In, I want it (58 votes [26.01%])
out, I don't want it (94 votes [42.15%])
out, I think it'd hurt Bethesda too much, though would like it (55 votes [24.66%])
Undecided (16 votes [7.17%])
One of my favorite mods for morrowind and oblivion is the "better bodies" mod (THIS IS NOT A THREAD ABOUT THE BETTER BODIES MOD). Most of you who use mods probably know of it. What it does is get rid of the glued on underwear and when you take everything, you take EVERYTHING. Revealing otherwise revealed "mature" parts. I would like this added to the game with a default setting being the cloths stay on. It shouldn't be a problem if "underwear" is an option to take or leave when looting. Personally I enjoyed streaking in morrowind. Made the comments all the more funny. What say y'all?
The option should be for equipable/unequipable underwear on the option menu. Even if turned on you would still have the option of actually taking the knickers.
That way you can make it "appropriate" when necessary.
Highlighted points ( you don't need to read them they're just a few well stated points from the previous thread.)
quote LostInSpace
*shrug* I do agree that it's not a *huge* problem, and that Bethesda will probably go the safe route to avoid idiot clamoring around their products - who could blame them to want to avoid that outcry.
Still, it is sad. What's problematic with nudity ? As Unclellama rightfully pointed out, we can blow up villages in games, but a micrometre of bare skin, oh my... How odd is that. Anyway, I do use the Better Bodies naked mod. I wanted better shaped bodies, and why not remove those illogical underwears all the same ? It's a detail, but it feels more right. Like having windows you could actually see through. Or scabbards to your swords.
Anyway, mods while being awesome, aren't a systematic answer for everything, not even for background things. Having uncanny NPCs face did not prevent us to play Oblivion ; it's sort of minor : what would you think if Bethesda, instead of working on implementing better faces in Skyrim, told us to "go get mods" ?
It's a point worth discussing, I reckon. Again, to quote Unclellama, sure Bethesda would get a lot of heat, but games and movies could make bit by bit a difference, in a natural, neither prude nor obscene, view of nudity.
quote Unclellama
I think that you could argue that the *primary* purpose of Better Bodies was to make bodies look better

It was available both in nvde and non-nvde versions.
What I would like is undergarments as a seperate object. nvde mods are all very well, but it seems wierd that you end up stripping down all the bandits just to loot their armour.
Plus, there's lots of potential in a snowy environment for catching a cold (that drains stamina or something) if not equipped with wooly underwear. And possibly a 'naked Nord' perk that prevents this need.
As for nudity in general: sure, there are a lot of reasons not to have it in the vanilla game, but none of those reasons have to do with the game itself... In game, not being able to take off your clothes is just an arbitrary restriction.
I don't expect it to be possible to take off your clothes in Skyrim, and don't care that much either way, but I would be pleasantly surprised if it is possible. There are lots of good roleplaying reasons for taking one's clothes off - for example, research shows that it heightens the sanitary value of having a bath.
quote Sshodan
While a body replacement, and a nvde one at that is close to the first mod that I will be installing, I don't think that it would be a default option - even Better Bodies had a permanent underwear version for thous who wanted it Having removable underwear can be realistic, and hilarious in some cases (how about putting some enchantment on your knickers? ), but with the amount of complaining and whining it will arise in the community it may be not the best move to make it a default setting...
But I see a problem for console players... So maybe an optional feature?
quote LostInSpace
*shrug* I do agree that it's not a *huge* problem, and that Bethesda will probably go the safe route to avoid idiot clamoring around their products - who could blame them to want to avoid that outcry.
Still, it is sad. What's problematic with nudity ? As Unclellama rightfully pointed out, we can blow up villages in games, but a micrometre of bare skin, oh my... How odd is that. Anyway, I do use the Better Bodies naked mod. I wanted better shaped bodies, and why not remove those illogical underwears all the same ? It's a detail, but it feels more right. Like having windows you could actually see through. Or scabbards to your swords.
Anyway, mods while being awesome, aren't a systematic answer for everything, not even for background things. Having uncanny NPCs face did not prevent us to play Oblivion ; it's sort of minor : what would you think if Bethesda, instead of working on implementing better faces in Skyrim, told us to "go get mods" ?
It's a point worth discussing, I reckon. Again, to quote Unclellama, sure Bethesda would get a lot of heat, but games and movies could make bit by bit a difference, in a natural, neither prude nor obscene, view of nudity.
quote Rezro Variant
Of course you should be able to be completely 'nvde' in Skyrim. People always suggest modifications will add 'nudity' so it doesn't matter anyway or it shouldn't be added because it can be added for those that want it on the PC through modifications, but not everyone will be able to get the PC version. The largest audience of people are still buying The Elder Scrolls for the consoles. Besides, those modifications made by people wouldn't be considered canon. It would be nice to see the ones behind the game designing the 'nudity.'
Since for some reason it's still an issue for people, there should be an option in the menu to turn on and off all 'nudity.' It could be defaulted as turning all 'nudity' off, and would make it exactly like Oblivion where the underwear/bra cannot be taken off and also for people being looted it would not remove their underwear/bra. Additionally, if there is a mission like in Oblivion where your character is supposed to be 'nvde' (the mission where you get your clothes removed in the Mage's dream world) it would enact it like Oblivion where everything but the underwear/bra is removed...
quote mumatil
I would like better textures and different underwear. Wierd how everyone wears a loin cloth under their clothes wether their wearing silk or raggs.
Nudity? Not needed for the game and would only lead toward angry dumb parents(who should actually start parenting) causing problems and less sales for Beth due to countries with stricter maturity ratings.
Poor India and Austrailia....
quote Madaras Zore
As previously mentioned (not by me) underwear is important in keeping your valuables warm. (so you don't lose em) Someone could strip you for any number of reasons, maybe you aren't wearing underwear under your pants! that 1 pound encumbrance you found unnecessary so you got rid of them, or maybe you have a phobia. Any number of ways you can look at it. Even you just meet up with some cruel bandits who's friend you left to die naked in the mountains! So many possibilities especially now in gaming.
quote Madaras Zore
I find boobs tasteless, and mainly enjoyed by the.....Maybe it's because I'm ex-military as to why I don't have a strong, gross, reaction. It's just normal. I think the girls should have underwear as well, and we "could" choose to undress those we kill as much as any guy character....necromancy would be a bit creepier that way, but hey it's your necro-harem if you want it
quote Madaras Zore
Good point!() Speaking of necro-harems if you happen to have one I'm sure you'd be very unpopular and you might have family members of those dead try and kill you, the guards won't like it either, not to mention you'd have many people who just object to you having undead wenches living in your mansion, however you might be able to develop a cult of followers. (A bit of radiant AI role playing aspect of the game)
This post has been edited by Madaras Zore: 26 January 2011 - 12:01 PM