1. Anyone have weapons mods like Armamentum working with Tie? Does it work well?
2. What about Expanded Daedric Invasion?
I am pretty sure somewhere in one of the tie thread I answered the question about tie and arma..
Armamentarium has to load after TIE, and it becomes the dominate mod for weapons and armor which mean it follow it vanilla item scaling and not tie item scaling..aka tie remove much the higher lvl armor in game, armamentarium would end up adding it back in and you end up Arma Armor at high lvls very little vanilla armor anymore ..Everything else would follow TIE rules, expect weapons and armor which would follow arma rules instead..
you mean enhanced daedric invasion it should work fine with that..
I have been in contact with Veritas, and I will start a new thread for tie 1.26 for everyone..Either we can let this thread die, or I can start new thread now..?