Oh I feel like that commercial waiting at the door, tapping on the glass, saying "open open open"
so now that I've discovered mods, I'm going crazy. I never knew there were so many great intelligent people out thre making the game world such an awesomely better place. Kudos to you All for what you are doing. Bethseda made a great game but you modders make it even better. If the creation stories in Genesis were true, you guys could one-up God and finish up this world.

quick question on TIE compatibility with Living Economy. I have LE loading first but still the prices default to LE prices. For example most cluttt is back to $0 . I liked that TIE made clutter worth something.
I realize it takes work on my pArt to get mods to work and that's ok because it's a drop in the bucket compared to the effort you put into making these great mods. Thank you!