I'm just not sure how they would address that in court if needed. I'd need time to research the answer and I've no time until well after release.
I'm just not sure how they would address that in court if needed. I'd need time to research the answer and I've no time until well after release.
So you take another company to court, you can proof beyond a doubt that they stole assets and your IP, and yet the court will still rule against you on the grounds that you didn't try hard enough to make it more difficult for people to steal from you.
I am by no means an expert on legal issues or copyright laws, but it doesn't sound right.
Don't release a physical version If you're just going to make people download 65+% of the game anyway. Rockstar released Gta V on PC physically the http://static1.gamespot.com/uploads/original/1179/11799911/2843150-7.jpg. Sure you had to download a small part of the game, but it was negligible to those with capped or slow internet. Bethesda what do you gain from doing this? Sure you save cost from using dvds, which are dirt cheap anyway, but you alienate the very consumer the physical copy is marketed to in the process.
Do people still think physical media is that outdated just because it′s 2015?
DVDs are getting there. When it takes 10 DVDs to install a game, then it is about time for companies to start the process of going to Blu-ray or USB for their next games.
I don't understand this move by Bethesda. I don't even..
I preordered a disc so I don't have to download the entire game...and now this...
i'm actually pissed
I say just cut down on all the flashy cutscenes and kill cam moves and you′re back on one disc
But thats not the same
That is pursuit of those who have infringed on copyrights. Not letting people get away with stealing IP is not the same as how many barriers you throw up initially.
As mentioned, will this mean that games like Witcher 3 are completely free now? The whole franchise is just up for grabs because Witcher 3 is DRM free?
I said i'm no copyright lawyer, but that seems highly unlikely.
If this was any other game I would've cancelled the preorder.
If that's the way the want to do it, at least they can let the physical versions of the game ship a week earlier, and let people who bought them download and pre-load the missing files, so they can play the game at the day it officially is live.
No, they just assume that since they're sitting on a great broadband line that everyone else is, too. /eyeroll
Great broadband or not, we are still physical beings in a physical world and I for one want to handle physical things. There′s just no appeal whatsoever for me with a game that comes in 100% digital form. No box art to look at, no manual to flip through on the sofa, no nice collection on the shelf to marvel at. Just ones and zeros on the drive and an empty apartment.
there are 2 kinds of game publishing companies one like rockstar games who ships their game with 7 dvd's and only 100mb release date patch required to play the game and than there is bethesda softworks who ships their game with only 1 dvd and 30 gb release date patch.
Good Job Bethesda
I don't have good internet so don't go hating on me. 100mbps connection in my country will cost me arms, legs an my kidney monthly and i don't have spares sadly
It′s easier to get a real gun than a PC game these days!
Ignoring the part where every previous current-gen game that Beth shipped this past year, came with a pile of discs. So if there's "two kinds of game publishing companies", Beth is flip-flopping between the two.
So do we have any new info about amount of data on disc?
According to some people, one of the leakers claims that there is only a Steam installer on a disc (unfortunately I can’t find a source for this information). I really hope this isn’t true