Try talking to her first. I'll bet if you move away from the elder, as if to leave, she will initiate conversation. She's in a dilemma whether to stay or leave, so she needs to talk. Women!
Tried everything so far even that and it did not work.
And when I enter the bunker the Elder is standing in the main hall (place where you get free energy ammo out of the footlocker in the corner) . The quest marker points right at him, but the conversation does not want to start between them. Then I thought what if I go to where the elder sits (level 2 of the bunker). She then walks up to the platform and stands there, unresponsive as if she is talking to someone , but no voice etc and after a while she starts following me again, but nonthing has changed. Whats going on ?! Need advice on how to fix this please!

Note : I have completed all the BOS quests.