Well certain people have certainly wanted to see an English Translation of this mod so here it is. Thank's to Eddy and R3NNW for allowing me to do the translation. This only translated the text though so some spoken stuff might still be in German however for the most part this is a good english translation.
Also make sure to grab all the parts from Nexus if you don't have them http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=34673
Oblivion War Cry - New Dimension
Thread 3
Author: Eddy Kaschinski
Release: 06-2011, EV: 07-2011
Version: 1.3
Type: Overhaul
Language: German & English
Requirements: Oblivion , SI with Patch 1.2.0416, HGEC or similar body-replacers.
Download: @Tesnexus and Pagan-Tes-Mods.com
Translation EV: NNW, nanonashorn
~ Another Oblivion is waiting for you! ~
What is OWC-ND and what does it do?
First, OWC is Oblivion as I wanted to have it and as I imagined it to be. Besides some new features which make it much prettier (from my point of view), there is a great amount of new weapons, armors, items, creatures and enemies. Of course the removal of errors is also included. For example the following things are fixed: Wrong or unlogical nomenclature, floating objects, bugs and so on.
More information, screens and contents:
You can download the Mod and English Readme at http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=34673
"Oblivion War Cry - New Dimension" VS. "Oblivion War Cry 1.085":
When looking for a name for my overhaul, there was one thing I knew: Never ever I wanted to have something like EOO (Eddy's Oblivion Overhaul) or EOI (Eddy's Oblivion Improved). So I asked Lazarus, who liked the idea of resurrecting OWC. I got the permission to use this name when adding a suffix. So "OWC-New Dimension" was born. But it was not only the name, which was interesting for me, but also the fantastic ideas and the content in his PI. OWC stood, thanks to Lazarus, for a stabile and innovative gaming. This tradition will be continued with OWC-ND, though it does hardly have anything in common with the original War Cry. It is neither worse nor better, it is simply different.
List of Highlights:
~ More than170 new hairstyles
~ More than130 new eye types.
~ 25 new races, 22 of them playable
~ More than 4.800 new / newly arranged armor parts
~ More than 760 new / newly arranged pieces of clothing
~ Repacked almost 800 containers
~ Countless new ingredients and containers
~ About 1000 new items to find & collect
~ More than 4700 new / newly arranged weapons
~ About 320 new / newly arranged arrows
~ Revised more than 2.500 NPCs and newly arranged some of them
~ Hundreds of new creatures and enemies
~ Totally new balancing system, values and durability for weapons, armors and items
~ New intro & video
~ 336 new loadingscreens
~ Countless new features and gimmicks
~ OWC-Seaworld, the first working underwater-world for Oblivion with about 100 new creatures and fishes
~ Many new quests and running-gags
~ Atmospheric features like rainbows and falling stars
~ Animated containers and plants
~ New dying animations for some NPCs
~ Rune & jewel system like in Diablo 2 (but it's hard to discover
~ "Better Dungeons": Many vanilla dungeons got a facelift and now look better or contain new areas
OWC has its own extensive directory tree. Because the path length of the operating system is limited to a maximum of 255-260 characters, there might occur errors during unpackin .So please always create a folder called "A " directly under hard drive "C" (or whichever hard drive you want), so that the path is as short as possible.
Download all 20 parts and the OWCNDMainEV (EV = English Version, DV = German Version) and extract them to a folder of your choice. From the OWCNDMainEV, copy the contents of a-Hauptdatei into your Oblivion directory (don't worry, the .esps are in English, Eddy just forgot to rename everything. I'll fix that later). From the other parts, put the data-folders into your Oblivion directory, too. Then, activate the OWC - New Dimension.esp in your Oblivion Launcher or the ModManager of your choice. If you want the new mannequins and the underwater world, activate OWC - Mannequins.esp and OWC - Seaworld.esp.
Alternatively, you can try the mirror on Tesnexus. On the mirror page, scroll down and download the "Hauptdatei" and the Update to v1.1. That would be the full German v1.1. Then you download the OWCNDMainEV file from Tesnexus and copy all of its content into the German download. Then you install it like I described it above.
Unique Landscapes:
OWC - ND conflicts with Unique Landscapes: Arrius Creek and Colovian Higlands. However, German patches exist and I'll load up their English version soon.
Interface Mods:
OWC - ND contains the mod "Oblivion Interface Overhaul" (OIO) and therefore it will conflict with other interface mods like Darnified UI.
However, you can remove OIO by deleting or renaming OWC-ND's Data\Menus folder.
OOO, Fran's, Oblivion WarCry (the original one by Lazarus) and FCOM are definitely incompatible with OWC-ND. However, you can use WAC as long as you don't use its Overspawn.esp.
Economy Mods:
Economy Mods might unbalance the values assigned to the vanilla items by OWC-ND, so for now it's not recommended to use any of them.
Patches for OWC-ND:
Loadingscreens Mods:
OWC-ND contains trollf's loadingscreens, so it will be incompatible with other loadingscreens mods.
You will find them in the ReadMe. The download contains every original ReadMe (if there was any) to honor the sub-authors of this mod. If I forgot someone, please message me. This was not intended.
