Please do not skimp out on the PC version of Skyrim. No insane DRM with install limits and constant online etc... Example personally as a service member we go to alot of place where the internet connection is terrible. When I'd get some free time and want to play something this makes things super difficult on on alot of modern PC games. I invested alot of money into my PC stuff, only to get accused of something only a portion does. I've bought every game I've got. May pirates computers explode and burn em all in hell
Please don't give us consolized menus and gimped aiming/controls etc.. It's all too common with alot of games now days.
And last please give us the detailed graphics and attention to detail we've come to know and love from you guys. They were always sharp and crisp. My 360 (on a 52 inch LED bravia) version doesn't even come close to comparing to my PC version (same set up). We drop all this money into our rigs because we want to experience your game as best as possible. To walk into that forest or dungeon and go holy crap.
All in all I ask you don't forget you're roots. You guys are one of the few companies left out there that haven't succumbed to all this. Remember the love of the game. Hell money is great, but if the industry keeps going the way it is, we'll keep getting bland boring cash cows. I'm starting to feel like it's just not worth it anymore because we keep getting smacked around, even though I gave my hard earned money to enjoy all your hard work. Don't give in. And for those of you that are gonna come in here talking all this [censored] BS about PC elitism etc.. it's not, I own Oblivion and Morrowind on XBOX and PC. Just want a great company that always made great games we've supported through out the years to remember us and show that love back. If that's all you're gonna be in here doing and bashing then to hell with you, go on some other forum. Anyway looking forward to Skyrim. Specially to see what the Argonians and Khajits are gonna look like.