I think the new ui is stupid for pc, and pray they change it. I'd much rather have lists like oblivion, only more than 5 things showing

, with all stats visible and then still be able to click on an item and see it 3d like skyrims ui. Screw seeing only one items stats at a time. The new ui has half the screen unused.
Mandatory updates should be a no no anyway, thats the only thing that pisses me off about steam but at least you can avoid in the future by using offline mode. Unfortunately I learned the hard way and now I can't play shogun 2 anymore because it has to download a patch that's over 1GB. I have dial-up and it estimates the download time to be 25 days >.>
Are you planning on getting skyrim for pc? It will more than likely have a day 0 patch, upwards of 1gb. Most new games have them, and I can't imagine skyrim being any different. I don't know how consoles handle that though, but the last 2 new games I got through steam needed a day one patch.