a very controversial, but popular, topic

Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:55 am

I, like many others, wish I could mod the game, however it seems that moding consoles is not possible. So to say mod it say spend

$800 and the game so that you can mod it with what you want. (please people do not turn this into a computer V console war) What I want you to realize is that modding isn't something that is available to everyone, and this is an aspect that wouldn't be bad. Even those against nudity would not have to take off their underwear or take other people's off. Those over 18 can buy it and those under 18 well probably will get it if their parents allow. Either way it wouldn't have to be invasive at all nor would you see people running naked everywhere. Most likely place to see people in their underwear would be in their homes or at a pub when they lose their shirts gambling.

But you said in the OP that you used the BB mod?
I'm on a console too, and not having mods is just something I have to live with. I wouldn't want Bethesda to put in something which would garner a ridiculous amount of controversy (and it would - that's just the way it is for some reason) and possibly have it banned in some places just for the sake of a pair of pants (or lack thereof).
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 7:08 am

I think everybody on the planet who has reached a certain age is into that kind of stuff. Just sayin'.

Frankly, not in video games. My exotic movies repertoire is huge enough for Grosse Bertha to be satisfied easily, plus I'm not abandonned IRL too. That kind of stuff doesn't interest me in TES, I'd much prefer to kill lots of things. But I'm ok if it's there...
Thus said, I don't even think it's a good thing. As far as I remember, I never fantasized over a character I had six with in a game, or I saw nvde. A contrario, I found myself having really sportive dreams with Zelda ^^
I think if you show too much your imagination don't work anymore. And the ability to to tickle your imagination is the most important part of any story.
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Allison C
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:06 am

I personally don't care one way or the other. Some may argue realism, others may have a desire to roleplay as necrophilliac necromancers--who knows? But ultimately, from a business standpoint its a terrible idea, and we all know why. I do find it sadly ironic though, that this is the state of the society we live in. Its okay to create a game where we can slaughter villages, but a little virtual skin is considered some huge contoversial issue.

I agree totally with your 'sad irony' comment. Which is why I think it would be a good thing to have nudity in the game... games, like movies, have the power to challenge the status quo, bit by bit.

You are absolutely correct though, it wouldn't be good for business in the short term - and is basically just not going to happen.
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Taylrea Teodor
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 11:26 am

But you said in the OP that you used the BB mod?
I'm on a console too, and not having mods is just something I have to live with. I wouldn't want Bethesda to put in something which would garner a ridiculous amount of controversy (and it would - that's just the way it is for some reason) and possibly have it banned in some places just for the sake of a pair of pants (or lack thereof).


One of my favorite mods for morrowind and oblivion is the "better bodies" mod (THIS IS NOT A THREAD ABOUT THE BETTER BODIES MOD). Most of you who use mods probably know of it. What it does is get rid of the glued on underwear and when you take everything, you take EVERYTHING. Revealing otherwise revealed "mature" parts. I would like this added to the game with a default setting being the cloths stay on. It shouldn't be a problem if "underwear" is an option to take or leave when looting. Personally I enjoyed streaking in morrowind. Made the comments all the more funny. What say y'all?

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Dawn Farrell
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 8:27 am


Maybe he has a computer, but an old one he cannot afford to upgrade, so he will play Skyrim on the console ? :)

Heh, I know I will have to throw a cashwad to get my computer up to speed. :P
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Phillip Brunyee
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 4:08 am


whatever dude. My comp for morrowind cannot play oblivion, what makes you think it'll do for skyrim.
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Harry Leon
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:08 am

whatever dude. My comp for morrowind cannot play oblivion, what makes you think it'll do for skyrim.

Well maybe instead of buying your 360 (which broke) and getting a used PS3 you should have just upgraded your computer or bought a new one. If you really are this bothered about nudity then surely you could scraqe together the money to build a half decent rig??
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Sophie Morrell
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:25 pm

I think bethesda could get away with exposing female nipbles (God of war 3 definitely got away with it), but anything more and I think the public will react like they did to hot coffee.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 11:19 am

Well maybe instead of buying your 360 (which broke) and getting a used PS3 you should have just upgraded your computer or bought a new one. If you really are this bothered about nudity then surely you could scraqe together the money to build a half decent rig??

