Now, I might have said something along the line that BoS are bad people and now Veronica stopped talking to me. I'm "liked" by the BoS, I'm still doing quests for them, haven't completed that quest line yet and I just finished "Dead Money" and picked up the holotape addressed to Veronica, but she has NO dialogue options for me.
All she says is "couldn't get enough of talking to me the first time, huh?" and then I can say "Goodbye" and that's it. I was hoping that the holotape would open new dialogue options.
I read in the wiki that if you talk bad about the BoS, she won't follow you. So, that's it? What if I had no idea she was a companion (or could be).
Hmm, can I reset her dialogue? I searched the wiki but didn't see anything to that effect.
Thanks all!
EDIT: ARGH sorry, just realized that I posted in the wrong section! (was still thinking about Dead Money, I guess lol)