in my room, thinking, I can beat Bethesda at their own game and produce a huge compelling story, I can make Oblivion better.

Because that is what I thought. I can't speak for other modders, but I suspect lurking in the corner of their psyche is a similar thought. We can do it better. Imagine the arrogance of that conceit. Without a huge ego to sustain it, this mod would never have been published.

Modding is a lonely business.

If you are a creator of one of the small number of very large quest mods you will understand what I mean.

I am honest enough to know that this is good story. But it is not perfect.

I welcome every constructive comment made, and I am working to fix as many of those flaws as I can. But, it is a wearing process.

Far too many people consider you to be their servants, they demand constant attention and see you as a creator of their mod. If it doesn't meet their tastes they attack, they badger via constant e-mails, PM's and posts, and they slowly wear down your resolve.

But, what really annoys me, is that the wider community finds this acceptable.

It is treated with a shrug.

As a modder, I'm told to ignore them, but whenever a modder does so he is seen as rude and arrogant. I'm expected to remain polite and service every and all complaints like a good little boy. If I choose to simply walk away as I have done, I am told that the community would be better off without Prima Donna's like me.

This is at the root of my disillusionment. Too many people use these forums and the wider community as a platform for their own small minded pettiness. And too many people let them. Too many members sit back and allow a small minority to run riot.

When Dev_Akm had his website ripped off by a rival, too few voices where raised in outrage. We should have been appalled and sought to end this plagiarism. To arrange boycotts of this site. We did nothing.

When ORE had its problems, far too many saw it as a chance to launch attacks on its creator.

What disappointed me when I read, poolacemail's comments wasn't what he said. He has a track record for posting ridiculously low ratings and then offer his pompous aid, despite having no track record as a modder.

What disappointed me was how little support followed, until Giskard adopted it a cause celeb for his own agenda. I would like to thank him for his aid, misguided as it was.

Of course I can hear the cry. Ignore it. They don't matter. But, the thing is they do. The slow drip, drip of negativity gets to you. I suspect only a very few will understand this.

Worse still the nature of the community makes it almost impossible to rail against your critics'. Doing so bring an even bigger raft of abuse. Too often modders who have sought to defend their work become victims of campaigns of abuse.

I know there are many supporters out there. Some I consider friends. One PM from Chrono180, touched very deeply, but in the end I have had enough.

I will not give up modding, of course. It is a bug and I will carry on. I'm working on a series of 'Starter' mods adding background histories to fit new characters. I've tentatively started the Town Life mod, and maybe in a few weeks I'll return to the DBC:Awakening project and lend a hand there. But I will not release any new mods for the community.

When you find yourself living in a town where you are unhappy, you have two choices. You can change the town, or you can leave. I have chosen the later. I suspect this makes me a coward. You can add that to the charge sheet.

I want to thank all those who have offered me support and I will miss you.

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Peter P Canning
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:55 pm


I'm so happy to see a new thread, and an update for good measure.
Thanks for the dedication you've shown. I just luv this mod. :drool:
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Jessica White
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:30 am

Wow, this mod looks awesome! It makes me want to play through the main quest again just to play the mod! In fact I think I will.
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Chloe Lou
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:26 am

I'm not one to preach or debate decisions by anyone. I certainly understand your sentiments (As a writer, I constantly freak people will hate what I create with every ounce of dedication and love I pour into it) so I can see where you are coming from; but I also don't exactly feel the cause of this ordeal merits sufficient validation for your departure/disillusionment from the "community". However, people are different and I can't also say I wouldn't do the same as you're doing were I in your place.

As such, all I will stand behind is giving you my sincerest thanks for truly inspired and wonderful work; your mod is one of the very best I have played and it has found a permanent home within my game. Also I wish you all the luck and success in your future endeavors.

Hope to still see you around here from time to time dtom!

Take care bro. :foodndrink:
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:11 pm

Ahhh, now I understand the growing issue that has caused a few great modders to leave recently. Thanks for the explanation dtom.

