We know we'll be able to (at least some of the time) jetpack in PA. We can ride in a vertibird and fire down in real time, and we see a giant and deep quarry. This combined with Bethesda saying that they designed the game world with verticality in mind, more than any game they have worked on, means a game world potentially with much more... depth.
I wonder how much more playspace this factors into, in game. I know there are those who, after seeing leaked gameplay, think the map is going to be "not too big enough!", or something.
But if the Boston ruins are as large and dense as I think they may be- Then this could amount to quite a lot of area to cover. I'm speculating that without the need to load as many cells this go around, more of the actual downtown ruins will be accessible, or at least more so than the DC ruins. I can really see the Boston ruins being much more of a 3D playspace than the DC ruins were.
What are your thoughts on this?
What types of places would you want to see utilize the vertical dimension? What types of scenarios?