Brink will deffintly not be the next CS by any means, but when a good game gets going damn its fun.
Now to insert my own opinion: Remember kiddies, the first FPS created was for a pc, they strived on pc's and when you've grown up on them you can actually understand why they belong there, just like RTS and MMO's. And yes, this is coming from someone who owns a Wii, 2 360's(one modded) and a PS3. Third person shooters like GOW are fine for consoles, but fps? no thank you.
To all the negative users, i cant help but sit and laugh that every single post is "BOTS R BAD, GRAPHICS R BAD" and 90% of these posts are from 360 users.
Please stop generalizing Brink being bad due to you playing it on the 360. Sure it svcks that its not very well optimized for the 360, and i'm sure it will be patched soon
However the PC version is quite flawless, but that's what happens when you have dedicated servers vs client side hosting.
So I ask, any other PC players having a good or bad time with brink?