I am sorry to see you go, but can only blame this modding community, including myself, for not truly appreciating what we are recieving from modders. And truly great work it is. I have thorougly enjoyed what I have played of your mod, although I have been doing more modding than playing lately and haven't gotten far.

Maybe the loss of another great modder will shake some sense into people, although I doubt it.

Anyways, thanks again for the great contribution. Best of luck with the future and I hope you can find a place to mod where you are appreciated.
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Amanda Leis
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:01 am

There is not much I can say that I did not already say in the PM, so let me just say to everyone that I am going to attempt to do better in the future and tell those people who make mods I use what parts of them I enjoy. Let lurkers like me take this as a lesson.

Sorry to see you leave, DTom, but I understand your position.
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Vicky Keeler
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:17 am

dtom, I said a while ago that knowing you were going to help with Awakening made me sleep easier at night, because of the high caliber mod maker that you are. Your tutorials taught me how to mod. You were patient with my crap voice files. You're always so patient with the awful comments.

We at the DBC are crossing our fingers. When and if you're ready, come stay with us for a while, and perhaps the fun of modding without all the publicity and commentary will inspire you again.
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J.P loves
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:12 am

Yeah, Dtom, you really are a great member of the community. Like you said, it is a community, and it is appalling at how we act with each other at times. While I have only started playing Verona House, I have used the house itself for a while, and it is really great work. While you didnt stay with the DBC for long, we enjoyed having you there, and as my friend Anoriel said, we would love to have you back.

Dont look down on the modding experience man, you gave alot to the community, and only praise and admiration in return. You represent allot of what is great about moding. Not slaves, workers unpaid.
I hope you are happy doing whatever it is you do, you deserve it.
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Melly Angelic
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:11 pm

You have wisdom and insight beyond your years my friend, well said.

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Gaelle Courant
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:48 pm

I think some distinction needs made between the community here and the broader internet community.

I have been here since Morrowind came out (day one) and while we see some jerks - most don't stay or are quickly shut down by the moderators and the community.

Most of the ongoing members, who are here daily or weekly, are mostly polite, receptive and supportive.

Once you leave this forum and go to TESNexus or, god forbid, the broad stream of the internet - all bets are off. Why is that so hard to understand?

Ever looked at a Youtube video? People spend 100/1000s of hours and then have crackerjacks leave all kinds of vitriol and crap.... but mixed among them are the normal, sane people - a lot like the regular members here.

I appreciate this mod. But I also feel there are some thin skins - which is different (very) than a prima donna or whatever, which I don't take you as, dtom.

You obviously have your right to do whatever you wish. I for one will miss your presence.

But I also feel some frustration and since you posted your letter, felt some right to leave a response. I feel frustrated that the good people, the kind people don't rate high enough. Because, quite frankly, that is what I keep hearing from some modders. I personally pm, alpha-test, publicly thank etc. almost every modder whose work I use extensively.... but I guess some hopped up idiot (of which there are a bazillion on the internet) outweighs my posts.... which is, quite frankly, sad.

Life is full of [censored] and shine... most days its simply a decision for each of us on which we will focus.

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Racheal Robertson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:07 am

