To all the negative users, i cant help but sit and laugh that every single post is "BOTS R BAD, GRAPHICS R BAD" and 90% of these posts are from 360 users.
Please stop generalizing Brink being bad due to you playing it on the 360. Sure it svcks that its not very well optimized for the 360, and i'm sure it will be patched soon
I'm playing this on PC because I knew it'd be better on PC, good luck trying to get players to work as a team on consoles, anything beyond TDM in shooters on consoles is a joke for casual players. I disagree about the bot thing though, this game claims it has a "campaign" and I was expecting one, and it's not, it's the multiplayer with or without bots... it was a poor decision and I felt mislead.
I own all current consoles, and a reasonable (I'm due for an upgrade) pc gaming rig and it looks alright, I definitely not holding 60 fps but it's ok. I do wish the 1p was a little more substantial and the AI at least moderately competent.
On the other hand, when playing with other players it's a lot of fun, the free running works surprisingly well and the objective based game play works on PC, I'm REALLY glad I didn't pick this up on console though, it would have been awful trying to get any of these objectives done with console gamers. I really do wish there was a "quick match" button though, I've been "joining session..." for as long as it took me to write this.
gripe, radial menus should not exist on PC... every time I see one I think consolization.