I certainly wish I could, unfortunately I have an upgradeable lousy laptop. As soon as I can afford something better, which will likely be some time since I barely make ends meet, however that's not the point of this thread. The point is to discus this aspect in the game. How it'd make it better? Can we look past the auto-objection features and see the potential for improving the quality of game?
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Roanne Bardsley
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 4:47 am

While a body replacement, and a nvde one at that is close to the first mod that I will be installing, I don't think that it would be a default option - even Better Bodies had a permanent underwear version for thous who wanted it :) Having removable underwear can be realistic, and hilarious in some cases (how about putting some enchantment on your knickers? :D), but with the amount of complaining and whining it will arise in the community it may be not the best move to make it a default setting...
But I see a problem for console players... So maybe an optional feature?
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Nikki Hype
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:09 pm

They are about as likely to do this as they are to have lady gaga do the title song.

actually I would like to see that :biggrin:
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Kelli Wolfe
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 4:23 am

While a body replacement, and a nvde one at that is close to the first mod that I will be installing, I don't think that it would be a default option - even Better Bodies had a permanent underwear version for thous who wanted it :) Having removable underwear can be realistic, and hilarious in some cases (how about putting some enchantment on your knickers? :D), but with the amount of complaining and whining it will arise in the community it may be not the best move to make it a default setting...

WOW!!! I didn't think about it, but enchant the knickers with levitation :P or have a "chasity belt" fortify it with an electric shield :P and people say you can't role play with it :P
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Elisha KIng
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 9:29 am

I certainly wish I could, unfortunately I have an upgradeable lousy laptop. As soon as I can afford something better, which will likely be some time since I barely make ends meet, however that's not the point of this thread. The point is to discus this aspect in the game. How it'd make it better? Can we look past the auto-objection features and see the potential for improving the quality of game?

I can see very limited ways it could improve game play, none of which would increase the sales enough to match the loss of sales caused by peoples knee jerk reactions to nudity in games. I for one would be put off by seeing naked people in Skyrim. It just doesn't add enough game play options. It doesn't really add any game play options, just satisfies a few peoples RPing needs.
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Trent Theriot
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 9:04 am

Well maybe instead of buying your 360 (which broke) and getting a used PS3 you should have just upgraded your computer or bought a new one. If you really are this bothered about nudity then surely you could scraqe together the money to build a half decent rig??

*shrug* I do agree that it's not a *huge* problem, and that Bethesda will probably go the safe route to avoid idiot clamoring around their products - who could blame them to want to avoid that outcry.

Still, it is sad. What's problematic with nudity ? As Unclellama rightfully pointed out, we can blow up villages in games, but a micrometre of bare skin, oh my... How odd is that. :mellow: Anyway, I do use the Better Bodies naked mod. I wanted better shaped bodies, and why not remove those illogical underwears all the same ? It's a detail, but it feels more right. Like having windows you could actually see through. Or scabbards to your swords.

Anyway, mods while being awesome, aren't a systematic answer for everything, not even for background things. Having uncanny NPCs face did not prevent us to play Oblivion ; it's sort of minor : what would you think if Bethesda, instead of working on implementing better faces in Skyrim, told us to "go get mods" ?

It's a point worth discussing, I reckon. Again, to quote Unclellama, sure Bethesda would get a lot of heat, but games and movies could make bit by bit a difference, in a natural, neither prude nor obscene, view of nudity. :)
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:48 am

WOW!!! I didn't think about it, but enchant the knickers with levitation :P or have a "chasity belt" fortify it with an electric shield :P and people say you can't role play with it :P

And think about the names for the items, I mean "Slippers of Doom" in MM where hilarious (the item was slippers, and of doom was a name for a certain enchantment scheme), just imagine what we can get with enchantable underwear :D
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Kieren Thomson
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:40 pm

It would be too much trouble for Bethesda to deal with, with the whole controversy thing, for too little gain. Leave it to the modders.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:58 am

I can see very limited ways it could improve game play, none of which would increase the sales enough to match the loss of sales caused by peoples knee jerk reactions to nudity in games.

Who says it would hurt sales? If that was the case, surely games like God of War and The Witcher wouldn't sell so well. There would probably be a public reaction yes but that is not necessarily a bad thing for sales, it certainly dosn't seems to have hurt Rockstar.

I for one would be put off by seeing naked people in Skyrim.

Then it's a good thing you don't have to. Did you miss the part about it being optional?

It just doesn't add enough game play options. It doesn't really add any game play options, just satisfies a few peoples RPing needs.