DTOM, and I think I know you well enough to speak bluntley. Your Mod/Expansion took me to places this soul was afraid to go to.
What ppl don't realize is the person behind the mod. You are patient, kindhearted and detailed.
Too often in this internet world we forget the person behind the screen is a soul, a wonderous personalilty that we are privileged to know.
We hide behind our screens, and can bully the rest of the world, and spew out hate, and anger. Because we feel we have to revenge our pathetic attempts of validation on the internet.
Then comes along someone that takes his knowledge and his understanding to put out a great mod, and the the invalidated people, who find pleasure in putting down others, without realizing that's its their problem, blame the modder. Sure there are mods that don't work with one another, Why does a modder need to make sure his mod has to within the stringent laws that the ultimate faultfinder needs? Because the faultfinder needs perfection in himself and can't find it, so therefore it's every one's elses fault that the MOD isn't lore perfect, it isn't texture perfect and they need 200 mods to work perfectly with it.
So really think. They are looking for perfection with a MOD that isn't paid for, that isn't tested with all the "great mods" they need in order to full fill some kinda perfect game for them. How sad is that?
Perfection doesn't exsist in this world. Neither do perfect modders. And the people that think they do, well they will one day wake up from MOM's basemant and get out there and realize there is a real world out there and maybe just maybe they will have to work hard at something to give something back to the community they think they are better than.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:17 am

Wow, Dtom...couldn't believe what I was reading in your last post :facepalm: I'm truly saddened with your departure and can only hope that at some point in the future we can enjoy one of your
magnificent creations the likes of Verona House - Bloodlines. Know that VHB will always have a checkmark in my loadorder now and characters not yet played. The void created by your vacany can
only be filled with your return so don't take too long. :P

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Sian Ennis
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:55 am

What you say about the majority not standing up to be counted couldn't be more true. Some of us do try, but unfortunately the most vociferous vocals come from that very minority of people you mention.
On Friday last I opened a thread to express my disgust over not just you, but the way modders in general are treated. The result : it got abusive within a couple of hours and the moderators had no choice but to close it.
That's the way the world is nowadays I guess.
A lasting memory for me and shows the kind of person that you are: The only thing I had done was mention Verona House in a few threads and add Bloodlines to my signature, simply because I believe it to be one of the best mods I've ever played, and I mean for any game.
I was touched by a simple two line PM from yourself thanking me for my support. So simple, and yet it really made my day.
So yes, any praise, however small, makes me comprehend how satisfying positive comments must be to a modder.
As for those that say forget it, or your too thin skinned, man.
It's a certainty 99.9% of them have never been in the position to even consider it.
I'm sad about your decision, but fully understand and respect it.

All the best for the future, and thanks for an outstanding mod.
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louise tagg
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:05 am

You have wisdom and insight beyond your years my friend, well said.


What you said, buddah :)

But that's definitely post of the year, dtom. Unfortunately, I've been away from the community for the last month so I'm not totally sure what's going on. Regardless, it's sad to see so many awesome modders leaving.
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marie breen
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:55 am

I usually try to refrain posting what I feel being "non-constructive" comments, like "thank you for your mod", "It works like a charm", "I agree with the above posters"... But such passivity being a part of the problem, I now feel kinda guilty for your decision :s

Anyway Dtom, thank you for your work, your patience, and your dedication - all impressively huges. Hope you'll keep enjoying modding and playing :)
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^~LIL B0NE5~^
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:21 pm

Oh good, I was looking for somewhere to leave a bit of feedback on this mod.

I downloaded it the day before yesterday, and with it being a bank holiday here yesterday, spent my day drilling the Mod. I'm now about to head to Vulna's base (forgot the name, you know the one) to lay the smack down.

I really do think that this storyline is as good as the main Oblivion quest, and better in (large) parts. The voice acting is great (especially the female voices), and so's the story. The only thing I will say is that I have a veritable library of notes and books from this quest, but this is probably the only way you could have added the level of storyline that you did.

Oh and there was a weird bug where certain buildings in both Verona Bay and Harbour Town were walkable through - but travelling away and coming back fixed that.

Oh yeah, and the Night Brethren armour is awesomely cool.

Now then... Do I download the newest version before going to lay the smack down tonight, or do I wait? Hmmm...

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Gavin boyce
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:27 am

a problem Marimar i have asked him everything have not recieved anything and dont know where to go from here
any help would be appreaciated
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:46 am

a problem Marimar i have asked him everything have not recieved anything and dont know where to go from here
any help would be appreaciated

You'll find a quest walkthrough here
and here
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