Games that require DRM still get pirated. Games that require DRM to play, which are pirated, and played on an offline computer, often give the player exactly the same benefits that they would have had if they had bought the game.
Imagine - you don't have internet access because you simply cannot afford the monthly rate - you can't play your bought copy of Skyrim with DRM without connecting to the internet. You're pretty much screwed. Or you can play a pirated version of the game, given to you on a memory stick by a friend, and have access to everything that you could have if you had bought the game in the first play (and not have to worry about the install limit, to boot)
I'm particularly against DRM because my bought copy of Windows Vista allowed me to install on 3 systems. Over a period of about 6 months, a faulty power socket in my house and a faulty design of my computer lead to my computer literally burning out three times. After the third time, I not only had to replace my computer and find a solution to the power problem but also replace my copy of Windows Vista.
Yep, it hasnt ever left me behind. But im rarely offline. My internet is on - permanently. We are out of 56k time.
We are *not* out of 56K time... You might be, but there are many, many locations around the world that don't have cheap, reliable and fast internet.