Most of the credit for the translation goes to nnw - he translated the main part and without him, there wouldn't have been any translation at all. I think he would appreciate a little 'Thank you' from everyone
Special Thanks:
Current team/employees: Growlf, NNW (EV Support)
Beta testers since v1.10: The Community
Former employees until v. 1.10 : Eldarie
Beta testers v1.0: Knochenkeule, Dunkelherz, Karl C. Agathon, Raven 666
Thread 3
Author: Eddy Kaschinski
Release: 06-2011, EV: 07-2011
Version: 1.3
Type: Overhaul
Language: German & English
Requirements: Oblivion , SI with Patch 1.2.0416, HGEC or similar body-replacers.
Download: @Tesnexus and Pagan-Tes-Mods.com
Translation EV: NNW, nanonashorn
~ Another Oblivion is waiting for you! ~
What is OWC-ND and what does it do?
First, OWC is Oblivion as I wanted to have it and as I imagined it to be. Besides some new features which make it much prettier (from my point of view), there is a great amount of new weapons, armors, items, creatures and enemies. Of course the removal of errors is also included. For example the following things are fixed: Wrong or unlogical nomenclature, floating objects, bugs and so on.
More information, screens and contents:
You can download the Mod and English Readme at http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=34673
"Oblivion War Cry - New Dimension" VS. "Oblivion War Cry 1.085":
When looking for a name for my overhaul, there was one thing I knew: Never ever I wanted to have something like EOO (Eddy's Oblivion Overhaul) or EOI (Eddy's Oblivion Improved). So I asked Lazarus, who liked the idea of resurrecting OWC. I got the permission to use this name when adding a suffix. So "OWC-New Dimension" was born. But it was not only the name, which was interesting for me, but also the fantastic ideas and the content in his PI. OWC stood, thanks to Lazarus, for a stabile and innovative gaming. This tradition will be continued with OWC-ND, though it does hardly have anything in common with the original War Cry. It is neither worse nor better, it is simply different.
List of Highlights:
~ More than170 new hairstyles
~ More than130 new eye types.
~ 25 new races, 22 of them playable
~ More than 4.800 new / newly arranged armor parts
~ More than 760 new / newly arranged pieces of clothing
~ Repacked almost 800 containers
~ Countless new ingredients and containers
~ About 1000 new items to find & collect
~ More than 4700 new / newly arranged weapons
~ About 320 new / newly arranged arrows
~ Revised more than 2.500 NPCs and newly arranged some of them
~ Hundreds of new creatures and enemies
~ Totally new balancing system, values and durability for weapons, armors and items
~ New intro & video
~ 336 new loadingscreens
~ Countless new features and gimmicks
~ OWC-Seaworld, the first working underwater-world for Oblivion with about 100 new creatures and fishes
~ Many new quests and running-gags
~ Atmospheric features like rainbows and falling stars
~ Animated containers and plants
~ New dying animations for some NPCs
~ Rune & jewel system like in Diablo 2 (but it's hard to discover

~ "Better Dungeons": Many vanilla dungeons got a facelift and now look better or contain new areas
OWC has its own extensive directory tree. Because the path length of the operating system is limited to a maximum of 255-260 characters, there might occur errors during unpackin .So please always create a folder called "A " directly under hard drive "C" (or whichever hard drive you want), so that the path is as short as possible.
Download all 20 parts and the OWCNDMainEV (EV = English Version, DV = German Version) and extract them to a folder of your choice. From the OWCNDMainEV, copy the contents of a-Hauptdatei into your Oblivion directory (don't worry, the .esps are in English, Eddy just forgot to rename everything. I'll fix that later). From the other parts, put the data-folders into your Oblivion directory, too. Then, activate the OWC - New Dimension.esp in your Oblivion Launcher or the ModManager of your choice. If you want the new mannequins and the underwater world, activate OWC - Mannequins.esp and OWC - Seaworld.esp.
Alternatively, you can try the mirror on Tesnexus. On the mirror page, scroll down and download the "Hauptdatei" and the Update to v1.1. That would be the full German v1.1. Then you download the OWCNDMainEV file from Tesnexus and copy all of its content into the German download. Then you install it like I described it above.
Unique Landscapes:
OWC - ND conflicts with Unique Landscapes: Arrius Creek and Colovian Higlands. However, German patches exist and I'll load up their English version soon.
Interface Mods:
OWC - ND contains the mod "Oblivion Interface Overhaul" (OIO) and therefore it will conflict with other interface mods like Darnified UI.
However, you can remove OIO by deleting or renaming OWC-ND's Data\Menus folder.
OOO, Fran's, Oblivion WarCry (the original one by Lazarus) and FCOM are definitely incompatible with OWC-ND. However, you can use WAC as long as you don't use its Overspawn.esp.
Economy Mods:
Economy Mods might unbalance the values assigned to the vanilla items by OWC-ND, so for now it's not recommended to use any of them.
Patches for OWC-ND:
Loadingscreens Mods:
OWC-ND contains trollf's loadingscreens, so it will be incompatible with other loadingscreens mods.
You will find them in the ReadMe. The download contains every original ReadMe (if there was any) to honor the sub-authors of this mod. If I forgot someone, please message me. This was not intended.
Most of the credit for the translation goes to nnw - he translated the main part and without him, there wouldn't have been any translation at all. I think he would appreciate a little 'Thank you' from everyone

Special Thanks:
Current team/employees: Growlf, NNW (EV Support)
Beta testers since v1.10: The Community
Former employees until v. 1.10 : Eldarie
Beta testers v1.0: Knochenkeule, Dunkelherz, Karl C. Agathon, Raven 666