PC Version Request To Bethesda

Post » Mon Jun 27, 2011 7:43 pm

:whisper: Internet service is a recurring fee, a PC and game isn't. :whisper:

Thanks for explaining that Huleed. It's appreciated XD.

You dont need to be online to play the games you have on Steam!

There is no need to be insulting to Huleed Narnia. Some games do require online access because of the DRM included. It's interesting that you think the cleverer give in, the fact that you are wrong about online access for DRM not withstanding.
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A Boy called Marilyn
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Post » Tue Jun 28, 2011 6:34 am

How did this thread turn into a DRM discussion?

First of all, Steam has not been confirmed as being mandatory for this game, but as they used it for Fall Out New Vegas, and I think I read somewhere that they really like Steam, I think it is quite realistic to assume Steam requirement.

Secondly, you do not need to be online all the time to play a Steam game after the initial install check. You do have the option to turn off automatic updating (for example when you are on slower connections). There might be some occasional on-line checks from Steam needed, but you can certainly play the game for days without having to go online (even if you turn off your computer at night). I am pretty sure it wil be clearly written in the requirements that on-line checks are required, so when buying the game you will know this.

If you are worried that Steam is taking up space/ressources from the game on your computer, you should seriously consider buying a new computer. Steam uses a couple of megabytes of resident memory and CPU power that is so small that it is very difficult to measure.

Going back to the original request, as set out by the OP, I just wanted to remind that Oblivion and Morrowind (as far as I remember) were both developed for consoles and then ported to PC. Oblivion (and FO3 and FONV) has IMO a terrible user interface from scratch, but as has been mentioned that is what mods are for. So based on the history of Bethesda role playing games, I am not sure why people are so worried about the PC version of Skyrim being relatively worse compared to Oblivion and Morrowind in that respect?

But I do agree that investing 100s of dollars in PC upgrades feels a bit empty when all games are being developed for the lowest (hardware) denominator = consoles.

And again just to make it 100% clear: Steam does not require you to be online constantly after the initial install check.
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Setal Vara
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Post » Tue Jun 28, 2011 8:06 am

you wont buy skyrim then. bethesda doesnt care for one customer if it prevents alot of piracy

Yeah, right Steam, or any DRM prevents privacy...
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Post » Mon Jun 27, 2011 5:27 pm

I'm not buying Skyrim until Steam shuts down if Skyrim is going to require Steam. Remember Dragon Age? That was terrible. Get banned on the site, you get banned in the game. If we get banned on Steam, we'll probably be banned in Skyrim. And not everyone has internet connection.

almost everyone who has pc has internet connetion and also why would you get banned if you don't break the rules.

but it's true that not everyone wants steama nd skyrim doesn't really make use of it since there is no need for vac
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Post » Tue Jun 28, 2011 2:13 am

And again just to make it 100% clear: Steam does not require you to be online constantly after the initial install check.

I wouldn't argue with that. However, that I ever need to be online, even periodically, to be allowed to play my offline games is not acceptable. Especially if I somehow lose my Steam account, I don't want to be forced into a game of 'do everything I can to make sure the Steam client never knows my account is invalid'. I like to be secure with my purchases, knowing that no matter what happens to the publisher or distributor, and no matter what happens between me and the publisher/distributor, or between the publisher/distributor and another party, I'll still have my $60+ purchase. I don't want to be treated like a criminal because I dared to buy a legit copy, and be under the constant threat that my purchase can be taken away at any time for any reason, with nothing I can do to prevent it.
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Laura Richards
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Post » Mon Jun 27, 2011 7:33 pm

almost everyone who has pc has internet connetion

Maybe, but not every PC has an internet connection. Quite a few people keep their gaming PCs offline so they don't have to deal with viruses and stuff on it.

why would you get banned if you don't break the rules.

I would ask why breaking the rules for an online service should affect your offline games. But if you insist: computer glitch, misunderstanding, account getting hacked, Valve being in a payment dispute with a fourth party...
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Charles Weber
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Post » Tue Jun 28, 2011 12:01 am

They MAKE THEM with a pc... For the console. It then has to be "modified" to work on the PC...

