- Oh noes! I'd better run
- Cowers into a corner while Strong goes Leeroy Jenkins
- Alpha Deathclaw immediately counters with Falcon Punch
- Strong is now trapped in a corner with the Alpha Deathclaw
- Better him than me! I guess i'll use him as bait while I unload a few clips
- Alpha Deathclaw get's pissed
- Alpha Deathclaw immediately disappears by flying 200 feet into the air
- Watch Alpha Deathclaw splat on the floor after hitting a large machine generator on the way down
- Takes opportunity to unload a whole clip at this point
- Feels good man
- Didn't even need to shoot it since the fall had already killed him
- Loot and move on with life
So yep. This was my first experience with an Alpha Deathclaw. Anyone else?