Let me start by saying that I am as big of a fan of Bethesda's games as anyone. They are, by far my favorite developers and their open world games are like no other. However, the one thing that drives me nuts about Fallout is the lack of vehicles. Specifically motorcycles and cars. What's worse is that now it seems that we'll have access to a vertibird which begs the question, the technology is there for vertibirds but not cars or motorcycles? It just makes it difficult for me to suspend my disbelief that this is even possible. I realize that Bethesda isn't going to put something in the game (like vehicles) if it doesn't work right and I'm willing to be that is the case once again for Fallout 4. However, by the time Fallout 5 rolls around and they're (hopefully) using a new engine, I hope that one can accommodate the use of vehicles.