They do it this way because its easier to start at the lowest bar, then work your way up, rather then trying to step a game down so it will operate smoothly with lesser hardware.

The worst thing is though that Bethesda doesn't work their way up. They set graphics and technology at the lowest bar and then STAYS THERE. It svcks like crap.

Bethesda's attitude on all this porting to PC thing is the WORST I've ever seen/heard.

DICE :thumbsup:
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Leticia Hernandez
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Post » Tue Jun 28, 2011 3:13 am

Bethesda's attitude on all this porting to PC thing is the WORST I've ever seen/heard.

Not a big fan of the last 2 Elder Scrolls games then, are you?
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Haley Merkley
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Post » Tue Jun 28, 2011 4:07 am

I agree with most of your points, except the DRM.
I am all for developers adding as many effective anti-piracy measures that they can to games. I know my opinion isn't looked on kindly by many PC gamers, but the fact is our preferred platform HAS suffered this decline in a developers priorities BECAUSE of piracy. Developers turned to primarily focusing on consoles because of piracy losses. I know all the bulletpoint excuses about these people wouldn't have paid for the game anyway... but the truth is... that doesn't matter. Piracy is a REAL problem and anything a developer can do to protect its product should be done.

Things are starting to turn a corner again in the PCs direction. Things like steam and online DRM protections are really helping. That coupled with the serious rise in aftermarket console game sales and trading programs is starting to hurt the console market in much the same way as piracy had hurt PC. PCs have a REAL chance to be the preferred SKU for developers again IF they can manage to protect their product from pirates.
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Post » Tue Jun 28, 2011 6:38 am

Couldn't find a thread that was on the PC version so figured I'd start one. All this is is my simple request to the developers after seeing an article about the console versions being the lead SKU. To me that just sounds like a death bell ringing that PC gamers are gonna get shafted. So in 3 sentences:

Please do not skimp out on the PC version of Skyrim. No insane DRM with install limits and constant online etc... Example personally as a service member we go to alot of place where the internet connection is terrible. When I'd get some free time and want to play something this makes things super difficult on on alot of modern PC games. I invested alot of money into my PC stuff, only to get accused of something only a portion does. I've bought every game I've got. May pirates computers explode and burn em all in hell

Please don't give us consolized menus and gimped aiming/controls etc.. It's all too common with alot of games now days.

And last please give us the detailed graphics and attention to detail we've come to know and love from you guys. They were always sharp and crisp. My 360 (on a 52 inch LED bravia) version doesn't even come close to comparing to my PC version (same set up). We drop all this money into our rigs because we want to experience your game as best as possible. To walk into that forest or dungeon and go holy crap.

All in all I ask you don't forget you're roots. You guys are one of the few companies left out there that haven't succumbed to all this. Remember the love of the game. Hell money is great, but if the industry keeps going the way it is, we'll keep getting bland boring cash cows. I'm starting to feel like it's just not worth it anymore because we keep getting smacked around, even though I gave my hard earned money to enjoy all your hard work. Don't give in. And for those of you that are gonna come in here talking all this [censored] BS about PC elitism etc.. it's not, I own Oblivion and Morrowind on XBOX and PC. Just want a great company that always made great games we've supported through out the years to remember us and show that love back. If that's all you're gonna be in here doing and bashing then to hell with you, go on some other forum. Anyway looking forward to Skyrim. Specially to see what the Argonians and Khajits are gonna look like.

Why do PC gamers always think they deserve special treatment? You guys already have mods, stop asking for more. Geeze. He even said it like a billion times "the PC version is most likely the superior version because of the modding community". So there.
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Post » Mon Jun 27, 2011 5:47 pm

Steam is probably the best DRM they could get. You need internet to install and patch it... that's it, you won't need internet after that ever.

For menus, I really think people are overexaggerating. Have you played Resident Evil on PC? You shouldn't call Oblivion's UI bad, until you've actually seen a bad PC port... And people complain how in games today you can't even change the settings. Yeah, because Bethesda is well known for their lousy PC ports...