That is for the people who is actually gonna use it to judge.
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Celestine Stardust
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:20 am

dude, this is the elder scrolls, a mature fantasy rpg. Mature doesn't mean you should streak, nor should such a thing be part of the game. I mean, cmon how old are you? Grow up, for pete's sake...

i second that
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 10:27 am

AliTheLord, on 26 January 2011 - 09:08 AM, said:
I can see very limited ways it could improve game play, none of which would increase the sales enough to match the loss of sales caused by peoples knee jerk reactions to nudity in games.

Who says it would hurt sales? If that was the case, surely games like God of War and The Witcher wouldn't sell so well. There would probably be a public reaction yes but that is not necessarily a bad thing for sales, it certainly dosn't seems to have hurt Rockstar.

I for one would be put off by seeing naked people in Skyrim.

Then it's a good thing you don't have to. Did you miss the part about it being optional?

It just doesn't add enough game play options. It doesn't really add any game play options, just satisfies a few peoples RPing needs.

That is for the people who is actually gonna use it to judge.

I second this notion.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 11:55 am

WOW!!! I didn't think about it, but enchant the knickers with levitation :P or have a "chasity belt" fortify it with an electric shield :P and people say you can't role play with it :P

Does not work well in Oblivion as you can only have one layer of cloth, so if you put on pants, greaves, skirt or robes you have to undress it.
In Morrowind you could wear pants, greaves, skirts and robe at once so you would probably suffer overheating and don’t know that you had a nvde mod installed :)
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Captian Caveman
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 8:25 am

Does not work well in Oblivion as you can only have one layer of cloth, so if you put on pants, greaves, skirt or robes you have to undress it.
In Morrowind you could wear pants, greaves, skirts and robe at once so you would probably suffer overheating and don’t know that you had a nvde mod installed :)

Yes morrowind was good in many ways. For one if you striped your victim you could put back on pants of your choosing. Also wearing to much should have an effect, on a hot day you would get exhausted if you're "over dressed"
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 11:55 am

Im all for it, but Im a blase European who thinks all bodyparts are comparable to a nose or ears, nothing to freak out about, only natural.

But the game is made in America and for some reason Americans are more uptight about these things.
As was very noticable when Janet Jackson had a 'wardrobe malfunction' and none of us Europeans understood what the big deal was, but it was the talk of the month in the states.
Ive played Daggerfall and I dont think Bethesda has a problem with the human body, but the people that censor the media in America do. And I dont think they could get the game passed censorship so it can be sold to as many people as possible if it included nudity.

So I think that it would be best left to the modding community, and in the vanilla game it would make more sense for Bethesda to make NPC's wear underwear.
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Charleigh Anderson
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 9:24 am

I don't care, I don't plan on stripping down at any point... Perhaps it should be out because I don't want my sister to question me if I loot a corpse when she's in the room.. then again if it's toggleable, I wouldn't care at all..
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:50 pm

A few games today include female toplessness (although for very sixist reasons) so I think that's as much nudity it will ever be possible to have in TES without modding.

BTW, Bethesda would probably just make the least realistic nvde bodies ever.
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Elizabeth Davis
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 9:12 am

Im all for it, but Im a blase European who thinks all bodyparts are comparable to a nose or ears, nothing to freak out about, only natural.

But the game is made in America and for some reason Americans are more uptight about these things.
As was very noticable when Janet Jackson had a 'wardrobe malfunction' and none of us Europeans understood what the big deal was, but it was the talk of the month in the states.
Ive played Daggerfall and I dont think Bethesda has a problem with the human body, but the people that censor the media in America do. And I dont think they could get the game passed censorship so it can be sold to as many people as possible if it included nudity.

So I think that it would be best left to the modding community, and in the vanilla game it would make more sense for Bethesda to make NPC's wear underwear.

At least until the Americans grow up a little and realise censorship is a great evil, I think this is the way to go.

First off I am a proud American. I don't think people should be running around everywhere, no nvde beaches and certainly no six everywhere. When I was looking for a mod such as the BB mod I found all kinds of sick hentai six mods. Also found one where there was some cool armor, but had a womens boob hanging out. But if someone is randomly bathing in a lake I'm fine with that. Most people will be dressed. Also it's not about underwear or no underwear it's about it being attached to you, that's just wrong in my opinion. These days that is, back on the 2-D screen sure, but as BB showed it can be done tastefully.
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