And that shiz better vibrate too!
And that shiz better vibrate too!
If you want vibrate stuff you can always go to a s..... shop.
xpadder? Lol if i cant use a controller for a game that was meant to be played with one ill backcharge the game.
Make sure you remember to clean up after the controller finishes vibrating!
After playing this beta, I can't see how a controller would work in this game, too many keys are needed.
Better question would be why did you order a game that you were unsure of having controller support? Why not just wait for the console version that you knew would have controller support? When I think of PC I think mouse and keyboard.
I am not sure how you feel you have a leg to stand on with this demand.
Hmmmm i dont know... i am playing with keyboard + mouse and using ten, maybe twelve keys (outside of WASD) and my controller has more than that.
I have never been a fan of controllers (i got mine to let my gf play lego games) but i can see it working in TESO.
Its not your job to see, its the dev's!
I have never played an elder scrolls title without a controller...
If you didn't use one for the previous titles in the series then may god bless your soul, for you have missed out on some very chillax gameplay. I could even bear the first 10 levels if i could do it with my feet propped up on the desk with an xbox controller in one hand and a beer in the other.
good luck with that...
better yet just buy the console version
@swiftly, that's good for you and all but a majority of people here are PC users so they're only used to the keyboard and mouse. But if you want to use a controller, play on one of the consoles.
Not everyone owns a console or is willing to buy one just for ESO
I would imagine some players only using keys they would use, and still use the keyboard/mouse to talk in chat. I have been playing GuildWars 2 since launch and I use far less key inputs as most people do, but that is probably because I am a Warrior which uses little button mashing according to my play style.
So long as we get a little marker next to the players names so we know why they're bumping into things, unable to hit stuff and can't respond to tells.
Terrible anology...
Oblivian and Skyrim were both made for console and so i played on the 360 with my controller and skyrim had controller support built in.
So yes, i will be expecting to use my controller, especially since this game is coming out on consoles.
ESO wasn't designed to be played with a controller. It was designed for a mouse and keyboard.
Now they might allow for play by a controller, but it wasn't designed primarily with a controller in mind.
Have you been living in a hole the past 3 years? Steam is actually pushing for players to enjoy games with controllers on their PC.
Not everyone likes to be hunched over a keyboard and mouse to play PC games. Do i really need to explain this to you? lol
I have used Xpadder for two years now. It can allocate 300+ key bindings to the Xbox controller. ESO caps out at about 40 or so.
I want controller support as well. I cannot use a KB&M for long periods.
... and I miss the vibrate feature. That alone adds so much to the game.
Precisely, you have your hands and arms extended outwards, and you are a prison to your desk. With a controller i could lay i bed, exercise, or even kick back with my feet in the air while i play.
Get on my comfort level.