For the graphics... deal with it.
Hardly anything uses DX11 today anyway.
And I hardly have any respect toward DICE when they can make console versions for their game but for some reason they're incapable of making a DX9 version for the PC release, so too bad if your OS doesn't supports it...
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Post » Mon Jun 27, 2011 5:48 pm

Well we know we will get DRM in one form or another, regardless of the fact it does nothing to stop piracy it will be used. No point wasting effort arguing about it. Same with graphical enhancements, yeah we'll get slightly bigger textures, etc. but we aren't going to get much.

The one thing that I think we should get is tailored controls and UI. Both OB and FO had pretty terrible PC controls and UI. If they are going to spend any time on the PC version, this is really where I want them to spend it. Darn UI is great for past games, but you can only achieve so much tinkering with the xml. If they actually build a PC interface instead of copy/pasting the console interface there is so much more we could get. Beth should also take a look at http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=34735 to see what sort of things the PC key mappings should include.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed they'll put the appropriate time and effort into the PC port this time, but keeping my expectations rather low unfortunately.
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Post » Tue Jun 28, 2011 12:03 am

Thinly vieled personal attack? That usually happens when you no longer have a valid argument to debate, and I notice you didn't refute my point.

Wait, was just a question because you seem to run out of arguments(apart from the I dont want to be online for my offline game mimimi) and are still denying the fact you dont need any internetconnection if you have done the initial check and QQ about it further on.
My argument is pretty much airtight. So I dont need to argue about your points ;)
I dont care if you play Skyrim or not - period. Nobody cares for you on this forums, on this forums nobody cares for anyone.
If you dont play Skyrim Im as happy as I am at any time.

Why do PC gamers always think they deserve special treatment? You guys already have mods, stop asking for more. Geeze. He even said it like a billion times "the PC version is most likely the superior version because of the modding community". So there.

Because consoles are technically old rubbish.
A PC can do more graphicwise and contentwise.
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Post » Tue Jun 28, 2011 8:44 am

As long as skyrim is properly optimised for PC I'm happy, No drm or rather, no forced drm is a huge bonus of course, but not a requirement from my point, however while I like steam I agree that it should be an optional possibility, and not a forced one.
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Post » Tue Jun 28, 2011 2:04 am

I hate Steam with a passion. I have ever since I got New Vegas and realized I needed Steam to run it. My internet connection is spotty, I don't have time for a 1 gb download every 6 seconds, thanks.
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Tiffany Castillo
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Post » Tue Jun 28, 2011 12:29 am

Remember Oblivion?

yes i do remenber about oblivion, amazing game for the pc... i had no problems that any other console user had as well, plus, i had mods fixing them and i had alot more control....so yea, i remenber oblivion, so i made my point here...
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Brandi Norton
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Post » Mon Jun 27, 2011 10:14 pm

I hate Steam with a passion. I have ever since I got New Vegas and realized I needed Steam to run it. My internet connection is spotty, I don't have time for a 1 gb download every 6 seconds, thanks.

I wonder what Fall Out New Vegas edition you have?

As far as I remember there has only been 2 major patches to FONV and none of them were anywhere near 1 gb?
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Taylor Tifany
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Post » Mon Jun 27, 2011 4:45 pm

yes i do remenber about oblivion, amazing game for the pc... i had no problems that any other console user had as well, plus, i had mods fixing them and i had alot more control....so yea, i remenber oblivion, so i made my point here...

True, I had almost no Problems with Oblivion however some things were odd. But that affected both PC and consoles
The only thing was the clumsy UI, but that was changeable.

I wonder what Fall Out New Vegas edition you have?

As far as I remember there has only been 2 major patches to FONV and none of them were anywhere near 1 gb?

Well thats the usual Steambash without a good reason.
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Ricky Rayner
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Post » Tue Jun 28, 2011 5:44 am

Morrowind and Oblivion didn't require Steam.......
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Noraima Vega
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Post » Mon Jun 27, 2011 9:39 pm

Morrowind and Oblivion didn't require Steam.......

No, but they had other forms of DRM, so your point is...?
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helen buchan
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Post » Tue Jun 28, 2011 1:03 am

Don't forget about Multi-threading support, that was a real pain in oblivion. Every time it lagged you could just fell the wasted power.
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