Alright. I've just finished making a few changes - ones I've been wanting to make for a long time. They are:
1) All gardens are now considered private property. You can still go in them, but walk away from the crops. If you attempt to take anything from them you'll be warned. Stealing crops is now a crime. This is not something I will remove as I've always considered it atrocious to be able to walk into anyone else's garden and just casually [censored] it for its resources. You want to be an alchemist? Buy your ingredients or else sneak in at night.
2) Soul Gems that have souls in them are quite a bit more valuable now. Finding or making ones with souls can now be quite lucrative.
Comments, disagreements, and death threats may be emailed to me

I'm going to test the file first then I'll release it this afternoon. (right now it's noon EST).