FCOM questions should probably be asked in the FCOM thread.
I was more making an observation. I went to all that effort to install FCOM...and then my toon gets taken out by a mouse.
That seems like an awfully narrow view of things IMO.
Just being honest.
heh...well people DO tend to gravitate to whats popular (making it even more popular). And OOO is popular for very good reasons, (FCOM is popular for the very bravest tweakers). TIE, though, deserves an honored place in the overhaul community, imo. There are many reasons I chose TIE...especially after I leaned about how the different mods actually handle world-leveling.
But its not really just about popularity, but support and synergy. For example, the travellers and crowded roads NPCs don't have (as CorePC called it) "Faction Protection". Now, if there were more people into TIE, maybe they would come out with a tweeked version of those mods that created faction protection. AND/or... people comming out with "TIE Convergence" mods that used TIE's non-level system as part of their design. Or a version of MMM (but not quite so many monsters and drop the crafting system) which also didn't rely on level lists, but would hand-place some mobs so that you wouldn't get too many lvl 30 creatures outside IC gates killing all the NPCs.
Anyway, I'm writing here also so as to bump this thread to the top...to give TIE more "word of mouth".